Lima – Peru’s Nazi Party Leader Wants To Expel Jews From His Country


    Peruvian Nazi party leader Martín Quispe Mayta (C) salutes from his headquarters with his supporters. Photo: CIDIPALLima, Peru – Holocaust denier and neo-Nazi Martín Quispe Mayta, leader of the Andean Peru National Socialism movement, is calling for the expulsion of Peru’s 5,000 Jews. Peru is home to some 30 million people.

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    The Guardian writes ( that the 38-year-old Mayta says Jews are to blame for his childhood poverty because Jews control the world economy. He finds inspiration in Henry Ford’s tome “The International Jew” and in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” and has even concocted several of his own anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, namely, that a group of murderous Jews killed millions of native Peruvians for their gold.

    Mayta’s far-right group has not yet earned enough signatures to become a political party, but his unabashed admiration for Hitler is cause for alarm. The party’s headquarters are decorated with renderings of Hitler and draped in a red, white, and black flag emblazoned with a symbol similar to the swastika. A copy of Mein Kampf is displayed prominently behind a desk.

    The Jewish Association of Peru issued a statement saying it denounced Mayta’s “open expression of anti-Semitic racism” and had “appealed to authorities to take the necessary measures to halt the incitement to racial and religious hatred.”

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    12 years ago

    Right, you see this is how it starts. Please, Jews of Peru do yourselves a favor take this threat seriously and create some sort of radical Jewish defense group. JDL is a catchy name and defend yourselves. Remember, Hitler didn’t start out as chancellor either.

    12 years ago

    May he have an even swifter ending than Hitler YM”S

    12 years ago

    Theese primitives think that they are smart if they hate jews they are trash mindless imbaciles

    12 years ago

    now we know how important it is to fight holocaust deniers and other anti semites at every step. by saying we should ignore these people, we give a platform and courage for others to join in.

    12 years ago

    Ah bunch of whiny little losers. Too lazy to get a job so why not blame it on everyone else.

    12 years ago

    Wait a minute, these don’t look like Germans?!

    12 years ago

    Lets daven for his quick ptira from this world asap ( and his thugs too)

    12 years ago

    I’m traveling every year to Israel & all the time I go I see this tourists from Peru every were I go in Israel im”sh I bean talking to them the are all of them sonei Israel . Israel not suppose to let them in Israel imaj shemam v’zijran

    12 years ago

    Real Aryan people.

    12 years ago

    Nachpesah dracheinu vnachkorah, vnashuva el Hashem.
    Our generation has not experienced this type of open hatred, until now. But, we’ve learned of these things from our history; it’s truly horrifying to feel it, and to realize it can happen in our supposedly SUPER SOPHISTICATED, Intelligent society.
    We can count on none but The Ribono Shel Olam – and we better do what we can to gain His favor!!!

    12 years ago

    The perturbing thing to me that they are antisemitic money bags behind them who fund them. South America was and probably has a residual infiltration of Nazis for example Paraguay , Chile and Argentinia. The questionm is who are those funding them

    12 years ago

    Love their Aryan blue eyes and blond hair!

    12 years ago

    As Someone that works outside of the community, I have been having this discussion with an African American coworker who truly believes that the Jews control the world, They started both world wars and Vietnam, Were behind September 11th. All because there was money to be made in war And Jews of course control all the money And power. At least I was able to talk to him and I’m still trying to get through telling him about all the poverty in our community. He’s having a hard time believing it. This is the mindset of people that have never had interactions with us, once they are convinced by a few idiots. A whole nation was convinced of this idea And bought it hook line and sinker About 70 years ago.

    12 years ago

    I bet u if hitler met these indian looking fellows he wouldve thrown them into the ovens before the jews these indians don’t realize that

    12 years ago

    Your cleaning equipment is in the closet, losers.

    12 years ago

    Boycott Peruvian products!!