QUEENS (VINnews) — This story has been removed since the Shul in question has been closed
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QUEENS (VINnews) — This story has been removed since the Shul in question has been closed
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Shuls by defintion belong to the public. You can’t “close” a shul. Its not anyone’s to close. You can tell individuals don’t daven with a minayn but you can’t close a shul.
A complaint should have been filed with the local police precinct, and the Mayor’s office, and that congregation should have been closed immediately; also, the Rabbi should have been arrested.
Apparently some people don’t get it they are in denial people are dying left and right stop the nonsense and close pikuach nefesh is dieche having to daven with a minyan shame shame on the rabbi for keeping his shul opened
Who said it is a shul? Maybe it is a mental institution?
Even the name implies machzeki hadas
Who are you to claim the right to talk so big — Reb Chaim K says no daving in any shul –
Unfortunately there may be people who might listen to you still – that is why you are a sakono for the kllall
You don’t hear – a rachmonus
Oy vay Oy vay
When will people save the rest of us from their stupidity?
First of all, this jerk is wrong on the facts, Houses of worship are allowed to be open,
Second who appointed him to go around to make sure the place is open
Third I would have charged him with trespass
It has nothing
All you guys, have you been to the grocery or even better, to the dress/shoe store today? It’s all a matter of your priorities.
i recognize one of these idiots. from now on i will make sure to call him a rodeif to his face whenever I see him, which is at least once a week. oh yeah….once minyanim start again.
HaRav Kanievsky has spoken. Daven b’yichudus. No minyanim. Daas Torah.
If it’s so dangerous why is this lunitck entering the shul?, especially without keeping a distance, the mispallim are at least keeping a distance?
I showed this to a maimonedes nurse and she almost cried and said that she works so hard to save people who its not their fault but rodfim like these people they should stop treating people in the hospital
This videoing guy probab;y saved the Rabbi’s life,
There is no misera on a rodef…if it has not become clear we are dealing with life and death..unfortunately many of these deaths could be preventable if people stopping being holier-than-thou
This guy with a video camera saved many in klal yisroel nd risked his life to do it