Governor Cuomo Releases Statement on Attack of Hasidic Man in Williamsburg, NY

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

A Hasidic Jewish man was assaulted and robbed in Brooklyn on Tuesday in an incident captured on video and posted on social media.

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Four men cornered the man, with long sidelocks and wearing a long black coat, then punched and kicked him. The victim, 24, surrendered his cellphone to his attackers.

Governor Cuomo released a statement late Wednesday afternoon:

“I am absolutely disgusted by yet another vicious attack on a Hasidic Jewish man in Brooklyn, and am directing the State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to assist the NYPD in its investigation into this robbery and assault to ensure those responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Let’s be absolutely clear: there is no place for hate in New York. We will continue to do everything in our power to stop these cowardly acts of anti-Semitism and hatred of all kinds that have become pervasive in this nation, and we will call them out whenever they occur.”

Brooklyn of late has seen a string of attacks on visibly Jewish people.

Former New York state assemblyman Dov Hikind in a statement called on the police department to increase patrols in Jewish areas such as Williamsburg “until this wave of violent anti-Semitism subsides.” Hikind is organizing a rally at City Hall Park on Sunday to call for an end to attacks against Jews.

The Anti-Defamation League announced in a statement that it is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual or individuals responsible.

“The video footage of this violent encounter is incredibly disturbing, and we are glad that the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is assisting in the investigation of this horrific crime,” said Evan Bernstein, the ADL’s New York-New Jersey regional director. “This incident comes at a time when visibly observant Jewish individuals are unable to walk the streets of Brooklyn without feeling fearful that they may be assaulted or attacked because of their religion or faith.”

(Based on JTA)

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Democrats support Jew haters
Democrats support Jew haters
5 years ago

The only hate allowed in NY is hatred of Republicans and President Trump

5 years ago

“I am absolutely disgusted by yet another vicious attack on a Hasidic Jewish man in Brooklyn, and am directing the State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to assist the NYPD in its investigation into this robbery and assault to ensure those responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Let’s be absolutely clear: there is no place for hate in New York. We will continue to do everything in our power to stop these cowardly acts of anti-Semitism and hatred of all kinds that have become pervasive in this nation, and we will call them out whenever they occur.”

Nice words, but are you going to act on them? So far, the government has done little to stop violent crimes, including hate crimes.

5 years ago

mr governor – we need ACTION not words – when is the last time you’ve seen a Police walking the streets of Williamsburg or Boro Park. Try passing the station on 16th Ave in BP and you’ll see all the cars parked there and the police shmoozing in front of the station???????????

Liam K. Nuj
Liam K. Nuj
5 years ago

Perhaps it is time to get the 55 gallon drums ready and return to the days of “CHAPTZEM!”

5 years ago

Was it a hate crime or was he an easy target?

5 years ago

the police sit in their patrol cars on their smartphones they refuse to get out of their vehicles, they underreport crime as a matter of course.