Brooklyn, NY – Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) was shocked when he recently encountered not one, but two unattended children – one infant and one toddler – crying in their strollers while parked outside different stores on 13th Avenue in Boro Park. Both children were observed crying and by themselves for more than ten minutes. It is a phenomenon Hikind says he sees all too often in Boro Park.
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“This issue has been going on for years in Boro Park,” Hikind said. “Time and again, I have pleaded with parents, telling them that leaving their children alone in their strollers while they shop or dine in local stores and restaurants is incredibly dangerous. Would you leave your purse unattended? Of course not! So, why do so many people leave their most precious asset of all – their children – unattended? It makes absolutely no sense to me. We must protect our children.”
Hikind said that his concerns are reflected by many in the community who have complained to him that something needs to be done. “Constituents and I discuss all the time that the possibility for a real tragedy exists any time children are left alone. Our community already suffered a tremendous tragedy last July. I cannot bear the thought that something similar could God forbid occur again because people are being reckless with their children’s lives and safety.”
Hikind is urging parents to exercise better judgment and to use common sense before deciding to leave their children unattended.
Someone (hello, Mr. Hikind) should take a good and hard look at how NOT dangerous this practice is. Fear mongering is good for headlines, but let’s not lose perspective.
Just as one example, more children, FAR more children, are injured and killed getting hit by motor vehicles. So where’s Dov’s call for banning all traffic in Brooklyn?
How about addressing the issue when strollers are pussed into traffic infront of adults. …….
Dov, we ought to have a law (and you have the ability to make this happen) that would result in these parents being arrested for leaving their kids unattended. Such behavior is unexcusable, and maybe the threat of spending time behind bars will knock some sense into these parents and help protect these helpless children.
I’m usually pretty libertarian (not Ron Paul-esque, but generally pro-small government), but if these parents won’t protect their children then who will?
why arent’ these parents reported to the Rebbeim & ACS? this is true child endangerment! Haven’t we learned anything from what happened last year??? Another thing I see all the time in BP is a 6 yr old taking their 4 yr old by the hand shopping for their mother BY THEMSELVES!!!! If this were to happen anywhere else in NY -in goyishe neighborhoods – the police would be called for child abandonment. Several years ago, a couple from Sweden were visiting NY & left their baby outside of a restaurant in a carrige while they ate by the window watching the baby. The couple were arrested & the child was taken away by ACS & it took a few weeks for everything to get cleared up (it was a cultural issue-this is what is done in Sweden).
I agree even though there is no place in the store take your kid inside and leave the stroller outside. This has been going on in Williamsburg and Boro Park for years. Would you leave your pocket book outside? Your child is worth more!!!!!
Actually, all the laws on this already exist. This is clear parental neglect. If this were to end up before a judge, there would be basis to restrict that parent’s rights to the child. Now, let’s picture a scene. Someone foolishly does this, and a passerby watches the child cry for 15 minutes, and points this out to a cop patrolling the block (a clearly responsible thing to do). This becomes a case for ACS, and the parents get dragged through that system (a curse on anyone, let alone for a frum Yid). The poor passerby will be ostracized everywhere, shul, schools, etc. as a moseir. Dov is quite accurate when expressing a public plea to be more careful in this area. The alternative would be to enforce the obvious, and that would label and punish the wrong people (as goes on in many other areas of our community).
its already a felony: child endangerment punishable up to a year in prison in NY State- we just need SOMEONE to enforce the law!
Make an example, (and please, no pidyon shvuyim asifas for the example) and I’m sure these irresponsible actions will come to a screeching halt!
As much as I understand parents for doing this, it still is inexcusable.
Protect out young!
Parents, as much as you NEED to shop, children NEED to be watched!
Thank you Dov Hikind for your fine work!
I was recently shopping in BP with my baby, and when I went into the store with my stroller, I was told to leave it outside. I wasn’t about to do that, so I left. The lady, understandably upset about losing a sale came running after me- “What’s the big deal, everyone does it, we’re all yidden, it’s fine” etc. Have we learned nothing from Leiby, z’l? I am not taking chances with my child- better to go through the trouble of coming back later when I can go without the baby than do anything to risk his safety!
The Leiby Kletsky tragedy should have been enough for each parent to rethink what he/she is doing when leaving their children unattended. Perhaps what is needed is some sort of media or poster campaign to build further awareness about the dangers lurking in each and every community. Mr. Hikind, perhaps you might wish to get behind such an endeavor.
