Washington – President Obama And Israel – A Pro-Israel Perspective


    AP FileWashington – Move a Chicagoan to San Diego and soon he’ll forget the wind, sleet and snow and start complaining when the temperature drops below 60 degrees.

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    Relations between Israel and the United States are warmer under President Obama than under previous administrations, yet we hear that the President has a “Jewish problem.” The problem is not Obama, but us: In only three years, we’ve lost historic perspective. We’re criticizing Obama for what would have gone unnoticed in other administrations.

    Gerald Ford and Henry Kissinger threatened to “reassess” America’s relationship with Israel. Obama has declared that America’s bond with Israel is “unbreakable,” and Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak credited Obama for the strongest relationship between the two countries ever.

    Ronald Reagan suspended arms shipments to Israel and supported a UN resolution criticizing Israel for bombing Iraq’s nuclear reactor. Obama secretly sold Israel the bunker busting bombs it requested during the Bush administration and cast the only UN veto of his administration against the one-sided anti-Israel UN Security Council resolution on settlements.

    George W. Bush pressured Israel to allow Hamas to participate in Gaza elections and made little progress in stopping Iran’s march toward nuclear weapons. Obama has not negotiated with Hamas. He has mobilized the international community to impose the toughest sanctions ever against Iran and flat-out declared that that he will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, saying no options are off the table.

    Obama’s pro-Israel accomplishments compare favorably with any Republican president. Yet we keep complaining.

    We say he hasn’t visited Israel as president, forgetting that Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents who visited Israel during their first terms in office. George W. Bush did not visit Israel until his seventh year as president. Ronald Reagan never visited in his entire life. Obama went to Israel as recently as 2006 and 2008.

    We complain that the Obama administration criticizes Israel’s settlement policy, forgetting that every administration since 1967 has criticized Israel’s settlement policy. But unlike George H.W. Bush, Obama never threatened to withhold U.S. aid to Israel because of settlement activity; instead, Obama has taken U.S. financial assistance to Israel to record levels.

    We complain about imagined slights to Prime Minister Netanyahu, forgetting that when the chips were down, Obama came through for Israel and Netanyahu. When Israel asked for help fighting the Carmel forest fires, President Obama’s response was “get Israel whatever it needs. Now.”

    In September 2011, when the late-night call came from Israel to Obama asking for help in rescuing the Israelis trapped in the Egyptian embassy, Netanyahu himself called it a “decisive and fateful moment,” recalling that Obama “said ‘I will do everything I can.’ And he did.”

    The list goes on and on. Obama opposed the Goldstone Report, stood with Israel against the Gaza flotilla, boycotted Durban II and Durban III, and successfully derailed Palestinian attempts to unilaterally declare statehood at the UN. He’s done more than any president to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

    Yet despite the facts, the despite the historic perspective, it’s almost as if some of us want Obama to be anti-Israel because that would validate our worst fears. Attacking Obama on Israel is like attacking John Kerry on his personal military record. The Swift Boat campaign worked because Kerry and his supporters were too slow to take it seriously and fight fiction with facts. The result was four more years of George W. Bush.

    Maybe it’s our nature to complain. But President Obama’s words and deeds prove that he is not only a strong friend of Israel, but that he is willing to stand up for Israel publicly and behind the scenes. That’s what matters, and that’s why most Jews will again vote for Obama in 2012.

    The author is based in Chicago.

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    13 years ago

    Please. It’s ur opninion. The facts we see is his rhetoric. Leaving netanyahu alone in the white house to go eat dinner treating him like a child. And ya when Obama sits in churches for 20 years of the most anti American anti israeli people in the world, forgive us for being skeptical.

    13 years ago

    This article and this writer are Purim jokes. His is a democrat from Chicago who cites ‘facts’ but forgets others.
    President Obama’s first move on peacemaking was to call for a complete freeze of Israeli settlements, including natural growth. No previous U.S. president had made this demand and the Arabs never demanded a complete freeze as a precondition to negotiate. Netanyahu agreed to an unprecedented ten-month moratorium on the settlements. Instead of engaging in negotiations, the Palestinians refused to come to the table. Aside from this being poor policy, it was a bad strategy, and it strained U.S. relations with all sides. But it made Obama more beligerent in his demands on Israel.

    Well, boys and girls, it seems that the Muslim president is now in campaign mode and those poor unafiliated Jews in Florida will buy anything if it has a democrat stamp on it. Just look at the last election. How many Jews voted for Obama in Florida? Now take away the orthodox and see how many really voted for him …….

