Israel – Rabbi Binyamin Adler, the kashrut supervisor of the Jerusalem Rabbinate instructed the Knesset’s kashrut supervisor Rabbi Alex Hochman to remove the Knesset cafeteria’s kosher status until sanitation on the premises is brought up to acceptable standards.
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The instruction follows an incident in which MK Yitzhak Vaknin discovered, to his horror, that a cockroach took residence in his plate of rice.
Adler said that ingesting an insect transgresses five different Torah prohibitions.
The cafeteria will be shut down until Monday and will be heavily fumigated so that there won’t be any other invertebrates hanging around when the cafeteria reopens.
“there won’t be any other invertebrates hanging around when the cafeteria reopens.”
Other than the MK’s of all parties, of course.
But poison is acceptable?
“Adler said that ingesting an insect transgresses five different Torah prohibitions.”
There will be a grand prize awarded to the first VIN reader who is able to correctly identify all five “issurim” associated with eating a cockroach in the kenneset cafeteria. All entries must be posted by 6:00 PM (EY time) on Wednesday. A cite to the specific prohibition from torah, talmud, shulchan aruch, or takanah from recognized posek is required. Self-imposed chumrahs on ingesting specific sub-species of cockroaches are not accepteable.
They closed it for a kashrus violation, but if kashrus had not been involved, just hygiene, would they have closed it for safety?
He’s right! the rice should not be with the parve it should be fleishig. It had more meat in it than their cholent.
big deal! how much could a roach eat anyway???
are they closing all the pizza shops and restaurants in israel because of all the mice droppings and dzoookim too?
There are noissurim involved with roaches. Since when are they sheratzim?
There is a difference between eating a sheretz and a roach.
I was there in march and there was a milk container on the counter in the meaty side. When I inquired, they removed it after averybody was pointing fingers at the other person. I bought a drink and that was my lunch.
I’m amazed this actually happend- the cloing. In other “kosher” restaurants- they would just pull it out and keep serving the next plate. Why else are there so many kosher restaurants with fines and problems on the NYC Dept of health website. You see for yourself how dirty many of them are. I’m often afraid to go out to eat.