Kiryas Joel, NY – Chasidic History: Belz Sends Delegation To Graveside Of Satmar Rabbis To Ask Forgiveness


    Surveillance video at the Kever of Satmar Rabbis shows Belz Chasidim praying at the tombstones on Jan 16 2012Kiryas Joel, NY – VIN News has confirmed that a historical reconciliation appears to be underway between Satmar and Belz after decades of conflict and hostility.

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    The gabbei of Belzer Rebbe, R’ Shimon Wolf Klein and a delegation of ten Belzer dayanim from all over the world paid a visit today to the kever of the Satmar Rebbe, R’ Yoel, zt’l, in Kiryas Joel, and asked for mechila from the Satmar Rebbe in the name of the Belzer Rebbe.

    Included in the Belzer delegation were R’ Tuvia Vetentshtein, R’ Moshe Shimon Bineth, R’ Asher Eckstein, R’ Shalom Pesach Langsam, R’ Wolf Ber Lerner, R’Mordechai Galitzky, R’ Shimon Wolf Klein, R’ Gavriel Menezer, R’ Yossel Langsam, R’ Moshe Yossel Moskowitz and R’ Ezriel Hecht.

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    12 years ago

    Why didn’t the Rebbe go himself?

    12 years ago

    what a great Kidush Hashem

    12 years ago

    The Belzer rebe is a great leader and is not ashamed to admit to mistakes don when he was younger even though he ment it all Leshem Shomayim at that time.

    12 years ago


    12 years ago

    Is he not required to ask Forgiveness in public or does this constitute a public request?

    Just asking.

    Active Member
    12 years ago

    Interesting that they don’t seem to hold like the poskim brought in Shaarei Tziyun 606 sk 3, that asking for mechila should be done personally, not with an intermediary.

    12 years ago

    We are sure that the satmar rabbi is moichel them bemchile gemirah. and kol hakoved to the belze rabbi he made a big kidush hashem…

    12 years ago

    Sorry but he him self spoke bad so he should Come ask mechila himself not send ten dayanim. He himself should come over from israel and ask mechila

    12 years ago

    Moshiach is on the way…..

    12 years ago

    So Satmar gave up on the fight against Belz on the beis din, bechiros, hechsher, money from medine all for an apology for nastiness during that same fight?
    Great to see them coming around for shulem!

    12 years ago

    Pardon the ignorance but what exactly was Belz’ sin? Starting a hechsher in Israel? I know there were some serious battles, in which IIRC Satmar ransacked the Belz shteble in Boro Park a few decades ago. I’m sure there was more. But what exactly was the “sin” that Belz is apologizing about?

    12 years ago

    Wow! finally they saw their mistake…..

    12 years ago

    קידוש השם

    12 years ago

    Oh oh. Sholom bayis may just break out. There might even be ahavas chinom. Oh vey, what are we going to do ????
    (by the way, the Satmar Rebbe and the Belzer Rebbe are brothers-in-law.

    12 years ago

    Not so sure about this. He had no right to go against the Gadol V’tzadik hador and then ask forgiveness.

    12 years ago

    Why now? Who is behind?

    12 years ago

    Thumbs up to belz… We admire your act….

    12 years ago

    i must say im extremly impressed with the belzer rebba for doing this, a person his caliber admitting to a mistake should be a lesson to all of us. this is a big kidush hashem!!

    12 years ago

    its in plan both satmar rebbe’s will make shulim with belzer rebbe next month, rav zalmen of williamsburg is flying to israel pr’ bishalach for the toldos ahron – rav”d satmar wedding, & rav ahron from kiryas joel is flying to israel pr’ shkulim.
    history in our times, 1 day both satmars will also make piece…

    12 years ago

    Will belz stop to go to the becheres? Will they start to obey everything r’ yoelish want? If not I don’t see who in satmar can forgive in r’ yoelishes (satamar’s) name.

    12 years ago

    What are they asking mechila for? They hold by their shita and Satmar holds by theirs. Belz didn’t adopt the Vayoel Moshe. I don’t get it. Belz has been friendly with the two Satmar groups for years,

    12 years ago

    Let’s hope the other afflicted chasidus will follow his foot steps of shulem and the geulah should come fast. We can’t wait any longer we need moshiach now more then ever.
    I’m not a belzer or a satmar but I’m definitely for shulem. I can’t believe the world as low as it is we have gotten to see this. May hashem bring a moshiach soon in the mean time all the sick should have a refuah shlaima don’t worry hold on moshiach is right here.

    12 years ago

    Satmar has kept a close relationship with Gur even though they don’t abide to the shita. Belz and Satmar had a personnel issue about opening a Beis Din and Kosher certification. I wonder if belz is giving up their Beis Din and Kosher certification for this pace treaty.

