Fallsburg – The Raleigh, one of the last of the famed Catskills hotels, has been sold to a Hasidic group for $5.1 million. The plan is to turn the former landmark, into a religious day camp.
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Congregation Khal Bnei Zion Inc, purchased the 320-room hotel and 90 acres on July 18, county records show. The Congregation is affiliated with the Brooklyn-based Bobov sect that own a religious camp across the road.
On June 8, Mendel Lerner and attorney Steve Proyect told the town planning board that the sale to Congregation Khal Bnei Zion was imminent. They asked the town to approve a special use permit to operate a children’s camp with 200 children and 20 to 30 staff members. The town asked for more information. The Congregation has not contacted the town since the meeting.
why only 200, how did they come up with this number.