Jerusalem – Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Passes Away


    Jerusalem – After his medical conditioned worsened on Friday, Rabbi Yaakov Yossef passed away at the age of 66 on Friday afternoon, succumbing after a long struggle with cancer, Israel Radio reported.

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    Yossef was the eldest son of Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yossef.

    Though the two have had their differences over the years, notably Rabbi Yaakov’s endorsement for the controversial book Torat Hamelech which Rabbi Ovadia spoke out against as it may be construed by some as racist, Rabbi Ovadia lead thousands of followers and supporters in prayer all week in hopes of a miraculous recovery for his son.

    Rabbi Yaakov was considered a great scholar in the haredi community, known for his vast knowledge on Jewish law.

    His funeral will leave from the Borchov Synagogue in the Bukharim quarter in Jerusalem at 4:30 p.m. Friday.

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    11 years ago

    The levaya will be held at 4:30pm from Buchrov Synagogue in Bucharim neighborhood of Jerusalem, the burial on Har Hamenuchos. Only his father and son will be maspid due to the late hour before Shabbas. תנצבה

    11 years ago

    maybe it’s because of comments Arie Deri, his father’s associate, made today about Yom HaShoah not being important to hareidim?

    11 years ago

    Rav Yaakov Yosef ז”ל
    was the 2nd son of Rav Ovadiah Yosef יב”ל
    The hespedim were delivered by his sons, Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef (not the father)and Rabbi Yonatan Yosef., as well as other prominent Rabbonim.

    11 years ago


    11 years ago

    I am saddened by the death of a any fellow Jew, although probably not NK or Satmar “Jews”. It saddens me that Rav Ovadia Yosef has lost his son who was 67 years old. Just imagine though how sad fellow Jews are on Yom HaShoah for the deaths of so many of our families & on Yom HaZikaron this week when parents & siblings will be mourning the deaths of their brave sons & daughters. These days need to be respected by ALL Jews.
    There are 2 more points:
    1) Mr. Deri is a despicable corrupt jailbird who’s despicable comments should not be published by decent people
    2) Only Hashem knows the reasons for things & for anyone to claim that tragedies happen because of gays or new years parties or any other acts of man is just a fool & a charlatan.
    I wish Rav Ovadia & his family “Chayim Aruchim” & “Min Hashamayim TeNachemu”
    Shavua Tov & Chag Atzmaut Sameach le’chol Am Yisrael