Washington – Israel’s largest daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, reported on Wednesday that the Obama Administration is threatening Israel to either apologize to Turkey over its bloody interception of a Gaza aid flotilla last year, or risk strained ties with Washington.
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Israeli diplomats in Washington told the newspaper that they had received a communique from US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insisting that the rift between Israel and Turkey was harming American interests in the region, such as affecting regime change in neighboring Syria.
But Israel does not intend to apologize to Turkey for the deaths of Turkish pro-Hamas activists who attacked IDF soldiers, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday. Clinton and U.S. President Barack Obama have pressured Israel recently to improve ties with Turkey.
With his statement to Clinton Netanyahu sided with his Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, and Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon, who have argued against an apology. Defense Minister Ehud Barak has argued that Israel should apologize if doing so would improve ties with Turkey
Obama is an idiot! Apologize for killing mercenaries!?
If so I would say cut off ties with obama, and become close to china, and then we will see if obama will like this.
Do NOT apologize, Netanyahu. Israel did nothing wrong. Turkey owes Israel an apology. The Obama administration has the worst foreign policy since Jimmy Carter and Herbert Hoover. Netanyahu, remain strong. You have a backbone; Obama does not.
Bibi tell obama when he’ll apologize to osama –Israel will apologize to turkey -CRAZY !
A day after the united states apologizes to pakistan. For killing osama bin laden
Here’s an idea:
Why not pressure Turkey to GET OVER IT?
If Washington wants to see Israel apologize for the incursion that was meant to ensure Israels security, maybe D.C. has a better plan to keep the State of Israel safe. Lets see what they have to say to that.
“or risk strained ties with Washington.” As opposed to what we’ve had so far? Obama managed to strain relations with Israel all on his own. Now he needs a reason to “prove” why he was “right” all along. I wonder if this is coming from his newly appointed Jewish relations adviser?
Netanyahu: don’t be a wise guy, pls apologize & finish, don’t fight with the all world especially w/ur only freind america, mistakes happens
The White House should apologize to the American citizens for domestic & foreign policy failures.
We all know Israel WILL apologize sooner or later, so why not just do it now and be done with it?
forget it,netanya we all want the geula,remain strong and stop destroying the settlements
Obama, you should apologize to Israel for betraying her!!!!!
the comments above underestimate how much Israel needs the US and how little the US needs Israel.
This president did more damage than any terrorist will ever do!
He messed up an economy.
He messed up every good relationship with those countries that America had as a friend
Real men apologize! Right or wrong don’t be all girly say sorry and move on!!!
“Israel’s largest daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, reported on Wednesday that the Obama Administration is threatening Israel to either apologize to Turkey over its bloody interception of a Gaza aid flotilla last year, or risk strained ties with Washington.”
Oh, and right now the ties aren’t strained thanks to Obama?
Maybe Turkey should first apologize for the Armenian genocide that many of its politicians and residents still don’t acknowledge.
Barack, You ROCK! It seems the liberal bent Jews have gotten what they paid and voted for. The CHICKENS HAVE COME HOME TO ROOST!
To my fellow Jews, Give the messiah more support, and more of your money for his reelection. You haven’t learned your lessons yet.
How many more chickens have to come home to roost do you need before you all wake up, and throw him and his allies out of office?
I do not believe that Mr. Obama has a vendetta agaisnt Israel. I somewhat hedge to think that there is some truth in his own calibre when it comes to making a national outcry. To date, I have not heard this one on the news circuits and only on VIN which makes me wonder as to its true level of bearing on the office of the president and the relationship with Eretz Yisrael. So that considered, I am a fellow who is not angry with Mr. Obama in any way and if he truly calls upon Israel for some sort of concern regarding this situation, I will wait until the discussions are made to render my full thoughts on this matter. Mr. Obama gives me some doubt that maybe this was not the most ideal situation (of course- noone wants a loss of life). But to be quite plain here, I am a strong supporter of Israel and I will await further discussion on this issue before I jump the bandwagon of Obama haters and condemn our president.
I think Obama should apologize to IRAQ..where is the weapons of mass destruction..?
Barrack Hussain Obama cares very little about the state of Israel and even less about the Jews. He onle cares about the Jews money and Votes.
It is time we wake up and throw this rascal out.
Maybe Israel should apologize to Nazi Germany, Y”S. Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton confuse the aggressor – who also made a holocaust against the Armenians and who bombed Cyrus – with the victim, Israel.
Israel loves Turkey. Love is never having to say you’re sorry.
Question: Does the US need Israel, or does Israel need the US?
Answer: In Genesis 12:3, we find Hashem’s blessing to our father Abraham – “And I [Hashem] shall bless those who bless you [Israel], and I shall curse those who curse you.”
Rav Meir Kahane (z”l, hy”d) argued that the US does not help Israel b/c the US is “good”; the US helps Israel for selfish reasons. Once those reasons are gone (i.e., we no longer fear a Soviet takeover of the Middle East), the US will cease to help Israel.
Why did the anti-Semite Nixon help Israel in 1973? Because he hated the Commies more than he hated the Yidden! But now the USSR is no more..
And it’s not just Obama; Bush, Clinton, Carter, even Reagan were all upset by one thing or another in Eretz Yisroel, which WE believe was given to klal Yisroel in its entirety by Hashem.
Q: What ‘ s the difference between Obama ‘ s cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers,
and threats to society.
The other is for housing prisoners.
–David Letterman
Israel should not apologize since it will do no good. Turkey has turned away from the west and is looking to control the middle east along with Iran. Check it out and you will see I am right. Germany is not as stupid as nobama since it does not want Turkey in the EU and you can see what is really happening. Turkey is turning more and more into another Religious Moslem state and is going to act more and more like Iran
Do you guys remember afew days ago there was an article at VIN that hussain called BIBI “just to say hello”, and we were all wondering what it was all about, well, now we know already what “little BERRY” wanted, just some more hatred. ISRAEL: DO NOT FALL FOR THIS, DONT APOLOGIZE.
Israel did indeed have to prottect its citzens and soldiers. The killngs were necessary. However, moshiach is not here yet. As such it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to play along and give some parve apology (like we regret the loss of any innocent civillians while protecting our troops). Even if they deserve it such is the way of yakov with esav. ( I know Turkey is Yishmoel, but the same rules apply) For the saftey of everyone you have to lie and chonfa the enemy sometimes.
How many thousands of innocent Serb civilians did Hillary’s hubby kill when he bombed Serbia for 70 days? I have not heard an apology. I
This Obama situation gets more silly every day. The article says that Clinton intimates that Israel is hampering “American interests in the region, such as affecting regime change in neighboring Syria”. Are you serious? It was less than a month before Al-Assad’s crackdown on his people that Sec Clinton called Assad a great reformer.
And this is the man Young Israel thinks will let Jonathan Pollard out of jail? This story should drive home the point that Obama cares not one iota about Jews nor Israel!
Jonathan Pollard needs to apply for parole quietly and stay below the White House’s attention.
Hashem will ALWAYS help Israel and send His shlichim – it may be China soon!! Obama can do what Dictator Obama wants to do (if Congress will let him) until Nov 2012.