New York – Thousands Of Anti-Zionist Satmar Chasidim Protest Against Desecration of Graves in ‘Israel’ [video]


    Taking part in the protest (R-L) Grand Rabbi Of Satmar Rabbi AaronTeitelbaum, Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, And Kiryas Joel Dayan Rabbi Getzel Berkowitz Photo:Credit : Gazette PicturesNew York – Thousands of Satmar Chasidim and anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews took part in a major demonstration that to take place this afternoon in front of the Israeli Consulate at 800 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. The demonstrators were protesting the ongoing construction by the Israeli government over two ancient Jewish cemeteries, one in Ashkelon and the other in Jaffa.

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    The mass protest was called for by Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Grand Rabbi Of the Satmar Chasidim, who took part in the demonstration, and by other Rabbinic Rabbis.

    The demonstration also protested against the brutal methods employed by the Zionist authorities against the peaceful religious protestors who come to the construction sites to express their deep pain at the government’s shameful acts.

    “The government has made the decision to proceed with desecrating these cemeteries, although many alternative suggestions for the construction have been offered,” said Rabbi Benzion Loab one of the organizers of the demonstration. “Their complete insensitivity to Judaism and to the feelings of observant Jews stands in stark contrast to the behavior of other countries, whose governments often cancel construction plans when they run into old Jewish cemeteries.

    “We see the Israeli government’s behavior as only symptomatic of a larger problem. According to the Torah and the Talmudic Sages, ever since the destruction of the Temple 2000 years ago, Jews have been in exile by Divine decree and were forbidden from re-establishing themselves as a nation until the coming of the messiah. The Zionist ideology is thus fundamentally anti-Torah. Not only has Zionism denied the fundamental Jewish belief in Heavenly Redemption; it has created a pseudo-Judaism which replaces the Torah with nationalism.

    “It should therefore come as no surprise that such a so-called Jewish state digs up ancient Jewish graves. In fact, the graves they desecrate are those of the very same Talmudic Sages whose guidelines the Zionists reject,” Rabbi Benzion Loab concluded.

    Credit : Gazette Pictures
    Credit : Gazette Pictures

    TV Report by WPIX NY

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    14 years ago

    What a Kidish Hashem!!

    non satmar
    non satmar
    14 years ago

    Why is it only satmar that’s protest, that’s not only a zionist issue!!!
    This is about standing up for our sages!!
    Where is the rest of the orthodox world jury?
    Thanks to you satmar’s!!
    Atleats someone does something!

    14 years ago

    since they don’t think Israel should exist, why do they care what happens there.

    14 years ago

    Are they sure that sackcloth doesnt need Tzizis?

    14 years ago

    Today is not a day for any Jew to protest against Israel. The world is busy condeming us they will not understand why we are protesting. I am proud to be orthdox and not crazy like the satmar’s

    14 years ago

    ס’איז א גרויסע קידוש השם צו זעהן ווי יודען קומען זיך צוזאם און שרייען אויס דאס וויי געשריי, וואס די ציונים טוהן אפ און ארצינו הקדושה, מ’פירט זיך אויף צו שוכני עפר, ערגער ווי מ’פירט זיך אויף צו טויטע הונט, דאס האט גארנישט צוטוהן צו די ביסט א סאמערער צו א בעלזער, ווען מ’קוקט זיך צו, וואס זיי טוהן דארט, ס’איז ממש א הימל געשריי.. און צו ענק יודען וואס האלטן אז דאס איז א חלל השם, לאז מיך דיר פרעגען איין פראגע, וואו אזוי וואלט דיר געשמעקט ווען מ’ווארפט זיך ארום מיט דיין טאטענ’ס איברים? דעמאלס וואלסטו שוין פארשטאנען אז מ’דארף פראטעסטירן, סא לייג דיך אריין אביסל טיפער אונעם ענין

    14 years ago

    No one can definitively say the gravesites are those of Jews. Authorities, who may be suspected of being proud Zionists, maintain that pagan ritual items were found at the site, indicating that the graves are those of pagans. Of course, that does not fit into the illusion that both sides of Satmar are interested in presenting. If Satmar really cared about the holiness of Eretz Yisroel, they would move there and create religious communities that should be beacons of light for Jews, Chasidish and frum, all over the world. The Laniado Hospital in Natanya establsihed by the Klausenberger Rebbe zt”l is a real Kiddush Hashem. The Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem is a Kiddush Hashem. Rebbes and Chasidim coming in thousands to the Kotel are all true Kiddush Hashem. Chasidim protesting in the middle of tomei Manhattan is definitely not.

