Warsaw, Poland – Members of Poland’s Jewish community and other Poles have marked the 70th anniversary of the first deportations from the Warsaw ghetto in 1942 with a memorial march through the city.
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Although Poland regularly marks major Holocaust anniversaries, like the liberation of Auschwitz and Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, there have never been major commemorations for the start of deportations to death camps on July 22, 1942.
Officials and the Polish media described Sunday’s event as a first.
Participants gathered at Umschlagplatz, the site in Warsaw where Jews were loaded onto trains bound for Treblinka. They then walked as a group to an orphanage named after Janusz Korczak, a Jewish educator who had a chance to escape the Holocaust but instead chose to die with the children under his care.
The deportations to Treblinka from the Warsaw Ghetto started on Tisha b’Av and was the beginning of the Endloesung as decreed in the Wannsee conference. Heydrich, Eichmann, Himmler and Kaltenbrunner
And the Germans didn’t even stop to say “Thanks” to their Polish partners in crime on their way out of Poland!