Ashkelon: Bride Abducted From Wedding Hall By Her Family Minutes Before Her Wedding

The wedding ceremony of the daughter of the head Rabbi of the hasidic dynasty of Zidichov outside a hall located in Beitar Illit, June 19, 2016. Photo by Yaakov Lederman/Flash90

ASHKELON (VINnews) — An unusual drama occurred at a wedding hall in Ashkelon last Monday. The family of a bride about to be married abducted her away from the hall just minutes before the Chupah was supposed to take place and refused to allow the wedding to continue. The guests were left speechless at the scene, and some were even in tears, according to a worker at the hall.

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The pictures had already been taken, the Kallah was sitting in her chair waiting expectantly to see her groom but the family had other ideas and slipped out of the hall together with the bride. The owner of the hall described the surreal scene:

“The food, the cups and the plates- everything was ready. The screens and lighting were working. Guests were coming and going. Everyone who came asked “is there an event here?” and then went home and that was that.”

The Kallah’s family claimed the last-minute abduction was because the groom had a troubled relationship with the bride for years and had coerced her into marrying him. They also stated that the groom had agreed to take upon himself half of the wedding expenses but had succeeded in swindling the bride into giving him large sums of money. They took the extreme step of abducting her because, as one relative said “if we let her marry, we will be accompanying her to her grave.”

The friends of the groom, however, had a different version of events. They claimed that the father of the bride who is a Baal Teshuva wanted his son-in-law to continue studying Torah ,but the groom refused and wanted to work for a living, although he also studies Torah and maintains a Chareidi lifestyle. The bride was happy to marry him, but her relatives prevailed and abducted her from the hall.



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5 years ago

Better a broken engagement than a divorce! But why wait until last minute? And who would want to marry into a family of abductors?

5 years ago

Oh boy. I hope the caterer and the band got paid in full.

5 years ago

Abducted is seemingly an erroneous reference to what actually transpired, as all indications point to the bride leaving willfully. She seemingly got “cold feet” and with the support of her family absconded from the location to avoid extended embarrassment.

Seems observational anecdotes and/or something lost in translation led to this mess of a write-up, especially when no explanation was forthcoming from the people who were actually involved i.e. the bride/family.

Either way, were a supportive family caught in the middle of a wedding setup that they preferred were not happening, and encouraged the abandonment on additional grounds when the bride got hesitant, it certainly is not reflected in this, again, mess of a write-up, which is far from newsworthy…

Shimon Moshe
Shimon Moshe
5 years ago

With such radically different stories, it’s clear that no one is telling the truth. We’ll probably never find out what really happened, but one thing is for sure: It’s another shonda for the goyim.

Joe S
Joe S
5 years ago

Some people would consider this a shonda. Some radical followers of a different religion would have killed her instead.