    14 years ago

    This protest wont help anything, the Israeli government is currently preoccupied with the Gaza Ship flortila’s.

    14 years ago

    I am no Zionist, but I feel strongly that the timing of this is more than poor. It is one thing do reject Zionism on ideological grounds, and to remain aware that the Zionist movement does much that is against the Torah. I have trouble believing that the Satmar Rebbe Reb Yoel ZT”L was against achdus among Yidden. The existence of the State of Israel is a fact, as is the fact that this government does not follow Torah as its Supreme guide in life. But today, the danger is open against Yidden world over, and every event will be interpreted by the many enemies around the planet as a justification to harm Yidden. And like the Nazis Y”Sh, they will not verify whether the targeted Yid is sympathetic to Zionism or not.

    I long for the day when Yidden will all live with achdus. We won’t need a “State” of Israel, because we will have merited Moshiach.

    14 years ago

    in Ashkelon its clear that its jewish graves

    14 years ago

    when I heard Satmar Rebbe shlita is calling a protest I knew I have to go.
    today I say for the first time in a very long time that Satmar is still The Satmar I remember as a child in Madison Square garden.
    may g-d help that those in israel should stop this big chilul kvurim.
    and for record I was among many none satmars.

    14 years ago

    Everything Maran HAGH”K M’Satmar Zy”a has said about the medina has happened. His holy vision has saved klal yisroel from “meenus & apikorsis” . With his tremendus koach Hatorah , Avodah & Gemilas Chassadim, he planted the most beautiful chassidus featuring all 3 of the amudai haolam of Torah , Avodah & gemilas chassadim with kedushah v’tahara & kanayus readying klal yisroel for beeas moshiach tzidkainu BB”A

    Are you for real??
    Are you for real??
    14 years ago

    “The demonstration also protested against the brutal methods employed by the Zionist authorities against the *PEACEFUL* religious protesters who come….”

    Was the definition of peaceful recently changed?

    14 years ago

    the world today is attacking israel yes us jews.. they dont ask if your satmer or bobov they are attacking jews not israelis. shame on you at of all the days to do this today

    14 years ago

    “Burich HaMekadeish Shmoi BuRabim”… Mega Kidish Hashem When ‘Tens of Thousands’ Yiden Came To Protest Called By C”k Rabeiny Shlit”a,

    Pashuteh Yid
    Pashuteh Yid
    14 years ago

    The nonsense about the State of Israel somehow contradicting the hope for the ultimate geula is just that–nonsense. Does getting up and going to work contradict the idea that the RBSH provides parnasa? Does going to a doctor contradict the idea that the RBSH is the Rofei Cholim?

    The Medina is the greatest thing that ever happened to the Jews since the Churban. The Satmar are just frustrated that their shita has been shown to be nonsense, so they make noise every so often. Meanwhile the Medina flourishes in ruchnius and gashmius. There are more yeshivas and shuls than ever before, and we have access to all the mekomos hakedoshim. The economy is one of the strongest in the world, and medicine and science are studied at the highest levels with constant innovation and advanced research. The RBSH makes open miracles through the IDF which will go to the ends of the earth to help a Jew anywhere, as in Entebbe.

    Since these facts stare the Satmar in the face and disprove their nonsense, and they know this deep down, they feel the need to stir up trouble to avoid facing the fact that their ideology is bogus.

    The RBSH loves the Medina, and most of all the cherished chayalim mosrei nefesh.

    14 years ago

    for the people who complain the timing is wrong, this protest was scheduled last week already and everything was set and ready to go way before last nights insident so I guess the killing of the activities by israel was bad timing

    14 years ago

    the secular world does not differentiate between Jews and Israelis…. to them a Jew is automatically connected to the state of Israel.