    13 years ago

    Beautiful. Couldn’t agree more. At some point during the Clinton presidency it became a yehureg v’al ya’avor to vote Republican and never vote Democrat. Now most frum people talk like they’re Sean Hannity’s personal secretary. It’s pitiful and makes us look stupid, to say nothing of ungrateful.

    13 years ago

    Incovenient truths…

    13 years ago

    the only problem with this is that its all a bunch of half stories and only half the facts all coming out of “Chicago” Obamas campaign headquarters
    And no one can deny that a lot of the problems Israel is having is all cause that Cairo speech and his naive policies which led to the arabs picking up their heads. So please dont think of us as fools and sell us that hes the best president there ever was for israel tomorrow you’ll sell us hes the best for our economy.

    13 years ago

    May I ask how you know this information?

    Is it from the news? The same news that all of us read?

    Let me make something clear:

    Israel is of military importance to the United States in the Middle East. The U.S. needs to support Israel, regardless of where the U.S. stands on Israel policy. This is for two reasons:

    1) It is in the best military interest and strategy of the U.S. to support Israel.
    2) The president is NOT the only say on foreign policy, it involves the senate and congress too, which are largely pro-Israel.

    What defines a president who “supports” Israel, is a president who stands firmly with Israel, relies on the decisions that Israel makes, and allows Israel to take any necessary measures to defend itself.

    A president who tries to “control” Israel, tell them what to do, and tell them to negotiate with the very same people who kill their innocent women and children, is a president who does NOT support Israel.

    Even if Al Sharpton YM’S would be the president of the US, he would also have to support Israel. He would ethically need to listen to the members of the senate and the congress, and he would need to support Israel for the sake of the US.

    13 years ago

    It’s quite evident that Obama does not love Jews or Israel at all. In fact in his first 4 years, until now he did everything he can to get Israel to hold off on Bombing Iran by using his silly totally ineffective ‘sanctions’ which obviously have no value at all yet are very effective in stopping Israel form bombing Iran.

    His sudden new born imaginary love for Israel NOW is not even because time is running out to bomb Iran. In fact even at this late hour he is just BEGINNING his new ineffective plan to stop Iran’s Oil Shipments. It took Obama 4 year to even THINK of that and now it will take him another 9 months NOW to get it to work (that’s how long it will take the Saudis to be able to up their oil production to compensate the shortage of Iranian Oil) and by the time 9 months are up, Iran already has therm Bomb, beyond the point of no return.

    So what’s Obama’s sudden new love of Israel all about?

    It’s all 100% pure BLUFF.

    Did anyone forget Obama only needs to PRETEND he loves Israel for a few more months until Election time and the Obama can go back to his old ways to love his Birth Brothers instead.

    Everyone knows Obama’s “secret” that he can’t win without the Jewish vote.

    13 years ago

    Why wont obama release Pollard. so many congressmen, former attorney generals and even secretaries of state etc have written to him. He would not let Pollard attend his fathers funeral. At least explain to us why he wont release Pollard.Is he still a threat to national security? I dont believe so but could be wrong shame on all those who sit with kippot and listen to the President. Do they not know the halacha of pidyon shvuim.?

    13 years ago

    This is an excellent editorial. Also, a President’s successes or failures are better judged years after the fact. Right now, it appears that the U.S.’s abandonment of Mubarek has resulted in Egypt being turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood, which may lead to an abandonment of the peace treaty with Israel. But in a few years we may look back and view the “Arab Spring” as a positive.

    NJ Shmuel
    NJ Shmuel
    13 years ago

    I think that the issue is not that he is anti-Israel as much as we see him as much more pro-Arab. And, that lends to a fear factor that sends shivers down our spines. The author may be correct in all of his statements; however, it is the lines like “…great Muslim Contributions” that leaves us with a bad taste in our mouth.

    His comments on the ’67 boundaries also left us wondering. Do you remember the angry look in President Obama’s face when the Prim Minister of Israel came to speak with him in May? It may be summed up by extracting Shakespeare’s line from Julius Caesar with a twist. “Tis not that I love Israel less. But, that I love the Arabs more.”

    13 years ago

    1. Sen. Kerry: While in a hosp., waiting to see the Dr., struck up a conversation with another patient. Kerry came on the TV, and I said , another liberal. The man sitting next to me, turned and said he personally served in Viet Nam in Kerry Swift boat division on another boat. And everything stated in the Corsi book on Kerry was and is TRUE.
    2. Any Yid thinking Obummer is a friend to Israel, is a FOOL. I personally think with all my heart he is a closet Muslim, and his hatred for our Country knows no limits. He has decimated our Military, our Economic system, Have no energy policy, and the list goes on. He is the messiah in chief of food stamps, unemployment, and the list goes on. His Obummer health care, green energy, and the list still goes on.
    How much more needs to be said???

