Young Israel Calls On Bernie Sanders To Cut Ties With Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour

(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Washington – The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) today called on Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders to sever his ties with Linda Sarsour, who was recently named a surrogate for his campaign.

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Sarsour is a co-founder of the Women’s March, which was heavily criticized for fostering anti-Semitism and refusing to condemn Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has a history of making anti-Semitic comments. She is also an unabashed supporter of the anti-Semitic BDS movement and has a troubling track record of making derogatory comments about Jews.

“The National Council of Young Israel calls on Senator Bernie Sanders to immediately end his campaign’s relationship with Linda Sarsour in light of her controversial history of anti-Semitic comments, anti-Semitic associations and anti-Semitic support,” said NCYI President Farley Weiss. “There is no room in any political campaign for anti-Semites to have a role, regardless of whether they are there in an official or unofficial capacity.”

“Bringing Linda Sarsour, who has demonstrated open animosity toward the State of Israel, on board a presidential campaign is a tremendous cause for alarm,” added Weiss. “Her anti-Semitic statements, her eagerness to vilify Israel, her blatant disregard for the Palestinian Authority’s ongoing glorification of terrorism, and her proud support for the BDS movement, which Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has stated is unquestionably anti-Semitic, are beyond the pale. Individuals who exhibit hate and promote anti-Semitism should have no involvement whatsoever in a political campaign for the presidency of the United States. It is our hope that Senator Sanders will do the right thing and immediately distance himself from Linda Sarsour and her hate-mongering ways.”

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yaakov doe
yaakov doe
5 years ago

Under the leadership of Farley Weiss, Young Israel has ceased to be an amalgamation of synagogues and has become a political movement. When founded the Young Israel movement had a purpose to make observance relevant to the American’s who weren’t comfortable with Yiddish speaking rabbonim. The frum community has grown by leaps and bounds during the past 50 years and there are numerous kiruv organizations working with the not yet observent. The Orthodox Union and Agudath Israel represent us in governmental matters and shul support and have made the Young Israel organization irrelevant. Young Israel shuls have closed as neighborhoods changed and few new Young Israel shuls have opened in recent years.
Young Israel became a movement in search of a purpose and is now deeply engaged in partisan political activities which I feel should be kept at arms length away from organized religion, be it theirs or ours.

5 years ago

Why would he do that? He hasn’t condemned the anti Semitism coming from his fellow party members, Omar, Tlaib, and agrees with their call to,cut aid to Israel!

5 years ago

Bernie Sanders ימ”ש is a male version of Linda Sarsour , it’s just ties he has with her
Jews should be really worried if this Trutski wins.

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
5 years ago

My bro Munch says it’s hard for a guy like Bernie to resist taking on the role of an anti-Semite’s token Jew.

5 years ago

Bernie is a Self Hating Jew. He hates the Jewish religion and feels it holds people back. He married a shikshi (second wife) and believes in socialism and not in G-d. May HaShem help us from people like him.

Democrats support Jew haters
Democrats support Jew haters
5 years ago

Bernie who libels Israel has a Jew hating surrogate, who would have thunk

5 years ago

Why would one antisemite cancel a relationship with another?