    14 years ago

    The real winner from today’s events (both off the coast of israel and the NYC demonstrtion) is Iran. The Satmer demonstration against Israel, a few blocks from the U.N. will undercut the efforts made over a period of months to get sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program. They have shifted world attention away from Iran and will now view Israel as the real threat in the mid-east.

    14 years ago

    Others already said it, but timing is eveything. Today is not the day for protest. Yidden throughout the world are in danger because of the Gaza incident. The protest should have been delayed. They can always protest next week.

    hear nur
    hear nur
    14 years ago

    Israel has a right to defend herself but they also have an obligation to act decent. Digging up ancient graves is not a decent, moral or right thing to do. Even if the Israelis don’t agree that it’s not decent, don’t they have any common sense not to rile up the NK’s and the Satmrs who give them bad PR in addition to the Arabs doing that? They shouldn’t have ruffled the NK’s and Satmers feathers to begin with.
    While I don’t agree with their shitta, nor their idea of protesting for the sake of the world’s opinion, which only arouses more anti-Semitism than there is, the Israelis are still acting very foolish. They should stop the digging up of ancient graves now.

    14 years ago

    If the Israelis are our brothers how come they could do this to our own grandfathers bodies when any other country DO respect old Jewish graves??

    14 years ago

    The amount of Satmars commenting here…I’m sure Rabeiny would really approve of your internet use.

    14 years ago

    how can we participate with the crowd above when they protest they are acting ch:y (lehavidil )like the Muslim world never condemning when parts of them do idiotic thing how can we forget what they demonstrated against the rebbe of luabauvitch,belz etc etc.. paskivilm (refacing pictures of the gedolia hatorah) look how they acted among their own so called two chasidus remember simchas torah in wily how can we forget when rav sheitman came to boro park @the 18 ave park the demonstration across the street horrible no condemning what so ever
    btw one of the only peaceful demonstration that prevailed in the last couple of years in e”y was the 600,00 against the supreme court not one arrest took place

    14 years ago

    The pro- arab., antisemitic world media is probably already spinning this demonstration into saying that they are protesting the boarding of the Turkish Boats. What a stupid thing to do on a day like today! They are only further endangering the lives of yidden in Eretz Ysrael.

    14 years ago


    14 years ago

    reading all the previous comments with some stating the importance of the demonstration and some disagreeing. I must add had it not been so important Rabbi loeb would not have signed off on it.

    Satan Laughs
    Satan Laughs
    14 years ago

    The non-Jewish world sees Jews protesting their brothers while their brothers are in the shadow of an Iranian nuclear Holocaust, Hizbullah rockets, and a unitarelly hostile world media. The goyim laugh in their hearts because they love to see Jews hating each other. It legitimizes their hatred. Satan is laughing. Mashiach is weeping.

    Miss Williamsburg
    Miss Williamsburg
    14 years ago

    Israel digging up graves is so outrageous. No respect whatsoever for anything Jewish when it calls itself a “Jewish” state. Because digging graves goes everything against the Jewish take on those buried.
    The bones in Ashkelon are said to be that of Jews if that’s what people are arguing about. Perhaps great rabbis, at that.
    I didn’t take a stand whether the protest was right or wrong. On one hand I understand Satmar, on the other hand I don’t know if I agree with staging a protest in mid-Manhattan.
    But I’m just flabbergasted at how the Israeli government has no issue digging up graves.

    14 years ago

    This is truly awful. Anti-Semites the world over condemning and shouting down Israel over the so-called “flotilla” and Chasidishe Jews protesting digging of goyishe graves. What a sad day. Moshiach must come soon .

    israeli charedy
    israeli charedy
    14 years ago

    satmers! stay in u.s.a. “ארץ אשר תמיד עיני ה’ אלוקיך בה”

    14 years ago

    let the stupid people who are protesting move to some terrorist country and side with them as they are doing here.
    they wont last a week.
    if they think that because they dont belive in israel they would be spared they are insane. a jew is a jew and would be slaughtered jsut like those who were killed in nazi germany. the terrorists and nazis dont care if u are for israel or against israel.
    they should be ashamed of themselves.
    i ahte to say it but jews should take a lesson from latinos. they stick together. u wont see any of them protesting anything at the puerto rican day parade. they all stand united for all to see.
    sure they may have issues between themselves but they would NEVER come out and publicly protest against each other.

