Jerusalem – Soon, it will no longer be necessary for charedi men to walk around while covering their eyes with their hands to avoid seeing women.
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Recently, a new start-up company has begun marketing and selling special glasses in charedi neighborhoods such as Meah Shearim. The purpose of the glasses is to prevent charedi men from seeing immodestly-dressed women.
The glasses contain blurry lenses that obscure the wearer’s vision and do allow men not to see more than three meters. For those who already wear glasses, the company has designed stickers that can be affixed to the existing pair of glasses which will obscure the vision.
Yedioth Ahronot reports ( that the glasses, designed for the charedi community, are intended for charedi men who must go to places where women will be present. The new patent cost the inventors only NIS 25. The patent includes non-prescription glasses and the obscuring stickers. The glasses with the blurry lenses contain perforations at the bottom of the lenses enabling charedi men to look down at the ground through the perforation and still see where they are walking.
Now, this is going just a wee bit to far…..What’s next???
For 6 NIS, I’ll get a “squeegee man” to follow our friend, and squirt him in the eyes as needed.
this has to be a joke I hope?
Why don’t they just poke out their eyes?
hope this is a joke sorry but sounds like total shtuz now they will just bump into women and who knows whatelse
Charedi men seem to have uncontrollable lusts. Perhaps they should spend more time with the Mussar and less with the Gemarah?
I agree as an “ultra-orthodox” person. These men are going to wear the glasses driving and get in a wreck possibly
and wearing bluring glasses can negatively impact your vision and cause headaches
who is to blame when they get hit by a car because they did not see it?
For 6 NIS, I’ll get a “squeegee man” to follow our friend, and squirt him in the eyes as needed.
It’s not a mosh pit: it’s Chareidi Collisions.
No !, you should be able to figure out for yourself that earplugs are next, so as not to listen to Loshon Hora.
Is this a joke?
great. not I’m happy to knock into one of you.
לפני עור לא תתן מכשל
I look foward to reading here in several weeks that a large number of chareidi yungerleit and men have been involved in minor accidents such as walking into walls, walking off curbs and falling into the street, walking into streelamps and poles, and walking into moving cars….which in EACH case was the result of their not seeing the object or obstacle clearly while wearing these “pritzus-proof glasses”. Maybe after a series of non-life-threatening but nonetheless painful broken arms, legs, hips, etc. the rabbonim who came up with this insanity will step back and say, maybe the solution is worse than the non-existant problem we were seeking to cure.
The title of the article should be changed to “some idiot trying to sell glasses to other idiots”. I’m a “Charedi Man” and I don’t think anyone I know will be purchasing these glasses anytime soon.
But they will be oiver on “liphnei Eveir” though.
actually, this is good. add a set of ear plugs and they can serve in the army. no more excuses.
Sakonas Nefoshos to wear such spectacles and cross streets! The posuk says “V’Loi Sosuru Acharei L’Vavchem V’Acharei Eineichem” and V’Chai Bohem. You need to be able to see and control yourself, look away if necessary. Reminds me of the Tzadikimlech walking down the street reading Tehillim of yener’s cheshbon. You have no right to endager yourself and others with such hazards. It’s still likely better and less of a sakanah to wear these spectacles or read Tehillim walking down the street than to text while walking and crossing the street. And the poor innocent children being pushed well into the intersections while their parent is absent-mindedly yapping into the phone before checking for approaching vehicles, my heart goes out to them. Shoimer Pesoyim Hashem!
Heaven help them when they have to look before crossing the street…
The Wolf
Who is like the nation of Israel?
I am chareidi and this is STUPID! However, like many people I do wear prescribed tri-focals which could actually do the same thing I guess…but this is just silly.
