Jerusalem (VosIzNeias) – An Israeli Journalist working for the newspaper ‘Israel Hayom’ was attacked by haredi youth on Saturday in Kiryat Ata, near Haifa.
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Daniel Siryoti told the newspaper, “Yesterday [Saturday] evening I was on my way to speak with the relatives of a victim of a car crash. When I arrived on their street, I was spotted by a group of haredi youth,” Siryoti said. The attackers, he stressed, had absolutely no connection to the deceased’s family.
“They noticed that there was a ‘Press’ sticker on my car. They asked if I was a reporter and started to curse me, said we [journalists] were all leftists traitors. At one point, another guy came by, riding an electric bicycle and blocked my way. He had a child with him on the bike. I asked him, ‘Why put the boy at risk? If I were to hurt you, I would go to jail.'”
“The next thing I know, I was punched in the face and six or seven guys jumped me. One of them pulled out a pocket knife and tried to stab me in the stomach. The others kept punching me, they knocked some teeth out. Another guy came by and pulled out a spike and they goaded him to stab me,” he said.
The attackers were eventually warded off by a passerby who shielded him with her body.
Siryoti was taken to Rambam Hospital in Haifa where he was diagnosed with a light concussion and severe bruises. “I lost six teeth and my body hurts. I’m lucky I was able to shield myself from getting stabbed in the stomach,” he concluded.
Police forces began investigating the scene to identify the attackers.
Israel Hayom’s Editor-in-Chief Boaz Bismuth condemned the attack and wished Siryoti a speedy recovery.
And we wonder why Moshiach hasn’t arrived yet.
Because we don’t deserve him and we have a new type of human a torah imbued azzis ponim aqd mechitzev
This story is very hard to believe, because it is just not typical “chareidi”behavior. But if it was witnessed and proves to be true , this should be brought to the the attention of their rabbonim. This is not the way of Torah – Dorechehu darchei noam. It is very hard to accept this story at face value, pulling a pocket knife is not the derech of a yeshiva bochur, nor is punching. Feh! There must be another part to this story.
We have to be fare minded. Maybe the anti religious reporter said something to provoke the chareidi youth. Let’s be fare. I would say it’s fake news. The reporter probably deserved it.
It is fair minded
To:Rudolph Weinstein and Hesh- Stop blaming the victim, as you are doing in this case. This is not the first instance, whereby Charedi “youths” (hoodlums would be a more appropriate term), have been involved with unprovoked assaults. They’ve assaulted IDF soldiers near Mea Shearim, chased females on the streets, assaulted females on buses, thrown rocks at pedestrians and cars, etc. They are cowards, as they usually operate in packs like dogs. The two of you seem to think that because they are ostensibly ultra Orthodox, that they won’t engage in violent, deviant behavior; what planet have the two of you been living on? These scum are just as bad as the Russian and native born Israeli born youths, in Israeli, who also engage in deviant behavior. The Israeli cops should catch them, and beat the heck out of them!
This doesn’t sound like typical Chareidi behavior
I don’t doubt the validity of the journalist’s story. There have been certain people that have brainwashed the innocent Charedi young men and boys into becoming thugs for their cause. How many more attacks against innocent people and property will there be until this threat is taken seriously?
Fake news and shame on you for spreading gossip. Where are the witnesses, photos, videos, proof that this actually happened?
? riding an electric bicycle? with a child on the bike?
? carrying a pocket knife? carrying a “spike”?
? on Shabbos?
? this is permitted in Kiryat Ata among charedim?
Some of you on this site, are so naive, that it strains all credulity. Not all of the Hareidim are outstanding “nice Jewish Yeshivah bochurs”. Some of them are just (and I’m very sorry to state this) lowlife scum. One has to be a lowlife to assault the IDF, assault females in the street or on buses, or throw rocks at other human beings. A rock can kill or seriously injure another human being.