    14 years ago

    Why the huge american flag? Its not an american issue…

    14 years ago

    This protest was a huge kidish hashem.
    #1 it was peaceful
    #2 it was made clear to the media that this protest is being done for one reason only because of the graves being desecrated in israel.
    There were thousands of frum people there.
    #3 it showed to the world that everything the satmar ruv reb yoel z”l stood for is alive and well.
    And to all of you who are busy if it was the right day to protest or not Israel was not at war as of yesterday with anyone.
    And let them deal with there own chilul hashem that they made.

    14 years ago

    At least if they were protesting Israels actions on the gaza boat it would make sense to other people.
    Imagine what a goy thinks as he passes by the thousands of chasidim protesting.
    goy: Are you protesting the israel raid on the gaza ship?
    chasid: Now we are protesting israel removing pagan bones in order to make way for a desperately needed hospital!

    14 years ago

    There is place for righteous indignation over the Israeli (not zionist as true zionism is dead) removing of bones. Many experts have documented that these bones are pagan and have shown pictures of a pagan alter buried there. Whether the torah world chooses to believe this or not it is irrelevant. Righteous indignation is fine, violence and mass demonstrations on a day like today is not. What does a goy know about jews? Does a goy know that some jews are not pro zionist and that a small section is anti zionist or that a tiny NK community is rabidly and insanely anti zionist? No a goy sees all jews born of a jewish mother (that is the definition of a jew, not if he keeps the torah as he should) belongs to Israel. See how Rabashkin was not allowed out of bail because he might flee to Israel. The fact remains that the new form of anti semitism is anti Israel. It is just as irrational, just as wide spread and just as dangerous. We as yidden have to stick together with our not yet frum brothers and hope that achdus will show them the way to torah and this achdus will bring Moshiach. The state is not going away so almost all gedolim except one or too have come to deal with this reality.

    14 years ago

    King solomon said, there is a time to smile, and there is a time to cry. I am not a satmar chasid BUT WHEN IT COMES TO DIGGING UP GRAVES OF OUR ANCESTORS I AM A SATMaR CHASSID.

    Shulchan Aruch Yid
    Shulchan Aruch Yid
    14 years ago

    Pagan graves. The Manhattan demonstration plainly should be called “Satmars for Pagans.”
    Let’s see all of the Satmars move to Israel (oops, Eretz Yisroel), live there, work there, pay taxes there, and help protect it (at the very least Meah Shearim).
    If the Satmars and their legitimate child Neutrei Karta can not restrain themselves from protesting, let them protest the Armenian Holocaust by the Turks. Let’s see Satmar organize a flotilla to Turkey to protest the Armenian Holocaust (which led to the Jewish Holocaust). Let’s see how the Turks will honor the selflessness and piety of the holy Satmars.
    Finally, who is protecting all of the Chasidim in Israel? Who provides them with water, electricity, sanitation, hospitals, and fire protection?
    It seems that the real Ahavas Yisroel is being provided by the State of Israel.

    14 years ago

    For those of you who are speaking against the Satmar, kindly note that this demonstration was planned well in advance of the Gaza boat incident. Secondly, it was much safer for the demonstration to be held on Memorial Day, since there was much less vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area where the demonstration was held. Third, it appears that the Satmar have greater civil liberties here in America than in EY. Unfortunately, in EY the Israeli police have been very brutal in past demonstrations involving ultra Orthodox. I’ve seen tapes of Israeli police roughing up ultra Orthodox demonstrators, on more than one occasion. Here, for the most part, the NYCPD respects the rights of the ultra Orthodox protestors, as long as the demonstrations are peaceful. Fourth, the Satmar have a valid point, pertaining to desecration of ancient cemeteries by the authorities in EY. This is not the first time that a large demonstration was held in front of the Israeli Consulate in NYC. In June, 1969, there was a large demonstration protesting forced autopsies in EY. The Israeli authorities at that time (and I’m sure this time) were fuming; to that, I say too bad!
    14 years ago

    I remember when I was a child the late satmar rebba told his chassidim to go and demnostrate when Golda Meir was in town. However when he was told that the arabs where demonstrating as well he told his chassidim to come back. He told the buses to turn around not to align themselves together with the arabs. Now when everyone is demonstrating against the raid in Gaza this was highly inapropiate to demonstrate Israel needs all our support. We have enough enemies we dont need self hating ones too.

    what about Gaza kevarim
    what about Gaza kevarim
    14 years ago

    Where where these people when the Gaza Jewish graves were dug up during the disengagement??
    Did they feel the pain of the families who had to have the kevarim dug up?
    Protests? demonstrations?
    Oh wait those kevarim were from another group not ours…………..
    This protest is all ideology people it has nothing to do with kedusha.

