Israel – Palestinian Media: Israelis Work to Build The Third Temple To Fulfill Vilna Goan’s Promise


    Israelis Work to Build The Third Temple To Fulfill Vilna Goan's PromiseIsrael – Palestinian Supreme Judge Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi warned on Monday that Israeli institutions, settler groups and the current Israeli government are working to fulfill the 18th century Rabbi Vilna Goan’s prophecy declaring that the Third Temple would be re-built by 16 March 2010.

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    Tamimi said that Israeli archeological excavations have caused structural damage to the Al-Marwani Mosque, under the Al-Aqsa Mosque’s northern walls and to Palestinian homes in the Old City of Jerusalem.

    The Sheikh further alleged that a plan had been implemented in 1993 to intensify efforts to Judaize Jerusalem, which consisted of establishing two major settlements around Jerusalem and a military brigade dedicated to closing off the city and separating it from its surrounding neighborhoods with military checkpoints.

    Tamimi added that the plan included the shutting down of Palestinian institutions in Jerusalem, the expulsion of dignitaries and the revoking of Israeli ID cards of Jerusalem residents in Beit Hanina, Shu’fat, El-Essawiya, At-Tour and Silwan, in occupied East Jerusalem.

    Additionally, a network of underground tunnels would be constructed to connect Jewish settlers to the Old City of Jerusalem, Tamimi claimed.

    By the end of this process, some 36,000 Palestinians living in the Old City will be displaced as a result, Tamimi said.

    Tamimi called on conveners of the Arab League Summit in Libya next month to create a plan to save Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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    14 years ago

    I can’t wait!

    14 years ago

    How come no one told me they started construction?

    14 years ago

    Nu, halevai it was true.

    The hypocrisy is funny:

    “Israeli archeological excavations have caused structural damage to the Al-Marwani Mosque”

    Actually, non-stop digging on the Har HaBayit by the Muslims is the problem.

    “a plan had been implemented in 1993 to intensify efforts to Judaize Jerusalem”

    As opposed to their efforts to de-Judaize Jerusalem?

    “the revoking of Israeli ID cards”

    If anything, that makes the city less Jewish, not more.

    But, again, halevai it was all true.

    Oh Really!
    Oh Really!
    14 years ago

    …March 16, 2010!!
    If only we Jews ALL OF US Had as much Emunas Tzadikim as this Sheik has…
    There would be no doubt my mind that we wouls all be Paesach in Yerusaliem Habnuyah!

    14 years ago

    I wish he was right!!!
    What a nut.

    14 years ago

    These guys are so delusional its almost funny. Keep smoking that chashish Achmed.

    14 years ago

    The is no such “prophecy” of binyan bayis shlishi in time for Purim next month but even if the Vilna Gaon did make such a statement, no one would have taken it seriously today except for this paranoid Palestinian judge.

    14 years ago

    Halevai, omain!!

    14 years ago

    “Tamimi called on conveners of the Arab League Summit in Libya next month to create a plan to save Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. “

    Next month will be too late. By then, Moshiach will here and the arabs will be history.

    Freilach purim to all

    oh please
    oh please
    14 years ago

    get off ur high horse!!

    14 years ago

    This Supreme Judge Sheikh really expects a nais – completion of the Bais Hamikdosh in 30 days. Hope he’s right on this one.

    14 years ago

    I hadn’t realized that Palestinian Sheiks were so familiar with the writings of the Vilna Gaon, zt”l. Halevai, I should be such a bukky! 🙂

    14 years ago

    I guess he doesn’t know that the 3rd beit hamikdash will be built by Hakadosh Baruch Hu and not by humans

    14 years ago

    Wow, conspiracy much? Although we should all pray that the 3rd Temple will be rebuilt and not just by March 16 but today!

    14 years ago

    Yeh Yeh, only Moshiach! The Israeli gov’t bends over backwards for them, and this is how they see it…It is a really great plan.

    Is this a Rosh Chodesh Adar news item??

    Oh Really!
    Oh Really!
    14 years ago

    ” March 16, 2010..” {Rosh Chodesh Nissan}
    If only we Jews – and I mean all of the various ” ……..ishes”, would believe, half as much as this Sheik … he Words of the Villna Goan….(and before you say it I know that he doesn’t really believe)….But if we did with Emunah Shleimoh…We all would be in Yerushaliem Habnuyoh for this Pesach”…

    PS: I wonder if Meisner’s will cater ….;)

    14 years ago

    is their a real talmid chacham in the house who can shed some light on this supposed statement of the gra zatzal.

    Yigia Zman Geulaschem
    Yigia Zman Geulaschem
    14 years ago

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe prophesized about the 6 day war, about the Russian Jews being able to leave Russia, about the scuds during the war in 1990 that were not going to kill anybody, and that the gas masks were not going to be necessary, as well as that there was not a need of buying food and drinks just in case in those days, and that Eretz Yisroel was the safest place in the world and encouraged Yidn to go to EY during the war, that the war was going to be finished by Purim and prophesized about the capturing and killing of Sadam Hussein in the future etc, and all this things happened exactly as He said. He also said that Moshiach is coming. Of course that we await everyday for Moshiach coming but before He said that it was probably a 50/50 chance, but now it is the time for it to happen. Anovim igiah zman geulaschem, the time of your redemption had arrived.
    It should already be the “benaapoch hu” with the true and final redemption through Moshiach Tzidkeinu amen, and it should be now. Lechaim Yidn lets be happy and get ready for the inminent Geulah.

    14 years ago

    its all a hoax just to incite more and more anti semitism and terrorism against jews worldwide and as an ixcuse to attack jews!

    14 years ago

    I dont think moshiach will come till people value and love others more than their low level service of g-d

    14 years ago

    nothing new here, move along.
    they always claimed that, don’t believe ererything the arabs say

    14 years ago

    The Churva is the makom where Chazal teach a Bas Kol cries out each day “Woe to my Bes HaMikdash” and where Eliahu HaNavi learns Torah. This is a big segulah. Something is happening. May it be for good. Chodesh Adar Tov Yidden !!!

    14 years ago

    March 16 is ROSH CHODESH NISAN… B’Nisan Nigalu, B’Nisan Asidin L’Higael

    14 years ago

    Wow , you think the whole Bais Hamidosh can be built in a month without Moshiach being here and appointing a Kohain Gadol who will process a Parah Aduma to purify us so that we can work on it?
    I wonder what kind of whacky tobbacky Tamimi has been smoking in his Nargillah.
    In any case I donate a roll of toilet paper for Tamimi to wipe himself with

    14 years ago

    We should see the beis hamikdash by then