Jerusalem – Man Draws Photo Of Reb Nachman of Bratslav Z’tl After Claim Of Dream


    Avraham Chaim Biton claimed that Rabbi Nachman appeared in one of his dreams and told him to draw a picture of him. Here is the Jerusalem – It is well – known that no picture of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov exists. What we see today is only his chair at the Great Breslover Synagogue in Mea Shearim Street / Jerusalem.

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    Now according to Israeli Hebrew web site Bhadrei Hardeim a man by the name Avraham Chaim Biton claimed that Rabbi Nachman appeared in one of his dreams and told him to draw a picture of him. Here is the “picture” of Rabbi Nachman according to Biton’s dream. You can accept it as the truth or just ignore it.

    The photo has been distributed in mass all over Israel.

    Nachman of Breslov (Hebrew: נחמן מברסלב‎), also known as Reb Nachman of Bratslav, Reb Nachman Breslover (Yiddish: רב נחמן ברעסלאווער), Nachman from Uman (April 4, 1772 – October 16, 1810), was the founder of the Breslov Hasidic dynasty.

    A list of Breslover Rabbi’s accepting and rejecting the drawing

    Do not accept the picture:
    1. Rabbi Eliezer Berland
    2. Rabbi Yaaakov Me’ir Schechter

    Haven’t seen the picture yet:
    1. Rabbi Eliezer Shlomo Schick
    2. Rabbi Mordechai Elazar Koenig
    3. Rabbi Morgenstern

    Accept the picture:
    1. Rabbi Shmuel Moshe Kremer
    2. Rabbi Shalom Arush
    3. Rabbi Eliyahu Godelski
    4. Rabbi Aharon Yaski
    5. Rabbi Shimon Teichner

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    15 years ago

    Good ART

    15 years ago

    how could anyone except it?

    15 years ago

    Hey,i think its my next door neighbour R Yankelevich.

    15 years ago

    no way its true

    15 years ago

    I think that there are 2 r nachman of breslov 1 that came in the dream & 1 that didn’t come in the dream vlo plig, the one that came in the dream also sent the note from shomayim with na nach nachman muman but the other 1 is still hiding under the stone & wasn’t nisgaleh yet

    Use Your Head
    Use Your Head
    15 years ago

    Purim is already over!

    15 years ago

    In the drawing he appears to be visiting his own grave. Rosh Hashana 2008?

    Shaul in Monsey
    Shaul in Monsey
    15 years ago

    Were the Na Nach yarmulka’s not invented yet when the Rebbe was around? Cause in my dream they were, and the Rebbe wasn’t as blonde, either.

    15 years ago

    Great creative way to make some money!

    15 years ago

    It looks like my schvuger…I thought the goyim had a monopoly on these meshuge visualizations of their moishiach but I guess yiddin can have the same afflictions.

    15 years ago

    Pictures and icons of Saints are a Catholic preocupation not a jewish one.

    15 years ago

    u never knw, it is possible but should be investegated.

    15 years ago

    Does this person in the drawing look like he’s 38, which is how old the Rebbe was when passed away? Yet another chilul hashem of the name of R. Nachman in the guise of people who call themselves Breslov. But of course the flies are also attracted to the honey. How could Arush accept the picture when his rebbe, Berland doesn’t? I don’t believe the list either……

    15 years ago

    please find out wat r morgenstern said about the picture did he accept it or not

    15 years ago

    His dream was making money any one see a problem with that?