Dear Cynic
The fact is that leaving a baby alone and unattended in the street is dangerous. Because, bechassdei shomayim, there have not been more cases of kidnapping, doesn’t mean the parents or carers who leave their kids alone are not endangering them.
I heard that everyone who breathes dies, so lets ban breathing as well, after we clear Boro Park of traffic. Making fun of a serious issue doesn’t make you into a cynic; it makes you into a fool.
That photo was taken at the bagel shop on 13th Avenue. If you look closely you will see the mother standing in the doorway watching the stroller. Obviously in a society that is bustling with strollers you are going to see interesting sights, but the fact is that the mothers in this community have developed certain coping techniques. While they might look strange to the outsider, they seem to have served the community well for half a century.
BTW, many popular stores employ guards to watch carriages in front of their stores. So you might see 10 strollers with only one adult in front of a store. To the outsider it might look like there are 9 unattended strollers, but in reality they are all being supervised.
This is a very common occurrence and is party the fault of storeowners who do not allow strollers into their stores.
It’s terrible.
I once walked not a store and announced loudly- who’s baby is outside ALONE? The mother nodded her head and look at me like I’m this crazy woman. Shes all pity on me! Yeah, terrible, I was bothering her shopping.
Mr. Dov…Most stores on 13th avenue do NOT allow carriages in their store…Mothers need to do their shopping and there is no other way to get this done..
13th avenue has become the Banking center of America where most retail space is taken by those banks forcing the bigger stores to close down and all we are left is the small stores that can not accomidate carriages..Its time BP woke up and boycott some of thos ebanks and drive them away to other areas and lets bring retail back to 13th avenue…The landlords became very greedy and are looking for the big bucks the financial insutry brings them…And the interesting part who is paying the Banks rent.? We taxpayers had to bail them out so they can open more branches in retail territory….
nothing new Mr Hikings I have seen this kind of thing leaving baby carrages with babies in carrage outside of stores in boropark for years and always was angry at the mothers for abandening thier child like this , I also blame many of the stores who do not alow carrages in the store but I as a mother always made sure if the store will not alow me to bring in the carraige i will not step into the store . Many tmes when I saw babies left alone outside of a store I felt like taking the carriege and hiding just to see the reaction of the mother when she steps out and cannot find her baby and then to tell her, look what can happen but I didnt have the caurage to do so. I think if a child is left in a carrage outside a store alone the mother should be ticketed for abandoning and puting her child in danger. I dont think she would leave her purse outside alone!!
I don’t get it. If my local grocer didn’t allow strollers inside my solution would not be to abandon my child outside. I would either carry the child or find another store.
Why is ditching your kid a solution? If you can’t find a babysitter for you and your wife to get out do you just solve that prob by leaving your kids outside the theatre or restauront or wtvr??
Yossi- MOST stores on 13?
I shop on 13 every day and always take my stroller inside. Only very few stores have that dumb policy, so I don’t shop there, or I leave stroller outside and hold my baby in my arms.
And those “guards” they hire to watch 10 babies outside, are even more unsafe and I’d never do it. If somebody snatches a baby, what will that helpless guard do? Abandon the other 9 babies and run after the guy?
Mothers need to learn priorities and realize that kids are more important than clothing shopping, and fancy Mishloach Manos theme shopping.
There are only two possible explanations for a parent doing such a thing: 1) The parent – consciously or subconsciously – does not want the child, or 2) The parent is mentally ill.
Either way, the existing laws need to be enforced.
Oh my lord, there is only ONE way to solve this. CALL THE POLICE ON THESE PARENTS. Have them arrested and charged. It is the ONLY way this problem will go away. Begging the parents, making announcements, hanging up flyers will not get through the thick head of these parents. After all, shopping on 13th avenue is WAY more important than the safety of these innocent infants and toddlers. Truth is, its not like a frum person in BP would kidnap and chop up a jewish child right? Oh wait..
Unfortunately this is the world we live in today. Back in the fifties when I was a child it was absolutely safe and commonplace to leave your baby in a carriage outside a store. Today it is dangerous, but, these mothers have grown up in insulated neighborhoods where it was safe to leave babies outside stores in strollers, so they don’t think it is wrong. It really shouldn’t be wrong, it is just that we live in such terrible times.
