Bnei Brak, Israel – Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager, the Rebbe and leader of the Vizhnitz hassidic dynasty, died on Tuesday night and was buried in Bnei Brak Wednesday afternoon.
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Earlier today Tens of thousands of people took part in the funeral.
Many of the international news agencies such the AP, EPA, Getty Images, sent out photographers to take part, below is a photo essay.
Credit also to Israeli news org. Flash90, 24News photographer Yehudah Hildsheime, and Chadriey Charedim Photographer Yaakov Cohen
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bd”e its very sad that we lost our tzadik hador who was marbits torah for so many years may he be a maylits yosher for all of and bring us moshiach very soon
Thank you for the photos and video clips, my husband and son in law could not get to the levaya and some of the pictures and clips were just what they needed. May we only hear besuros toivos among yidden.
TY for this conglomeration which makes it possible for those who couldn’t be there in person to take part in their hearts. May we soon hear the voice of the Goel Tzedek.