Saudi Writer Attacks Palestinians: You Aren’t Arabs, The Land Belongs To Israel


RIYADH (VINnews) — During the last few days social media has seen a “tweeting war” between Palestinians and Saudis after Palestinian media published caricatures gloating over the Saudi losses from the sharp drop in oil prices. The Palestinians even mocked Saudi consort Mohammed Bin Salman and criticized them for broadcasting pro-Israel sitcoms. The Saudis, incensed at Palestinian ingratitude for their financial support, responded angrily. A prominent Saudi writer, Rawff Bin-a-Sa’in, harshly condemned the Palestinians.

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Bin-a-Sa’in wrote: Palestinian, you are no Arab. You have know land and there is no such thing as the “Palestinian issue.” The land belongs to Israel. Yitzhak Shamir, Rabin, and Golda were heroes. Netanyahu is a coward. Netanyahu, burn these gangsters! Free us and the world from the presence of the Palestinians. Why leave them?

I’m willing to host a Jew in my house but I’m not willing to host a Palestinian

In another place Bin-a-Sa’in wrote:

Israel is a Jewish state which belongs to the children of Israel. You have no right to the land of Israel. The Jews are the children of Isaac and we Arabs are children of Yishmael- we are cousins.

But you (Palestinians), who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you interfering? You are remnants of nations: gypsies, Turkmans, Circassians, Mongols.. why are you interfering between Jews and Arabs? The Jews are on their land, you have no land.

There is no Aqsa (mosque). There is Jerusalem. The Aqsa mosque mentioned in our writings is in Al-Ju’ranna, 29 kilometers from the city of Ta’if in Saudia.

You scream and wail that you have a “Palestinian issue” by which you raise funds from Arab citizens from Saudia, from me as well…using the slogan “give Rial (Saudi coins) and save Arabs” but who said you’re Arabs? And then you go and curse the people who donate money to you. Is that ethical? Is that moral? No!

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a yid
a yid
4 years ago

This is earth shaking and buries the “Palestinian” . during WWII the Palestine brigaDE fought along general alexander while the mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el Husseini YMSH was decorated by Hitler ymsh

Yehuda Shain
Yehuda Shain
4 years ago

Get up in the UN and declare to all the countries and the EU, that the Palestinian issue is a farce.
Stop supporting them, they should make a life for themselves, just like the Israel has done over the past 72 years.
By you supporting those criminals financially, you are making them all invalids, shut off all funding.

4 years ago

Truth is bitter, but it must be told. There is no Palestine in the Holy Bible and Koran…

4 years ago

Good Things coming out of Saudi Arabia, no reason why Israel can have positive relations with the rest of the countries in the region. Dollars are blind and everyone should want peace.

Mr. 49er
Mr. 49er
4 years ago

His days are numbered. Good luck.

4 years ago

Salaam aleikum, Mr. Bin.
You’re a good man.

N. Oyb
N. Oyb
4 years ago

I might have thought that this is the opinion of one maverick, but if the position of the Saudi government strongly disagreed with it, he wouldn’t have been able to write it.

4 years ago

The Saudis know who will butter their bread when the chips are down. The Saudis need the intelligence and the protection from Israel, in case of a war with Iran.

4 years ago

Just because he’s on “our side” doesn’t mean that he knows what he’s talking about. A lot of Arabs look at Palastinians as lower class citizens but that doesn’t mean they’re not Arabs from the same stock. From what I understand, Palestinians are Arabs just like Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians. I guess it’s a good thing that there are those in the region that would rather have Jews in Israel than Palestinians but I don’t feel comfortable giving people like this attention. I wasn’t particularly impressed with this “writer’s” writing skills. From my perspective, it looks like a racist rant that a white supremesist in America may write about minorities and Jews. I’m a little disappointed that we seem to need to give attention to this Saudi’s rhetoric just because he likes us better. It seems unbecoming. I for one do not want to consider myself related to the likes of the people responsible for 9/11 as this guy is suggesting.

4 years ago

Truth is fundamental because this Palestinian authority lies misinformation slanderous accusations against Israel for aggression and land occupation lies and deceit give salute to Saudi Arabian Muslim writer for courage to setting the records straight

4 years ago

One writer’s rant does will overcome decade’s worth of Saudi funding for Wahhbbist mosques worldwide.

4 years ago

The fact is that no human created any land. We only came to occupy the land that has been created by God. If God gave the land to the Israelites why must a man who never created the land make trouble with the beneficiaries? The Arabs and Israelites are not cousin but brothers of same father but different mothers. Isaac and Ishmael are the same father but different mothers and both of them were given blessings and inheritance by God himself but we should not forget that Abraham had other children. Where is their land? Does anyone have answer to that?

Israel and Stuff
Israel and Stuff
4 years ago

He’s right of course, and as soon as the Palestinians fail to force their revisionist history or REAL Muslims that KNOW the Qur’an, then the truth comes out.
For decades the Palestinian leaders fleeced the world and became billionaires and made the families mega-millionaires. Finally, the world has had enough of their corruption & lies.

4 years ago

Saudi family are converted Jews.

Nwanna Ogochukwu
Nwanna Ogochukwu
4 years ago

God bless you for saying the truth

4 years ago

I don’t trust the Saudi writer. Saudis knows how to play safe They want protection from isreal Since the Arabs can’t bring isreal down my question is Iran are they not Arab ?

4 years ago

He is right Jews and Arabs are cousins and their is no such thing as Palestine