I actually was walking down a quit block, when i passed a baby carriage outside a basement store.(door closed). I went in and asked whos baby is outside a woman ans. i said i will be watching your baby while you finish up so please hurry babysitting was not on my list of things to do today. She ans. me with chazal (which i wasn’t formula with) i asked what does that mean,”it means hashem watches over fools and children, so i shouldn’t worry!!!!! i said oh boy now am even more worried fool!! and yes i was standing by door open while talking to her, and stayed till she came out. i have her kids in my tefilos everyday.
and about stores not letting a carriage in? whats the issue is ur STUFF your getting so much more important then your child.!!! (who you are most probably shopping for). if the store didn’t allow diamonds in for a fear of pulling or tearing the clothing would you leave them outside?!!!!
CALL THE COPS on these people if they abandon their child. Go inside the store and say “Who’s child is this? I saw some odd people lurking around. Protect your children”. Watch the mothers run outside for their baby. If one mother doesn’t– call the cops. No excuses for child abandonment.
If the store is too small to shop with a carriage:
a) use a carrier/sling
b) don’t bring the child
c) find a different store where there is enough room for the carriage.
I find this shocking i know many dog owners who would not leave their dogs outside while they shop.
They leave it at home. I know that is not an option with a child. But some just do their shopping with a friend one goes in the store the other stays outside. Why cannot this be done with children, just go with a friend.
Also in Manhattan many parents have baby carries (good if you have only one little one who cannot walk) that one wears and the baby is either in front or back why don’t we see that in the frum world. Just take it along in the stroller and wear it when you go in a store.
A few weeks ago I saw this little boy just sitting on a stoop, I was going to knock on the door but a saw a frum woman a few feet away and assumed it was the mother (my mistake i should have asked). But when i came back another frum lady was holding the boy, she was frantic she found him wondering down the block and asked me if i know who this kid was. Since I saw where the boy was sitting we knocked on the door. The father did not even now that the kid left, and amazingly did not thank the woman or me.
No one has yet explained why these mothers in BP feel compelled to shop when they know that doing so will entail leaving their babies unattended? Are they that addicted to shopping they can’t help themselves? If so, Hikind should sponsor a program to help these sick mothers rid themselves of such a compulsion. If they are are temporarily abandoning their children intentionally, the way someone might tie up a stray dog, than as many others here have noted, they should have their children removed from their control pending investigation by child welfare services.
Whoever Leaves a child outside of a store alone is CRAZY. That’s it end of story. If something willחס ושלום happen, nothing would be a good reason.
When I had younger children and had to do shopping, I always went out with a friend and she would watch my child when I went into a store to shop and I would do the same for her. We had each other for company and we were able to shop without any anxiety. and keep our children safe. It is a great buddy system for friends to do.
Many years ago, I experienced a mother leaving her newborn child outside of Lane’s Pharmacy. She took her purse with her but left her baby unattended. When she returned her baby’s face had been scratched up by a deranged women passerby and her baby was schreeching. She yelled for the police and yelled ” Who did this to my baby?” She was attacked by all the people standing outside calling her an unfit mother. She fled the scene with her baby before the police arrived. I don’t think that she ever left her baby unattended again.
It is painful reality that many stores cannot allow strollers in their stores. Aisles are not wide enough. Merchandise is displayed in ways that many children can reach out, grab things, with risk to the merchandise and often possible risk to the child. Owners might be great people, but disallowing baby carriages might be all they can do. If mothers must take their children shopping, they CANNOT take their children to such stores. Even older children without carriages are often times a royal pain to other customers. How many large stores can have an aisle blocked with a wagon plus a baby carriage, leaving no way for another customer to shop? Parents need to calculate all these things, not just their own personal convenience. It is a feature of our generation that we do what we want without caring for others (sometimes even our own children). No excuse for this.
I was once in Williamsburg saw a carriage with a baby outside in the cold. I went up the stairs & said ‘who’s baby is outside alone? There’s a policeman on the block’ u should’ve seen how fast that woman ran out! Totally irresponsible! & this wasn’t on the main st. It was a side st. Mothers should realize kids are a gift from heaven! Please protect them they are worth more than diamonds!
Think how dangerous this can be. Shredready has said that he lives in the Boropark Area. Knowing that how can you leave your kids unwatched on the street. Who knows what he might do with his dog, or what his dog might do when he is not busy with shredready.