This newest insanity has just made it to the local news…. normally, I take exception when there are general news stories mocking religious jews but in this case, its totally warranted. Every time these idiots seem to have gone off a cliff without a parachute, or suffocating in A hole while still digging themselves deeper, they manage to outdo themselves. Whether its some guys in Wales insisting on going into the ocean with strong tides so he can be toivel in mikvah while on a beach holiday, some frum guys in Nepal eating poison mushrooms because the sherpa with their kosher food delivery had not shown up or any one literally dozens of other mindless stories we hear about yidden taking stupid risks to be mekayem some mitzvah or lo taaseh while violating the more fundamental axiom of not creating sakanas nefesh for yourself and others.
Maybe these yungerleit need to blurr the schmutz INSIDE their heads!
Does this mean that if men are wearing these glasses, women won’t have to move to the back of the bus? Seriously, maybe the existence of these things will put more of the onus on the MEN (where it should really be) to place their own limits on themselves, instead of persecuting women.
What a wonderful idea! It also enables us to cross the streets without looking since the cars can’t hit me if i cant see them!!
I could not read this article – my glasses made it too blurry. What does it say?
This is exactly what they did in prewar Europe. The Rambam too.
is todays date changed to april 1
Why do so many mishugasim involve glasses? As recently mentioned in WSJ, there is a massive fad in South Korea to wear glasses without any glass. Hipsters wear glasses uglier than anything worn in the ’80’s. And now glasses you can barely see through!
Give them to any speaker you suspect will talk too long.
It’s all fun and games until somebody pokes out an eye.
In other news, local authorities report there has been an alarming increase in emergency room visits by haredim. ER staff comment that the influx appears to be caused by direct trauma to the skull via walking into poles.
There are procedures which can permanently remove certain sensations in humans. These have been performed on high level predators in some countries. While it is most likely painful and carries serious risk, why not have a piece of your brain removed or compromised if you feel like you can’t help yourself. It will certainly be more effective then glasses with scotchtape on the lenses.
Think about it, a life free of sin!
It’s funny because now they’re going to bump into the women instead of seeing them
Who is so stupid to actually pay money? A person this stupid can’t afford to buy these “special” brilen. Just grease up your own glasses with some vaseline.
I’m sure this is a joke. I hope this is a joke.
If it isn’t a joke it will be self-correcting when the wearers are laid up with headaches or wander into traffic.
If your mind is wrong no amount of tznius rulers or walking on opposite sides of the street or throwing rocks at six year old girls will be enough. If your mind is right you can go to a nudist colony with complete modesty. (Actually, nudists are just about the most modest people around.)
I think someone should ask an optometrist if that is safe – it sounds like it can ruin good vision
it’s possible that like this they may bump into women rather than looking at them
I respect everyone and everyone’s religion but this is a little too fat
What ever happened to self control? Do they know what that means?
I could picture all of the fakers making believe they are wearing these kind of glasses while they are wearing something that looks similar. Meanwhile they will be checking out anything in a skirt.
I believe if we just require all men to text or talk on a cell phone while they walk, it will distract them from looking at women.
Why are so many people mocking this? I am not charedi but I am tired of seeing so many women dressed in clothing that looks like it was washed in hot water and then shrank. I also like the idea of ear plugs. If someone starts talking loshan harah I could just pop them in and shoen end of problem!
are these the same people that wear “windowshades”?
Next in news “Haredi population undergoes Darwinism as more pedestrians are hit by cars because they are wearing stupid glasses and can’t see streets.” I think even Sweaty Taliban clergy would laugh at this.
We already know how shortsighted they are. At least they admit it now.
Ha-ha ha! this is hilarious. For the sophisticated ones I would add nose and ear plugs and tight their hands since our brains can do tricks to us and easily compensate lack of one sense by another. When imagination starts working wow I don’t even want to go there
This is just getting ridiculous. A man should be able to present himself to the world as a functional human being without having to resort to these ridiculous gadgets. I think it shows institutionalized dysfunction rather than group piety.
Google glasses?????
A plaintiffs atty dream come true. Deliberately blurring your vision obviously puts not only the wearer at risk but others as well. It will b a slam dunk case
“For those who already wear glasses, the company has designed stickers that can be affixed to the existing pair of glasses which will obscure the vision.”
They could just remove their existing glasses and have blurred vision.