New York, NY – The Legislature has negotiated today a Groundbreaking Tax Reform Package which includes a comprehensive restructure of New Yorks State’s current tax rates. Under the legislation which is expected to pass on Wednesday, taxes for 4.4 million middle-class New Yorkers will be reduced.
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An important additional component included in the package is the exemption of non-public and secondary schools from the MTA Payroll Tax.
(The MTA Payroll Mobility Tax was enacted in 2009 to help bail out the metropolitan transit agency by forcing all businesses, schools and non-profits in the 12-county MTA region to pay a 34-cent special charge for every $100 spent on salaries.)
Previously, the Non-public schools had to pay the payroll tax money and then wait to be reimbursed. Under the new plan they will simply be exempt. Already suffering due to the economic climate, Yeshivas in our community will no longer be burdened with this additional expense.
Brooklyn Assemblywoman Helene E. Weinstein credited the strong advocacy from Agudath Israel of America, various leaders of State Mosdos, and community askanim, who sacrifice their time and energy, working with concerned legislators for this victory of parity with public schools.
“I will continue to work with my colleagues to help our private schools continue to provide the education the community demands,” stated Assemblywoman Weinstein.
“An important additional component included in the package is the exemption of non-public and secondary schools from the MTA Payroll Tax”
What a joke to make a big deal out of this and to reffer to it as a “important additional compoent”. The whole tax is a third of a percent i.e. A yeshiva with an annual 1 million dollars of payroll will now save 3,400.00 a year.
Weinstein is taking credit when the Republicans were the ones that fought for this?? Her mentor, Speaker Silver, never fought to lower the MTA payroll tax. Silver was the one (with Senate Democrats) to implement this tax as part of their tax rampage in 2009.
Give credit to who the credit is due: Dean Skelos and the Senate Republican Conference.
I don’t see her taking credit for anything here. She’s simply highlighting what seems to be an additional expense that Yeshivas don’t need. If Hikind posted this, the comments would be all “Oy thank you Dov for working for us! you’re the best!”… let’s get real.