Brooklyn, NY – Thousands Attend Borough Park Rubashkin Gathering [video]


    Thousands Attend Borough Park Rubashkin Gathering Credit: Dee VochBrooklyn, NY – A massive gathering was held in Borough Park last night to show support for Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin who is scheduled to be sentenced today. So many people came to show their support at the Bais Yaakov of Borough Park Hall that video screens were set up in classrooms, the lunchroom and the street to accommodate the overflow.

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    Approximately three to five thousand people were in attendance at the event, which lasted from 9 PM until 12:30 AM. The event began with Tehillim from the Belzer Dayan, Rabbi Gross, followed by R’ Pinchas Lipshitz, publisher of the Yated.

    Reb Avraham Schorr spoke for approximately twenty minutes, suggesting that perhaps the reason that the secular courts are treating one of our own so harshly is that we ourselves have given power to the secular courts to decide the course of our lives by choosing to resolve our disputes there instead of taking matters to Beis Din.

    Chazan Meir Boruch Cohen sang a touching rendition of Acheinu Kol Beis Yisroel, accompanied by the Shira Choir and was followed by the son in law of the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Joel, Rov Shimon Zev Meisels, Rov of Yismach Moshe in Kiryas Joel. Prominent attorney Nathan Lewin, who is expected to represent Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin in his appeal, spoke in both Yiddish and English.

    The final speaker of the evening was Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s son, Getzel Rubashkin.

    video screens were set up on the street to accommodate the overflow. Credit Dee Voch

    Reb Avraham Schorr speaking

    Outside on street

    Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s son, Getzel Rubashkin

    attorney Nathan Lewin

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    14 years ago

    Nat Lewin was gr8- informative and eye opening- and R’ Getzel Rubashkin was truly inspirational

    Tzadik from Peltz
    Tzadik from Peltz
    14 years ago

    the verdict is in. what is the point

    packed achdus
    packed achdus
    14 years ago

    I have never seen anything like it
    The main hall was overpacked. Then there were two other full floors connected via video. the crowds poured into the hallways and outside 15th between 44 and 45 was PACKED. half of 45th was full.

    14 years ago

    It was a gavodiga kiddush hashem to see klall yiroe so toghter bachdus. AM YISROL CHAY

    14 years ago

    This is a real nice article of Klal yisroel coming together. Prehaps it is time that our Rabonim and leaders put aside their diffrensess and and make sholom. Not to mention to cease all pending court cases as in the case of some of our largest and most important Mosdos Hatorah.

    14 years ago

    What a kiddush hashem let’s hope it helped

    14 years ago

    Achdus will be our yeshua.

    14 years ago

    A True kidush Hashem!

    soo many ppl comming out to support this good man, who’s lifetime of kindness is his true legacy,

    not the over-exaggerated charges (by an over-zealouse prosecution, eager to make a name for itself)

    his mistake was wrong =, but must be seen in context,

    the raid threatened to destroy the plant, Mr Rubashkin understood the devastating affects on 100s of employees who depended on the plant for lively-hood!

    its a mistake driven by a good-heart!

    14 years ago

    I have tears in my eyes…. SO many yidden gathering together to support a fellow brother, to the extent that they need to set up video conferences to accomodate the overflowing crowd… May Hashem take this good sign of Achdus as a z’chus for R’ Mordechai Shalom haleivi ben Rivka.

    14 years ago

    Rabbi Meisels was the best. Azeleche varmer verter ! We have never seen such an achdus by klal yisroel everbefore.

    #2; Hiding in the forest
    #2; Hiding in the forest
    14 years ago

    #2 Tzadik from Peltz Says: the verdict is in. what is the point

    Appeals process, my friend, appeals process.
    Now back to bed.

    Get a reality check
    Get a reality check
    14 years ago

    I ask of all those of you who scream antisemitism.

    Is there ever a time that a yid gets sentenced that it is not anti-semitism?

    You are all so ignorant I hope never to become your machatunim. You morons want to know what antisemitism is? Speak to a survivor of the Holocaust. You have today these arrogant hebrews doing their own thing, disobeying laws at every turn, etc and then scream anti-semitism when a traffic cop issues you a summons. You are all immature unfit members of what was once called civilization.

    You punks out there are cheapening the word and wearing out the term Anti-semitism

    14 years ago

    well over 5,000 people attended its was closer to 10,000 people according to observers

    14 years ago

    Great crowd
    Is this the bobov shul on 45?
    It looks like of the pictures

    14 years ago

    R. Getzel Rubashkin’s emunah and bitachon were awe-inspiring. His humility was clear from every word. His ability to captivate and impact his listeners was riveting. A powerful leader. An amazing reflection of his parents’ excellent chinuch.

    I was there
    I was there
    14 years ago

    I had tears in my eyes listening to the boy sing ‘batzuro uvashivyu, I walked over to the desk that was raising money for the Appeal and donated one week salary for Reb Shulem Mordche Sheyichye. I look at the picture and see his pain. Hashem Yerachem Ulov V’al Mishpachtoi Shlita

    GR8 American Jews
    GR8 American Jews
    14 years ago

    How beautiful it is to see how the American Chareidim gather together for “worthy” purposes

    14 years ago

    Sinas Yisroel is re-awakening just like it did for the past 3000 years; and it’s all from HKB”H.

