New York – Following Question To R’ Kanievsky Avraham Fried Shares Origin Of Song Lyrics


    New York – The lyrics of a recently released song by superstar Avraham Fried have become the subject of internet buzz in recent days as word comes that the lyrics in question were actually brought to one of today’s foremost gedolim in order to ascertain their origin.

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    According to Israeli news source B’Chadrei Chareidim, a Bnei Brak school was planning on basing its end of year production on the words of the song Kach Es Sheli from Avraham Fried’s recently released Keep Climbing album. School officials questioned the source of the lyrics, which state that the third Bais Hamikdash will be built by the tears of Klal Yisroel, and elected to take their question to Reb Chaim Kanievsky, asking him if the lyrics were of midrashic origin.

    While R’ Kanievsky responded that the words did not come from any midrash, he suggested that perhaps they were brought out by some other individual.

    In an effort to shed light on the matter, VIN News reached out to Fried to find out more about Kach Es Sheli, which was composed by, and features the lyrics of, Yuval Stoppel and was originally recorded by Israeli singer Yisroel Parnes.

    The song in question below.. Audio provided by

    In fact, the lyrics are based on the words of the Chasam Sofer as quoted in Sefer Ohel Moshe, according to Fried.

    “A friend of mine sent me a quote in the name of the Chasam Sofer, where he writes that every tear we shed helps build the Bais Hamikdosh,” Fried told VIN News.

    Ohel Moshe brings down a question in the name of the Chasam Sofer asking if all the tears that have been shed over the Churban Bais Hamikdash over the past 2000 years have been wasted, given that we are still waiting for the coming of Moshiach. The Chasam Sofer replies that although we know that the third Bais Hamikdash will be constructed out of fire and will descend from the heavens, it is our tears that create each and every stone of the celestial Bais Hamikdash, so clearly the tears that have been shed over the last 2000 years have not gone to waste.

    Additionally, Fried pointed to another source that brings out the concept of our tears being the literal building blocks of the Bais Hamikdash.

    “There is also a quote in the same Sefer from the Shla Hakadosh who writes that the reason that we push Tisha B’Av off to Sunday if it falls out on Shabbos is because it is our tears that build the Mikdosh. Since Tisha B’Av is a time for tears and the melacha of building (boneh) is forbidden on Shabbos, Tisha B’Av cannot be observed on Shabbos because the tears that we shed are the literal building blocks of the Bais Hamikdash,” explained Fried.

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    12 years ago

    Amazing explanation! What a whole new meaning to the Ninth of Av.

    12 years ago

    Learn a lesson here,just because you never heard something or it sounds a little off,before making accusations open up some seforim and search for the mekor!!

    12 years ago

    This story doesn’t make sense: How is it possible that Reb Chaim Kanievsky did not know a Chasam Sofer and a Shaloh Hakodosh??? Soon people will think that Avraham fried has the bekiyus of a godol! Granted he is a great singer, maybe the best ever, but his gadlus b’torah does not surpass Reb Chaim Kanievsky!

    12 years ago

    This page from Rav Moshe Scheinerman’s sefer “Ohel Moshe” can be better viewed here;=&pgnum=416&hilite;=

    His sefarim are always full of geshmake yedios!

    12 years ago

    I never knew you can base your lyrics on words from Achronim….??

    12 years ago

    There’s a yiddish version of Machnisei Rachamim that’s based on this same idea. I think the original version was written by Yonasan Schwartz (I could be wrong). Probably the most heartfelt jewish song ever. See it here:

    12 years ago

    Interesting that this is the type og thing that people are concerned with to have ask Rabbonim. I am surprised that Reb Chaim Kanievsky couldn’t have one his bachurim research the info to provide a proper answer. Seems like the “individual” who is the source, is deserving of a bit more of a totle than that.

    12 years ago

    The original were written by the Rivnitzer Rebbitzen

    12 years ago

    Wow!! Congrads to Avraham Fried that upon asking this question he was able to point out not one but 2 source, shows that he is not just a professional singer but also a “shtik tochen” and put his heart/songs/words in one place
    And I would advise anyone who didn’t get the CD yet to get it, a beautiful collection like this was not released for a long time

    12 years ago

    why did they not ask avrhom fried in the first place?

    12 years ago

    How could this create an internet buzz …if no one is on the internet.
    Just another rayah how important it is for the ganze oilam to come to the asifa.

    12 years ago

    Why all of a sudden a tumult about where the words are from? Why was there no m’cha when Avraham Fried made that very popular song using the words of a nevuah (Yehsaya Hanavi 41:6) referring to OVDEI AVODAH ZARAH! giving chizuk to each other to continue and persevere in their… IDOL WORSHIP?!

    Yes! Please look it up: אִ֥ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֖הוּ יַעְזֹ֑רוּ וּלְאָחִ֖יו יֹאמַ֥ר חֲזָֽק׃
    “Each man would help his fellow (WORSHIP IDOLS!) and to his brother he would say ‘Be strong!'”

    And the Navi continues in Pasuk 8…HOWEVER…. YOU O Israel, My servant, etc (basically: you are not like that, you love me – says Hashem)

    12 years ago

    You’re an absolute fool!
    R’ Chaim was asked if these lyrics stem from any sefer or midrash etc.. He replied that they do not, which is the truth. The lyrics are based on the Chasam Sofer ZT”L. Perhaps R’ Chaim knew that and maybe even pointed it out to the one who asked him, but the actual lyrics do not come from ant sefer.

    12 years ago

    Yashar koach for taking down #12 .

    12 years ago

    What a great story, thanks for sharing! I had a similar experience when Chazak was the big album. We learned in Yeshiva that the passuk/words to chazak were about avodah zarah. We wrote to Mr (Rabbi?) Fried and he explained with a beautiful dvar torah.

    May he go from chayil l’chayil.

    12 years ago

    who cares?
    why is this an issue in tthe first place?
    either you like the song or you don’t
    whats the purpose of being moiche?

    12 years ago

    And I was hoping for a ban!
    That would have made for an interesting summer.

    However, R Kanievsky’s answer and Avreimle’s subsequent mareh mekomos that included the Chasam Sofer of all possible Achronim makes this whole event seem somewhat manufactured… How is it possible that R Kanievsky did not know the Chasam Sofer?
    It’s like its a warning shot across the bow for all those who have too much time on their hands, “stop wasting our valuable time with your pettiness”.

    We already know from the Internet Asifa debacle where they tried to get R’Kanievsky to come, and he said, only if my father-in law comes too (its well known that neither leave E”Y) …

    12 years ago

    First, the gemora says in gittin 6b that an Amora could be a great person even if he didnt hear something. The gemora says that about R Evyasar who never heard a certain derasha.
    Secondly, please realize that this chiddush of the Chasam Sofer is not found in any of his derashos, or chiddushim. There are plenty of writings extant of the Chasam Sofer. The author of the Ohel Moshe did not quote any of them. He simply states that he heard it in the name of the Chasam Sofer. Even if R’ Chaim read every sefer of the Chasam Sofer he wouldn’t have found this piece of Torah unless someone told it to him. This is an exact analogy to the gemora in Gittin

    12 years ago

    #19 Many acharonim use poetic license on those words. I have seen it quoted in many seforim. Sorry for you Am Haratzus

    12 years ago

    I think its funny and sad that right away some people took the approach of ” how could R’ Chaim not know………” How about saying ” WOW WOW ” R’ Chaim new right away that there is no such medrash ( meaning he knows EVERY MEDRASH !!!) such a Tzadik.