    Tanna Kamma
    Tanna Kamma
    14 years ago

    Poor timing.

    14 years ago

    To: #&#82 17;s 17, 62,67, 80, & 90-I don&#82 17;t know if you are the same person or several persons; I wanted to point out that the correct spelling of the word &#82 20;you&#82 21; (which we all learned in the 1st or 2nd grade) is &#82 20;you&#82 21;. It is not &#82 20;u&#82 21;. Secondly, to #82 , I&#82 17;m proud that the Satmar had not one, but a number of American flags displayed; it was entirely appropriate, as yesterday was Memorial Day. Since the Satmar are American citizens, they had every right to display the American flag. Are you annoyed that the Israeli flag was not displayed? Last, I&#82 17;m sure that anyone who walked by the demonstration, would have felt proud of being an American, since we are allowed these liberties to peacefully assemble and protest, without being beaten and dispersed by the authorities.

    14 years ago

    Shalom overrides everything, and the Satmer have not used any of it. It seems that if you arent frum according to Satmar you arent loved by Hashem…Yachid Verabim Halacha Kerabim…there were many other Gedolei Hador who were also just as great as the Satmar Rebbe who held otherwise and ultimately the Halacha is like them that now that we have E’Y we cant give it away. The Satmar Rebbe’s shita has to be respected but not when it comes to acting like a Rodef and helping the enemy, that is what the world sees whether Satmar sees it or not. They are creating a rift in Yiddishkeit and amongst themselves. Stick to Bikur Cholim etc.

    What a disgrace
    What a disgrace
    14 years ago

    At a time when the entire world is rising up against our Jewish brothers in Israel these am haaratzim go to protest against Hashem’s chosen people over pagan graves.

    Anyone who says the world is protesting against the Zionists and not the Jews is a fool. We are living in a post Zionist world, the only ones who even talk of Zionism are the Satmar and lehavdil the Neturey Karta Y”SH. The world knows if they say Zionism they are allowed to condemn us but you don’t have to trust me you can trust chazal when they say that Eisav Sonei Es yaakov. When they criticize Zionism they mean Jews – all Jews – every kind of Jew.

    In any event why would we expect any kind of achdus in a time like this from Satmar. No need to look any further than the feud between the two brothers. Is that the kind of Kiddush hashem we need instead?!

    Reb Yid
    Reb Yid
    14 years ago

    It doesn’t matter that the bones are from goyim. Once there’s a chasash of them being from yidden, the kanoim won’t re-evaluate the situation. Then then contintue to hoch the gedoilim a charnik until they have no choice but to issue a kol koireh.

    Also, what’s with the headline above–“Israel” is in quotes…like there’s no such thing as Israel? I guess it’s because these particular “chasidim” don’t recognize “Israel.”

    14 years ago

    # 98, i am #80 and only # 80.
    so glad ”U” were able to give me a speeling lesson here.
    i do know how to spell the entire word ”you” .
    again thank ”u” very much .
    c u l8tr

    ne1 else want to correct my spelling?

    14 years ago

    to all of you critcizing satmar for protesting how come frum zionist settlers have the right to protest against the israeli government and fight with the israeli police and troops . by the way how come the eida hacahridis and the satmar chasidim in israel don’t protest against chilull shabbos whats going on in willaumsburg for the last seven years according to some satmar fanatics is that fair .

    14 years ago

    does it really matter if its jewish graves or not how would u like for developer in new jeresy to clr the cemeteires to build a hospital there

    Stamford Hilly Billy
    Stamford Hilly Billy
    14 years ago

    1. what would our ancestors and relatives who were being perscuted and mudered in der heim 100,200,300 years ago thought od these stupid protests?

    2. talmud torah k’neged kulam