    We must change our attitude, and start caring for, and respecting the Umos HoOlom and their children. We must instill these values into our children as well. Not as an Act, but in true sincereness. Remember that they are all Tzelem Elokim, and the Gemoroh concludes, that they have a Chlek in Olom Habboh.

    Then we can hope that HKB”H who is , Keil Emunah V’ein Uvel, and is a Dayan Tzedek to all his creation, will never again instill hatered into the Umos towards us.

    converting to lebavitch
    converting to lebavitch
    14 years ago

    hearing R’ Getzel say “don’t mistake pain for fear” don’t mistake pain for worry”
    and seeing how calm and full of bituchun and amuna he was – he gave us more than we can give him

    14 years ago

    Can anyone clarify something? There are apparently 3 or 4 issues involved in this case. 1) Even the defense did not deny that Rubashkin violated the law; 2) Why did the judge sentence 27 years when she knew that there were other cases of violations of the law that incurred much lower sentences, and that her sentence would be overturned on appeal? 3) Why did the AgriProcessor company and/or Rubashkin engage in such a hugely reckless (hefkerus) behavior in relation to the banks risking both a chilul hashem and legal dangers? 4) Do the frumme askanim try to argue that in fact Rubashkin did nothing wrong?

    14 years ago

    I was ther it was a huge gathering,but once momentum is built why not give people advice what to do next, like calling attoney general of the united states in protest, or getting ready for huge demonstration in washington etc, basicly why didn’t anyone offer advice what the people shhould do next

    14 years ago

    Where is the press now. Why don’t thy write up front page article. What a shame on them and what a beauti for klall yisroel to see all of us toghter. I’m so happey to be part of this

    14 years ago

    Where is the CHABAD Community???

    14 years ago

    who is this rabbi meisels? he was great. i have never heard such a good speaker in my life. and who organized this event? I saw lots of BIBER hiten behind it
    Mi Kamchu Yisroel

    14 years ago

    I was there. Since Mumbai, I haven’t cried so freely. We need Moshiach.

    Shaul in Monsey
    Shaul in Monsey
    14 years ago

    A tragedy for the son for sure, but where was the father? Where was Heshy? These two are scott free while their son and brother takes the fall for the Boro Park shtick that you can pull in Boro Park but definitely not in Iowa.

    Unity is what we need!
    Unity is what we need!
    14 years ago

    Unity is what we need and maybe that’s why this happened so that we all get the message loud and clear, I suggest that a few responsible people get together and make peace between all the rabbis, take all Jewish cases out of the secular courts and return to the basics of our Torah commandments, for example, the commandments of the “aseres hadibres”. Hashem yerachem.

    14 years ago

    Where are the buses going to demonstrate in front of the Federal Judge and Prosecutor? If we were of a different color and had Sharpton as a mouthpiece, we would be demonstrating in DC, marching down the streets thousands strong, getting national TV attention. Where were the TV cameras yesterday? Why wasnt this on the news? In America its whats on the news that is important, not what takes place behind closed doors. This is America’s Dreyfuss Affair. Anti-semitism in the heart of America. First they raid him, destroy his business and then charge him for not paying abck the loans. WHere is the lawsuit against the prosecutors for slander, destroying his business, over zealousness, ?? The Latinos can march in every major city for their illegal brethern who break the law and we cant march for our brother who has been railroaded? If we dont march now, will we cry when they deport us, jail us on trumped up charges, put us in camps again?

    14 years ago

    this is not like Israel where you can have gatherings and hafganos and get results how you want

    14 years ago

    Rav Shor’s message was painfully true “Jews wake up! Go to Bais Din”! “Get out of court”!

    The Truth
    The Truth
    14 years ago

    This was hardly a Kiddush Hashem. Yes it is a very nice thing to do & possibly inspirational, but a Kiddush Hashem is when we go about the world doing the correct and proper thing; that the Goyim see that we are an Am Hanivchar & uphold the Torah & Mitzvos. Rubashkin made a huge Chillul Hashem (albeit not on purpose but thats not what the Goyim see). What we have to do now to rectify that (and all the other Chillul Hashem that have happened recently) is to make a Kiddush Hashem. To go about our lives & businesses 100% kosher & above board; to drive correctly keeping the law; Going out of our way being mentchen to each other & our neighbors; going lifnim mishuras hadin when it comes to anything to do with making a good impression to those not from our community, unaffiliated, or unrelated to us.
    The Yeshua will not come through Achdus but through keeping the Torah & Mitzvos, and making a Kiddush Hashem that we are the Am Hanivchar.

    14 years ago

    If only Jews would treat each other with such sensitivity daily, no matter where they are from, and not just once in a long while.