    12 years ago

    I can’t believe all of you when it was the satmera who caused all the fights if some one didn’t obey there demands nd they her the news who vandalized sues nd buses so I think there the ones ho need to apologize

    12 years ago

    go to see a goudel do these kind act to change the world.

    12 years ago

    Asking forgiveness from someone who is no longer alive is not a Jewish concept.

    12 years ago

    It would be very helpful to many VIN readers who don’t follow the intramural politics of all the different chassidus to explain what the Belzer Rebbe is begging forgiveness for. What did he do to the Satmar? This news story is a bit confusing since it says that these 10 Belzer guys drove out from BP to Monsey to “beg forgiveness” but doesn’t explain why much less why the Belzer rebbe himself stayed home.

    12 years ago

    Wow, this is great news.
    They both deserve thumbs up, the Belzer for asking Mechilah and the Satmer for accepting it, they will both need to deal with some older Chassidim that are not too happy with this.

    12 years ago

    I heard once a good vurt (I think its from r’ yankel galintzki); when we say oisay shulom in the end of shmoyne esreh, we go back 3 steps and bow to all 3 sides, thats the only way to make shulem.

    12 years ago

    Belza Rabba is not capable to travel himself otherwise I’m sure he would do it, he is ready to do anything for shulem.
    The Bairach Moshe went to visit the belza rabba in 1978 and tried to convince him to adopt the shita of his uncle R’ Yoel, the belza rabba told him I also have a uncle (R’ Aron) and I am following his shita as I am continuing to build his chasidus and they had a very friendly Shmoose, the Bairech Moisha when he went out from The belza rabba he told the people around him “the belza rabba is right and I just had no words to convince him”
    At the “shtieadiga tora” 1981 the after being terrerised by satmer and their affiliates belza rabba said some words against R’ Yoel and this is on what he sent the dayunim to ask machila.
    Of course he is not chaging his shita to satmer… They way he built his chasidus till now with the biggest succes wrating from all other chasides around,,,, why should he change?
    Looking forward for mashiach!

    12 years ago

    Here is what happened. I heard this from the House Bochur of the Belzer Rebbe R’ Aharon ZT”L. In the 1940’s the Satmar Ruv was Rav of Yerushalayim and zionist activity was making way for the zionist state in the holy land. The Satmar Ruv was calling for demonstrations and the like, while after 1948 was calling on Jews not to vote or partake from the zionists. At the same time, Rebbe Aharon of Belz ZT”L who was also the gadol hador in Jerusalem, was allowing the jews to vote and let the Aguda work with the zionists to some extents.
    There was a rumor propagated by the Belzers and others that the Satmar Ruv was speaking ill against the Belzer Rebbe and speaking agisnt him. When the Satmar Rebbe heard this rumor against him, he sent two dayanim from the Eida to be Mochel him from the Belzer rebbe and explain that the Satmar Rebbe never intended to seem to speak against the Belzer Rebbes person. The Belzer rebbe sent these emmisaries back saying “You arent even satmar chassidim. let the Satmar rebbe send his own chassidim so I know its from him”. So the Satmar rebbe sent his own gabboim. When they arrived, the Belzer chassidim did not let them enter the Belzer Rebbes room . to be cont

    12 years ago

    This whole story shows which Rebbes are in control of their communities with still a drop of care for the future and youth of Klal Yisroel (and some yiras shomaim) and not driven by Gabuim, hate and money.
    It’s never too late..

    12 years ago

    continued from previousely:

    The belzer gaboim denied entry of the satmar gabboim to meet with the belzer rebbe. So, this was the beginning of the problems with satmar and belz. Ask any old time belzer, they know the story. Tehyll admit they were wrong.

    the current belzer rebbe had issue with the satmar rebbes shitos and said some things in the early years. Baruch hashem shalom is being made. Not only here, but satmar and chabad and also Litvish world and chabad are doing better.

    12 years ago

    As known from Aharon hakohens that you may say a lie to create Shalom and of course when making Shalom between such two big Chasidishe courts. The Belze Rebbe is ready to say a lie and ask for Mechilah on a sin he never did just to create Shalom on the world. A real Mekadesh Shem Shmayim Berabim

    12 years ago

    I guess MLK day had the right affect.

    12 years ago

    It seems from the comments & questions here that VIN readers are missing something in this story,

    This step by Belz was not done because the Belze Ruv feels the need to ask Mechilleh. It was done because Satmer wanted this done by Belz as a pre-condition to “normalize” relations with Belz.