    15 years ago

    It’s so saddening to witness how the holy Tzadiks name is being degraded by the so many dope attics, and Meshgeoyim. The picture gives an impression of a old person. It is well know that Rabbi Nachman Z”L was only 38 yrs old when he died. Also is it known that Rabbi Nachman Z”L has a short small beard. These two facts contradicts the dreamed picture. Rabbi Nachman Z”L, when a person has related to him his night dreams, Rabbi Nachman Z”L’s reply was “don’t tell me what you’re dreaming tonight, rather tell me your day dreams“. Rabbi Nachman Z”L is in no way here in our generation to post pictures…. He is here to bring into Klal Yisroel the light of Hashem in order to expedite the redemption of Klal Yisroel. Rabbi Nachman Z”L says that the face, and wisdom of the Tzadik are documented in the Tzadiks writing. If one desires to find the face of the Tzadik he should immerse himself in the holy books of Rabbi Nachman Z”L. Lekutei Moharan, Chai Moharan …….Rabbi Nachman Z”L’s Seforim are resuscitating the so many Jewish Souls. The angel of evil fears Rabbi Nachman’s teaching, and therefore he incites laughter from the many Meshigoyim who supposedly relate themselves to the holy Tzaddik, in order to dissuade the many Yiddishah Neshomas from learning Rabbi Nachmans Seforim. Thank Hashem, the many Yidden who have learned Rabbi Nachmans Seforim have found a massive change in their lives. They have witnessed how their own picture had changed from dark to light.

    15 years ago

    Thats the sad part of the meshiguim of breslev, everything works with a dream.

    15 years ago

    There is a old saying there was a chosid who went to one of the gera rebbes I think it was the beis yisroel and told him about some dream he had the rebbe answered him I am not interested in this dream tell me your other dreams you have and he walked a way

    Gefilte Fish
    Gefilte Fish
    15 years ago

    Sounds like an American dream to me… making money and fame easily…

    Didn’t know Rabbi Nachaman wore a na-nach kipah.

    Did he ask him to make him a facebook profile as well?

    btw, come to think about it, it’s pretty hip to go visit your own grave…

    15 years ago

    He also taught him to draw in the dream?

    Now these jumping vans will have a new piece of art. And wait for the kipas, Tshirts and what not.

    This might become a new phenomenon, spray painting everything with a flat surface. At least they will be more artistic then “Na Nach” graffiti.

    15 years ago

    I wonder why the dreamer haven’t taken out his camera to take a photograph.
    Keep on dreaming, but remember to keep a camera on your bedside.

    Torah Truth
    Torah Truth
    15 years ago

    I’m sure it is an accurate portrait of what he saw in his dream… what’s the point… IT WAS A DREAM!

    15 years ago

    First Of All Who Cares What He Looked Like What Difference Does It Make So What . . . Also The talmidim Of A Person Genrely Show Us What The rebbe Was All About (The Same Goes For Other chassidusim ) Enough Said. . .

    new Breslev division?
    new Breslev division?
    15 years ago

    Will there now be a new division in Breslev? 1) Old Breslev, 2) Na-nach Breslev, 3) Picture Breslev ?

    I'm not so sure...
    I'm not so sure...
    15 years ago

    Don’t be so sure this isn’t a true dream. Years ago I had a dream about my cousin’s house. I’d never been there, it was in a different country, & I never saw a picture. A few months later I went on vacation to visit & the house was exactly as it was in my dream. I mean exactly, even down to the furnishings. I was only 14 & I was totally freaked out & scared to death when I got there & saw it.

    This story may or may not be accurate, but dreams are very powerful. I’m less inclined to joke or be sarcastic about it. Even today I sometimes have dreams about people that do come true. I tell my husband & kids when I have them. They stopped laughing at me a long time ago & wait for the dream to become a reality. It usually does, not always, but more often than not.

    My joke…how come I only dream about people, never lottery numbers? I’ll let you know when I do!

    deep thinker
    deep thinker
    15 years ago

    The article in the Shaa Tove also had a picture of the artist. The beard payos and nose look very similar. Also he claims that he saw rebbi nachman behokitz, that is when he was awake and had a vision of him that lasted 4 hours until he finished the drawing. He claims that it is known that rebbi nachman was blond hence the light beard and payos. The only problem left is its chodesh Nison not Codesh adar.

    15 years ago

    This business of dreams about a rebbe sucha as Rav Nachman is a goiyeshe concept. Goyim have made a big business about seeing the image of their moishiach on all sorts of objects or having revelations in their dreams. Yiddin don’t care what the rebbe may have looked like , only the life he lead and the yichus we derive from his memory.