    14 years ago

    Thank you klal yisroel (fund) actual donations  the gaveld in gasrhigan event exceeded 400,000. plus 80K over the phone & 35K from a few big pledges . raboisei we still need double the money please sand in to klal yisroel fund

    14 years ago

    Very sad , but no one spoke about REMORSE !All of these tumults are a waste of time.They should have spoken about ethical behavior first and then implore SR to show remorse.

    reply to #42
    reply to #42
    14 years ago

    Ur missing some knowledge, ונקדשתי בתוך בני ישראל that’s what stays in the torah, the real kidush hashem is within klal yisroel, for the eyes of the goyim is second degree kidush hashem

    14 years ago

    does any one know a phone number were you can donate for this tzvak

    from b.p
    from b.p
    14 years ago

    they raised in b.p last night at the asifah $500.00

    actual Jew
    actual Jew
    14 years ago

    any rallies for agunot? sex abuse victims? Jonathan Pollard?
    oh wait, they did not provide cheap glatt kosher meat to supermarkets, so they do not warrant a voice in our community.

    New definition of Achdus and Kiddush Hashem
    New definition of Achdus and Kiddush Hashem
    14 years ago

    New definition of Achdus and Kiddush Hashem- 1. Get together and give lots of money to support a man who broke the law many times over in a big way.
    2. Get together and demonstrate on behalf of striemel wearing people who want to segregate schools and show contempt for court and discriminate against Sephardc Jews.
    Seems to me something is wrong with this picture.

    My Rov Shlita
    My Rov Shlita
    14 years ago

    “Rubashkin is the Sair Lazozel (Kapara) for :
    Didon Natzach
    Satmar Brothers
    Bobover Uncle/Nephew
    Ponevez Kahaneman/Markowitz
    Disputes that were litigated and still in mid-litigation.
    Sfrican Judge wikk decide who gets Shishi or Shlishi and who will
    hand out Shirayim at the Seder.”
    That is the fruits of the Arkois respected by our Manhigei Hador

    14 years ago

    #62 is another jerk in a community (i hope not ours) what was wrong with Rabbi Schorr said ? not that i am a big fan of his ,but he spoke tremendous ,not like you .Geek.go eat something you must be bored

    14 years ago

    again look how the so called leaders are sleeping to whoever i talk to is ready to go out and protest we can show now unity don’t wait till the outrage calms down such a protest will send a message to the justice system that thees ecessive sentencing is out of control when it comes to himshe yidden and look at the African American it helped for OJ it helped for limerick nelson because they do not tolerate it like we do everybody becomes a chume and a mivein we cant do it its a chillil hasome its dina the malchisa dina stop already go out fight for your right by sitting idle you will get no where and it can hit you too so where are we now is the time if we loose this opportunity we will all regret it because it will not stop by this case a lot of yidden will be in the same place

    14 years ago

    this disgusts me. Do the crime, Do the time.Period. I dont care how much chessed he did, or that his son needs him etc…….to me this gathering is a chillul hashem. Thousands of orthodox jews supporting a criminal only because he has a beard! If he was clean shaven you would never see this baseless knee jerk outpouring of support. What a disgrace. White collar crime is the dirty secret of the orthodox jewish community.

    14 years ago

    #18 Well Said.

    14 years ago

    Had those attending this meeting had the wisdom to have acted on Rabbi Morris Allen suggestions years ago, these meeting would not have been needed.

    14 years ago

    yup #69 , the absurdity of what orthodox judaism has become. I am ashamed.

    Shaul in Monsey
    Shaul in Monsey
    14 years ago

    All the money raised is lvatala. Where have the monies till now gotten anyone except 27 years? I could have gotten him 15 years for free. At least with 15 he’d get out with a little lead left in his pencil. This appeals process, one with an overturn rate IN THE SINGLE DIGITS will take years and years. And the sentencing memo wasn’t the result of anything the judge was scared of – she knew her rulings would be reviewed and she cemented her decision in impressive fashion. Spend the money on teaching chareidim how to do business with honesty and not like crooks. AGRI was run not k’halacha and is the premier Chillul Hashem of our times.

    14 years ago

    what about Gilad????? Where are these thousands of orthodox jews when it comes to supporting an innocent young soldier held in captivity by Hamas??? Where are the mass demonstrations and show of support for that worthy cause??? Oh i get it. He’s not a REAL jew because he’s not religious!!! THIS is an abomination. All the Boro Park yentas getting together for a cry fest so they can have what to shmooze about the next morning at Shachris. Lovely.

    14 years ago

    this gathering is no kiddush hashem. coming out in the thousands to support a criminal is not the jewish way, and certainly doesn’t sanctify the name of hashem. i just wish all those rabbis at the gathering would have left their black hats and streimlach at home before coming, at least it would have been less of a chillul hashem.

    14 years ago

    Fool, Tipish: I cant stop laughing at what you said about me. I am the #18 .

    Incidentally, I attended a primetime yeshiva, happily married and goes to shul three times a day. What else would you like to know about me. Never did drugs and not even on medication yet I hold a full time job. What else would you like to know about me.Never been a hippy nor a dropout from school. Homeless you say? I lived all my life in a house larger than one you probalbly are living in right now. What else do you want to know about me?