Mainz, Germany – Molotov Cocktail Thrown at New Synagogue


    German police in front of teh ShulMainz, Germany – A petrol bomb which was thrown towards a brand-new synagogue in Germany hit a tree and did no damage, police said Sunday.

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    German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle condemned the late Saturday incident as a ‘despicable act’ and called on police to find the culprits, saying in a written statement, ‘anti-Semitism can have no place in our society.’

    Police said a type of Molotov cocktail was thrown towards the futuristic building, but burned out under a tree outside the synagogue compound.

    An eyewitness saw only the flash in the dark as it exploded. The synagogue was not damaged. The site was inaugurated in September.

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    13 years ago

    I believe Mainz or Mayence is source where the Unsane Tokef originates

    13 years ago

    I was in Mainz a year ago. I didn’t know there were many yiddin there. Can anybody tell me who or why they need a new shul?

    13 years ago

    a warm welcome nazi-style

    13 years ago

    Why any jews would want to live in a place where they are hated is beyond me.

    13 years ago

    One more city my native city Vienna on the brown colored Danube.The city of Eichmann and Morzinplatz and today Yidden walk around there with strajmlach. Ungarische who streamed in 1956 ,Russian and Iranian who have blithely forgotten or never knew or do not want to know about Dachau and Buchenwald

    13 years ago

    Why Indeed would any self respecting Jew want to live in a Germany or drive a German car for that matter.

    I find it obscene that when a yid makes a couple of bucks in his pathetic life, it seems that he must advertise it by buying himself a German dreck box.

    When will us yidden start showing some self respect?