I used to get yelled at for bringing my child shopping by the store owner!! They would make me take out the child and leave the stroller art the entrance!! Other stores would not allow me to even park my stroller so no shopping!! We went top where we were welcome!! In large stores, I took a shopping cart and wheeling both the stroller and the shopping cart, but always kept the stroller with me!! I never left the stroller outside!! If somebody wants your business they will find a way to cooperate with you otherwise, go elsewhere!!
It takes only a second for someone to run away with a baby carriage or stroller.
Absolutely NEVER leave a baby carriage or stroller unattended, whether outside a store; or even inside a supermarket, where I’ve seen carriages and strollers left unattended in one aisle, while the parent was getting something in a completely different aisle.
Many years ago a baby was left outside a store on Manchester’s shopping block, A passing goyte actually walked off with the pram, Boruch Hashem the mother came out in time and gave chase. This is a REAL danger. Most shops here have now redesigned their shops so that buggies and prams canbe brought inside the shop. In the ones that can’t babies are taken out oftheir buggies and broughtinside. The times buggies are left outside are usually when children take them shopping……
NYS Penal Law § 260.10
“Endangering the welfare of a child.
A person is guilty of endangering the welfare of a child when:
1. He or she knowingly acts in a manner likely to be injurious to the
physical, mental or moral welfare of a child less than seventeen years
old or directs or authorizes such child to engage in an occupation
involving a substantial risk of danger to his or her life or health; …
Endangering the welfare of a child is a class A misdemeanor.”
A misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in prison. Leaving an unattended baby outside a store would likely result in a plea deal of no jail time, but with probation and supervision by child welfare authorities for a period of time.
Would you leave your barsilino Black Hat outside? Would you leave your $5,000 Streimel outside? Would you leave your $3,000 sheitel outside? However, you do leave your priceless child outside, nebach on our values.
Leaving a baby outside in a stroller also leaves them subject to RAT bites. Yes, RATS are all over our streets, and will easily munch on a small defenseless child.
The picture above is outside the “Hot Bagels” store. This store is tiny and the whole front of the store is made of a large window where parents can keep a close eye on the happenings outside.
Simple solution, give the kid a non Chalav Yisroel Candy.
I bet it never happens again.
sometimes I wonder if little kids are better off with stay-at-home moms or working moms…when moms work, their kids are safely (hopefully) monitored in day care…
While I agree in theory that it is wrong to leave a baby alone and let him cry, the danger is being overstated. This practice has been done for literally decades, and b”H I’ve yet to hear of a story where a baby dissapeared off the streets of boro park.
I’m much more bothered by the fact that mothers don’t care a wit that their babies are crying, lonely and scared. Are these our compassionate Jewish mothers?
Forget the babies those carriges are worth $2,000 and all the young couples are walking around with them and then they run to toty and momy when there is no money? oh i forgot they got it for a present .
I have grandchildren and the thought of them or anyone elses child being left unattended is beyond acceptable…not even for one second…no excuses.
Forget about leaving the child outside in the stroller…I told my kids you cannot turn your head away from the child when you take the child outside, and you cannot turn around to be facing the other way when you are with your child, even when the child is in the stoller. The child cannot be behind you when you are outside with him.
I guess to those of us who don’t have children, plenty available on 13th avenue come and take your pick.
to all of you who say that it is moiser to call the police on this & that this is better than the children being placed in foster care:
1. Gedolei HaDor have Paskined recently (don’t ask me which Gadol-I can’t recall which one) that it is NOT moiser in this day & age to involve the police when it comes to child abuse & child endangerment. It is more important to be concerned about the safety & well being of a child than if someone is being Moiser.
2. If a parent is endangerng a child in any way, it is more important that the child remain safe & sound & well taken care of. When ACS is called regarding a frum child, they immediately contact Ohel & Ohel places the child first with famly members. If there arent any family members willing to take in the child(ren) then they place them with a very warm & loving FRUM family, usually in the same neighborhood.There will be an investigation during which time the parents will more than likely will have to go to therapy & such. in the end the child will be returned to the parent if it is found that the parent can provide a SAFE home & will exhibit proper actions toward the child.
Easy solution for Hikind to implement: have cops patrol the areas, and give verbal notices to the mothers, warning them that next time they WILL be arrested. The word will get around fast. Fear of cops is effective in avoiding traffic violations, and it will work here. (as sad as it is that we need such measures to get mothers to protect their own kids, the fact is that some are too naive as to the dangers of our world…watching from the window, will not stop a kidnapper from throwing the stroller & kid into a van and zipping away).