Jerusalem – 24-Hour Kabbalah Channel Launches on Israel Television


    Jerusalem – Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, the international group of Kabbalists based in Israel, is proud to announce the launching of its 24-hour Kabbalah Channel on channel 66 in Israel. The non-stop programming schedule features current affair, lifestyle, family, education and parenting segments, along with Zohar lessons, personal stories, and live lectures. Regular guests include prominent public figures in Israel such as celebrities, scientists, authors, educators, lawyers, analysts, futurists, performing artists, athletes, professors, psychologists, therapists and more.

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    The new Kabbalah channel will launch in Hebrew and gradually expand to include content in other languages. A slate of English programs currently being produced in Israel with the help of Canadian actor and director Andrew Kenneth Martin is scheduled to be released throughout 2009. Martin recently collaborated with another Canadian talent, writer and performer Tony Kosinec, to develop an inspired-by-Kabbalah webcast called Perceiving Reality and an interactive FAQ site called Question Your Reality, both offering solutions to life’s pressing problems.

    As TV ratings around the world slump to an all time low, it is clear that viewers have become disenchanted with what the television medium has to offer. With Bnei Baruch interacting with students in over 70 countries, this fresh genre of non-stop spirituality from Israel can potentially serve as the foundation for a universal melting pot, and ultimately draw audiences from all over the world.

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    Use Your Head
    Use Your Head
    16 years ago

    This group is the real thing. They have an excellent website with many resources. Not only is the content legitimate, but the presentation is truly top-class. May they merit to spread Hashem’s truth to the world.

    16 years ago

    Is this being run by frum people?

    16 years ago

    I think this is an extremely dangerous thing to have on TV it will be used totally wrongly

    16 years ago

    They’re missing the point, entirely. When they start mixing Kabbalah and Zohar with their other, regular programming! Zohar is not to be taught or recited casually. There are a lot of controversial passages in that Midrash, which leave themselves open to a myriad of interpretations. And without the right perspective (and background of life experience) one can draw the wrong conclusions! Furthermore, the true Kabbalists don’t walk around throwing their “Magic” in the air. Kabbalah (which literally means “Tradition”) is a way of life where discretion is one of its main attributes!!!

    Use Your Head
    Use Your Head
    16 years ago

    Bigwheel, since you clearly have all the answers, you ought to know that the literal translation of “Kabbalah” is not “Tradition” but “Receiving”.

    16 years ago

    In order to learn Kabbalah,you have to know the Parsha of the week where it says
    ויהי יצחק, בן-ארבעים שנה, בקחתו את-רבקה בת-בתואל הארמי “And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean.” It’s embedded in this Passuk that at the age of Forty is when you start to learn Kabbalah.

    P.S. if you can’t find it I will gladly show it anybody.

    16 years ago


    In order to learn Kabbalah and Chassidus, you have to read the directive and explanation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who told us learning Pnimiyus HaTorah is the key to understanding Torah and the Mitzvos and to bringing Moshiach . . .
    no matter how old you are.

    Don’t believe him? Read the Vilna Gaon’s Kabbalah sefarim. Don’t believe him? Read the Ramchal’s Kabbalah sefarim. Don’t believe him? Read the Rashbi’s Zohar. Don’t believe him? . . .

    16 years ago

    To Yosef Says
    I learn Chaddius, Kabbalah,Shalah,and Tanya.I could go on,and on,and I went to Yeshiva I am no youngster.I listened to a chabadnik learn Tanya with guys that had no knowledge of Yidishkeit it was like when you schluk Kaporas it also says Bnei Odom together with the person.At the end of the lecture one of them asks I don’t have enough money to buy the Tehilim (Tefilin) for Shel Rosh,and Shel Yad if he could only buy one.Teach them Chimish,and Rasha like everybody else,In order for a ball to get to the outfield,it has to go thru the infield first.There is enough to learn out there before Kabbalah it’s not made for everybody.It says Moshiach will come when everybody does Tschuva,and keeps Shabbos let’s concerate on this,and let the people that have reached the outfield learn Chaddius,and Kabbalah.

    10 years ago

    I have just watched some of your programme and have to say I was disappointed. To be told we can only feel free if we learn to love others, may be right but what was not said was how we are expected to love people when we were not given the tools. I sensed the frustration of the people who asked and understandably so. People truly want better for themselves and to be able to move forward in life they deserve to be given the tools.

    Colette, healer