    13 years ago

    We need more articles like this. The facts are there for all to see. The President also gave extra money to Israel to develop the “Iron Dome”, the anti-Gaza missile defense system. Mr. Obama’s pro-Israel record should not be maligned.

    13 years ago

    Yes, I agree that once Obama realized what he had to lose, he suddenly became very pro Israel. But let’s not forget who planted the stick at pre 67 Borders. And let’s not forget who was caught complaining that he he to deal with Netanyahu every day.

    20 years from now Obama will have taken up the “jewish apartheid” mantle from Jimmy i”sh Carter

    13 years ago

    “Relations between Israel and the United States are warmer under President Obama than under previous administrations” and “Maybe it’s our nature to complain.”

    Hogwash! President Obama is dealing with a terrible economy and low ratings, he cannot afford to offend anyone, especially a voting base. Give him a second term you’ll see his true colours.

    He embarrassed the Israeli PM on many occasions including releasing a photo with him speaking to the PM with his feet on the desk, gave him a chilling reception and led him out through a back door. His policy on settlements are far more worse then any other president. G.H. Bush wasn’t even considering a Palestinian state, just autonomy. They had no weapons, no army and definitely anything close to 1967 borders, not even 45% of that. Obama’s gestures are small and minute compared to the offenses.

    Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you what you are.

    13 years ago

    “He’s done more than “any” president to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions.”

    1)This issue is about 5 yrs old and America was at war in Iraq at the ime this began floating. 2)Doing more but barely anything, its gonna be a done deal soon.

    13 years ago

    Well said! About time someone writes some sense! Keep it going! 4 more years!

    13 years ago

    This article speaks the truth. Every US president has been against the pointless settlements and have supported the 2 state solution.

    13 years ago

    “Obama’s pro-Israel accomplishments compare favorably with any Republican president. Yet we keep complaining.”

    Yes, but how many of those “haters” are gonna come on here & REFUSE to even read this article to maybe get a different perspective, and will just jump on to bash him right & left?! (lol)

    I guess we’ll see!

    13 years ago

    What a strong, factual column. And, much to my shame and embarrassment, the anti-Obama responses here are full of emotionalism and ignorance — but short of facts. Saying you “believe with all my heart” that Obama is a Muslim just makes you look foolish and confirms the feelings of every non-frum Jew who looks down on us as ignorant haters. I’m not saying we should vote for Obama’s reelection, but the way the frum — especially the yeshivish and chassidish — community has demonized this man and ignored everything positive he’s done (the writer of the column lists a number if those positive things) with regard to Israel is disgusting. Other presidents — even the ones recognized as very pro-Israel — have had ups and downs with Israel and major disagreements and even confrontations with Israeli leaders. It didn’t mean those presidents were “anti-Israel,” just as Obama’s relationship with Netanyahu doesn’t make him “anti-Israel.” We sound like overemotional crybabies who have no grounding in history and who ignore any facts that contradict our prejudices.

    13 years ago

    I voted against him and likely will do so again but the author is correct.

    Give credit where credit is due.

    13 years ago

    In all fairness to former President George W. Bush, he did visit Israel prior to being President; while he was Governor of Texas, he visited Israel, and met with a number of political figures, including Ariel Sharon. Secondly, former President Richard Nixon visited Israel in 1974, and previously hosted Prime Minister Golda Meir at the White House, on several occasions. In addition, during the Yom Kippur War, Nixon supplied EY with fighter jets (some of which were flown off aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean, tanks, rockets, artillery pieces, ammunition, etc.). It was the massive airlift, which turned the tide of the Yom Kippur War in Israel’s favor. Even Golda Meir stated “For generations, all will be told of the immense planes from the United States, which meant life for our people”.

    13 years ago

    “Maybe it’s our nature to complain.”

    Disgusting! Maybe its engrained in our blood to be sold out and persecuted by leftist Jews like this author from Chicago.

    13 years ago

    Its time to admit it based on all this facts. Some of the frumme hate Obama for having a different skin color, the same way they hate the Sefardim for their color

    13 years ago

    author based in chicago——–interesting, why so secretive?

    a shame that vosianeis would even print this article

    13 years ago

    Why don’t you put your name down?