New York – Rabbi Uriel Vigler was heading to morning prayers on Tuesday as he does every day on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, just before 7 a.m., when a man began shouting anti-Semitic insults at him.
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Vigler said the man called him a “f***ing Jew.”
“Instinctively, I moved away,” he told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “I moved to the other side of the street, and he follows me and he said, ‘Are you nervous, are you scared?’”
As Vigler neared the synagogue, he said the man lunged at him. When the assailant noticed the congregation’s security guard, he turned around and called the rabbi “the devil.” The rabbi recorded the end of the incident and shared the video on Facebook.
Though the man did not harm Vigler, the rabbi believes that if the security guard had not been present, the assailant would have physically attacked him. Vigler has filed a report with the New York Police Department but has yet to hear back.
The incident comes just days after a shooter attacked a Chabad synagogue in Poway, California, killing one and wounding three.
Vigler, who leads the Chabad Israel Center on the Upper East Side along with his wife, Shevy, said he would not let the incident deter him from doing his work.
“We are not afraid,” he said. “We are going to continue our mission to spread goodness and kindness in the world, to reach out to Jews with unconditional love.”
maybe this is a sign from hashem that we should stop giving gentiles the 7 noachide laws when they want to become full fledged yidden. our job in golus is to make as much geirim as possible. Also chabad and myself included must stop preaching that the jewish soul is much greater then the gentile soul. tikkun halom is about unifying the world not causing hatred and divide. this is my realization as a chabad chosid. kol tov
This Rabbi is a PR jerk. Looking for attention causing more problems.
Typical nypd does nothing , because they need to show crime is “falling” lazy nypd
It’s all the fault of the anti vaxxers.
The individual who tried to attack the Rabbi, was nothing but a savage from the jungle.
Only in Deblasio’s Libtard NYC could this happen. The hate stems from the top, from the mayor of NYC.
Where else are police gun downed in broad daylight because the socialist mayor hates the police force.
Really troubling that with all the diversity in the city a jew can’t walk around safely to go daven. And it is important that we do report these incidents to the NYPD and ADL, not just brush them off.