    15 years ago

    He died at 37 after a long bout of tuberculosis. He used to fast an entire week.
    There is no way he looked so robust. Clearly he would have been haggard with sunken cheeks and little hair.

    15 years ago

    Reb Nachman Z”L lived in Europe in the early 1800’s. He definitely didn’t wear Yerushalmi Levush as in the picture.

    15 years ago

    wat r u guys talking about the maharal says wen a person comes down in a dream he could come down in all different figures so saying that he didnt have blonde hair and he had a shorter beard… is not really a proof its not him so everyone just relax im not trying to say the dream ever happened u never know….

    15 years ago

    #17 in a little over a week it will b pesach u will drink 4cups of wine and eat bitter herbs & at the end of the sedar u will place a cup of wine and stand up open your door and welcome a invisable person into your home to drink wine so yes I think its possible for someone to have a dream from someone who is no longer living

    15 years ago

    why would R’ Nachman ask some random person to draw a picture of him???

    15 years ago

    The name of one of the gedolim is not correct. It’s R’ Eliyahu Godlevski.

    cool masmid
    cool masmid
    15 years ago

    This guy is really something… I meam this guy was making money whilst he sleeps, while the rest of us have to work hard to make a little of that.

    15 years ago

    Oif a choloim fregt men nisht kain kashas

    shlomo zaman
    shlomo zaman
    15 years ago

    It’s frightening that there are so called rabbonim who have “accepted” (not excepted, you illiterates out there, get an education, please) this nonsense. They are con artists, not rabbonim. Only a moron would take this “dream” seriously.

    15 years ago

    I saw that picture in a pizza I bought last week. Foolishly I ate it. I could have made it into a shrine and made a profit int these glum economic times.

    shlomo zalman
    shlomo zalman
    15 years ago

    reply to 29
    Maybe you can enlighten us as to what righteous deeds you have performed that enable you to claim prophecy?

    yeshiva guy
    yeshiva guy
    15 years ago

    This story reminds me of the talking fish in New Square and the dibbuk from 10 years ago…

    15 years ago

    To be honest! I think that this is a much lesser Mishigaas than the Na Nach crap!!!

    15 years ago

    Israel is a tough place to make a living these days. People need new and innovative ways to market their craft.

    15 years ago

    i also had a dream and reb nachman said, “the Vilna Gaon was right!”

    15 years ago

    How stupid can people become?
    Tomorrow someone will come along and say Moshe Rabenu Came to his dream and here is the picture.
    The guy is either a liar, or he imagined it and then dreamed of it. I would rather accept the imagination of Mnachem Mendel in his children books.

    The Truth
    The Truth
    15 years ago

    I HAD A DREAM…….
    If you think long enough all day about something, you will most likely dream about it at night. Just because he dreamt someone came to him who was R’ Nachman and said to draw his picture, it doesnt mean that R’ Nachman actually came to him, but most likely a figment of his imagination. It may be an exact likeness of the person in his dream, but no one nowadays knows an exact picture of what R’ Nachman actually looked like.

    Strange how no one has had The Chofetz Chayim (or anyother well known godol) come to them in a dream and say ‘draw my picture’!

    The Truth
    The Truth
    15 years ago

    Does this guy actually think that the heilig Reb Nachman would be so vain as to ask for someone to draw his picture?!!!!

    15 years ago

    HMM!! I wonder if this picture will start being given out like pictures of the rebbe are?

    15 years ago

    I had a dream last week. Moshe Rabeinu came to me and he was wearing a streimel. When he took it off (because it was hot [my heater was on too high]) he had on a kippa s’ruga.

    What does this mean?

    15 years ago

    It’s almost April Fool’s Day!

    yo man!!!!!
    yo man!!!!!
    15 years ago

    freakshows!!!! breslov hassidism was bankrupt to begin with and this is definitely not helping!!

    yo man!!!!
    yo man!!!!
    15 years ago

    breslov hassidism was bankrupt to begin with and this is definitely not helping!!!!!