    The Story in short:
    A) Satmer & Belz had a major war
    B) According to Satmer, De Belze ruv was -at a speech- “Pogeia” in the Koved of their Pre-Previous Rebbe, R’ Yoel
    C) Belze Rebbe is sick and tired of being in a “fight” -especially with his brother-in-law. He is eager to make “Peace”
    D) The Satmere have a condition that before anything happens, Belz must “officially” ask Mechileh from R’Yoel
    E) Belze Rebbe -Eager for Peace- gives in and sends a Minyen of Dayunim… because he is overly desperate to make “Shoulem”..

    Dear friends;
    It takes courage to do this when one feels that it’s he has done wrong and thats the way to get it right.
    But It takes much more courage to do it JUST TO APPEASE THE OTHER SIDE!!!

    Reading the comments here, tells me how much courage it takes.
    Instead of realizing the courage it takes, ppl ask “Why didn’t he go himself”

    12 years ago

    It is politically convenient for Reb Aron to make peace with Belz. Since the Eida officially recognized Reb Zalmen as Satmar rebbe. Also, he is a brother-in-law with the Belze rebbe. From what I understand, the two sister rebbetzins always kept close, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was they who mediated this peace treaty between their husbands.

    12 years ago

    This is an historic event,but one has to
    Wonder if this is really for kovod shomayim.
    Why don’t these Rebbes,start at home turf
    To make Sholom.
    Reb aharon,with reb zalmen leib,and Belz w/
    This smells more self interest politics.


    12 years ago

    i am so touched and moved kol hakuvod ” talmidei chchumin marbin shulem beolum”

    12 years ago

    #55 - Haskail

    Oy, belz versus Machnovke, and belz versus satmar is 2 diff worlds.

    It’s like heavens and earths.

    You should know both histories before you ask questions.

    12 years ago

    Many years ago, when the Belzer Rebbe shlita was very young, he took the Satmarer Rebbe zt”l to task and said some awful things about him publicly.
    In the interim there have been many attempts to rectify and reconciliate on the part of some prominent Belzer chasidim but never the by the Belzer Rebbe himself.
    Although it is a very nice gesture to go to a kever to ask mechila, those Satmar chasidim who remember, will never accept this action in lieu of the Belzer Rebbe publicly admitting that what he said then against a godol many years his senior was wrong, and that he personally (not a delegation) is asking for mechila.
    The Belzer Rebbetzin, a tzadeikes, (sister of the Satmarer Rebbetzin of Monroe) has many Satmar supporters who even go to her with kvitlach.
    By the same token, there is no Satmar chosid from either side who would do the same with the Belzer Rebbe. The hurt and pain still lingers!

    Mark Levin
    Mark Levin
    12 years ago

    Looks like the goons are continuing the war. You guys are a bunch of low life tipshim. THE WAR IS OVER!! Enough!! G’nig shoyn!!!!!

    There are more important battles for klal Yisroel to fight!

    12 years ago

    He makes you laugh?
    Your ignorance makes me….

    First of all , you have “chutzpah”, using the word “chutzpah” on the belze ruv… ( I wonder how u would react to me using the word chutzpah to describe a very chushev rebbe who spoke against reb aron z”l. )

    now, Where do u take this story that de belze ruv spoke against R’yoel when he was 18 years old ?

    Are gou making this up as you type or did someone play a trick on you ?

    12 years ago

    it’s really for the benefit of the SATMAR Rebbe to make שלום because משיח is scheduled to pass by the Belzer בית מדרש on the way to the בית המקדש and I’m sure the SATMAR Rebbe is gonna wanna come along

    12 years ago

    Belzer rabbi never spoke against chasam sofer and never on reb yoel.
    And those of you who are saying reb aron hold reb yoel a malech alokim, go over the facts what reb yoel said openly on reb aron, and what was happening then.

    12 years ago

    Surely if the Belzer Rebbe sent his representatives to speak IN HIS NAME that’s the same as if he came from EY himself? He sent a minyan…why isn’t that good enough?

    I wish the “misnagdim” would do the same for the abuse they heaped on the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L, especially after Gimmel Tammuz.. How about (l’havdil) NK (an offshoot of Satmar??) apologizing for verbally and physically attacking other Jews? What about Bobov vs. Bobov?

    The list can go on and on. Nevertheless, this is a wonderful huge step toward peace amongst Klal Yisrael as a whole. Maybe the rest of the Klal will take heed and use this as a springboard to bringing true sholom to all factions.

    12 years ago

    Can someone explain exactly what it is they were fighting about?

    12 years ago

    We can’t rationalize. The action in itself is noteworthy in historic proportions. However its not necessarily an admission of guilt.

    12 years ago

    Isn’t it great Kiddush hashem that they can reconciliate after only forty years?

    12 years ago

    To ALL talkbacks: SO WHAT!! Re-read through this junk and we all see why HKBH has not brought the Tru Redemption yet. We all should be thanking HaShem for such big blessing brought by Satmar and Belz regardless of selly nuances.