Jerusalem – Israel’s National Library Acquires Largest Known Collection of Israeli Pashkvillim


    FILE - Yoelish Krauss, the operations chief for the Eda Haredit at his office. Photo by Yossi Zamir/Flash90Jerusalem – While Yoelish Kraus is known worldwide as director of operations for Israel’s ultra right wing Eida Charedis, he is also a renowned collector of pashkvilim, the ubiquitous posters that paper the streets of Jerusalem. In the ultimate irony, Kraus has donated his collection of pashkvillim to the Israel Antiques Authority, headed by Shuki Dorfman, both of whom were roundly criticized in many of the pashkvillim.

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    Israeli Hebrew news site Kikar is reporting, that Dorfman had made an unsuccessful attempt to acquire the collection for the National Library of Jerusalem three years ago, but it wasn’t until eight months ago that Kraus decided that he was ready to part with his collection. The collection will be transferred to a special section of the National Library in addition to being scanned into the library’s computers.

    In recent years, Kraus managed to acquire every sign that came out and many Meah Shearim residents would come to view the pashkevillim. Kraus’ collection, which is valued at $120,000, dates back over 80 years and contains thousands of posters and other singular items, providing a rare glimpse into Israeli life. Among the collection are pashkvillim regarding the conflict between Belz and the Eida Chareidis and a bus card that was used approximately forty years ago by the Satmar Rebbe, zt’l.

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    13 years ago

    Well I hope he can make some money over it! You gotta admit he’s interesting!

    13 years ago

    Everyone needs a hobby.

    13 years ago

    this is what these ignorant savages are busy with,instead of going to work and make a living

    13 years ago

    Deep dark psyco
    A bunch of leeche’s

    13 years ago

    Reply to #3 now he will make his living.

    13 years ago

    This stuff is cluttering the streets, making a desecration of the walls and streets of yerushalayim and contributing to visual pollution. Much of it also ends up being mixed with real shaimos at shuls and kollels. It should be in a landfill, not in anyone’s collection.

    13 years ago

    Kind of like illustrating American history by using New York Times advertisements. Clearly interesting; utterly one-sided.

    13 years ago

    Come on , lighten up! Just because he looks like a shluchy chusid, you must bash? What did he do wrong now?

    13 years ago

    This paskevilin is 100% pure loson hora and the National Library should be sued to destroy them.

    13 years ago

    Imuch of it will present an interesting snapshot from a unique point of view, the ultra chareidim: a point of view that seldom is recorded by historians and Cademics I’m a genuine way m

    13 years ago

    The Satmar Rav zt”l did not use a bus card 40 years ago. Maybe in the late 40’s when he was there.

    13 years ago

    The tzetlech I understand… but why did he chup the bus stop sign (top left of pic)?!!

    Reb Yid
    Reb Yid
    13 years ago

    What should we infer from the fact that he’s sitting on one of the posters?