Monsey, NY – Police Still Investigating Neturei Karta Synagogue Fire as Suspicious


    Monsey, NY – Investigators today continued probing what caused last weekend’s fire that destroy a synagogue used by Neturei Karta anti-Zionist religious group.

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    They ruled out an accelerant being used to start the blaze at Bias Yehuda on Saddle River Road. But the fire remains suspicious because no cause has been determined. Arson has not been ruled out, but neither has an accidental cause. The old rundown building caught fire Sunday evening.

    “The only thing we’re comfortable saying at this point is there was no accelerant used,” Ramapo Detective Lt. Brad Weidel said today. “We’re still working on it and interviewing people.”
    Ramapo police are working with the Sheriff’s Department Bureau of Criminal Investigation arson unit. [Journal News]

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    17 years ago

    Actually, while they lost mere property it is the zionists who are losing their lives. So G-d’s message is quite clear. Mess with the Torah, creating a state before He allows it and you will pay for it with your blood.

    Property can always be rebuilt. It is the Jewish lives lost due the zionist wars that are a shame.

    17 years ago

    I believe this fire was set by the Hand of G-d Himself, punishing these apikorsim for creating such a giant chillul Hashem by proclaiming themselves to the world and its ignorant media to be “authentic” religious Jews and even costuming themselves as such — all the while cavorting with such evil rashaiim as the late murderer Arafat, Sheik Yassin of Hamas, Holocaust deniers like KKK/Nazi leader David Duke, the racist criminal Louis Farrakahn and Iran’s terrorist-loving “president” Amadinejad.

    In His great mercy, He only destroyed their headquarters so-called “synagogue” on erev Pesach as a warning to them to cease and desist, but He did NOT kill or injure anyone. These mamzerim have now been warned by G-d that they must now all immediately do tshuva, or face greater punishment next time, at a time and a place of Hashem’s own choosing.