Ex-NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly Slams deBlasio For Failure To Control Lawlessness

Former New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly on Nov. 1, 2013 (Richard Drew/AP)

NEW YORK (VINnews) — Mayor de Blasio came under fire Tuesday morning as he was blasted by the ex-NYPD Commissioner for failing to control the violent lawless behavior plaguing the streets of New York City as of late.

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Raymond Kelly made his comments on the Joe Piscopo radio show Tuesday morning.

“One of the problems in New York City is … Mayor de Blasio. Everything seems to be run through City Hall,” Kelly said. “You can’t have that kind of micromanagement and expect executive staff to be able to function.”

Among the various criticisms Kelly levied at de Blasio, was his mistake of “giving up pieces of property” to protesters.

“Giving up the Manhattan Bridge the other night. Last night it was the FDR Drive for a couple of hours,” Kelly said.

“The optics are so bad. The de Blasio administration has been doing this for a while. Apparently the mayor is proud of it.”

Kelly felt that the mayor is responsible for the mismanagement by way of him preventing the NYPD officers to do their jobs properly.

“Let the cops do their jobs is the message that has to go out and stop running everything through City Hall,” Kelly said. “They’re not tacticians over there. It’s all about politics.”

Not that Kelly doesn’t understand the outrage of the public. Kelly called Floyd’s death “probably the worst example of police brutality I’ve seen” because it was “deliberate.”

But the violent riots and looting must end.

Raymond Kelly wasn’t the only one to criticize de Blasio’s leadership on Tuesday.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo took shots at both de Blasio and the NYPD alike at his Albany press briefing on Tuesday.

“The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job last night, I believe that,” Cuomo said. “You have 38,000 NYPD people. It is the largest police department in the United States of America. Use 38,000 people and protect property.”

The mayor has also come under fire for placing undue focus on the jewish community instead of focusing on properly dealing with the violent protestors who are actively damaging the city.

On Sunday, the NYC sherrifs department was sent to Boro Park to penalize small businesses for operating ahead of a formal reopening of NYC amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Dozens of officers made their way down 13th Avenue to prosecute these “criminals” as rampant rioting, violence & blatant looting was occurring all over the city.

Ironically, just a few hours later that day, it was revealed that de Blasio’s own daughter was arrested at a Manhattan protest on Saturday night. According to police, 25-year-old Chiara de Blasio was arrested for blocking traffic at an “unlawful assembly.” She had refused officers’ orders to move.

The mayor has since publicly stated that he is “proud” of his daughter for getting arrested.

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4 years ago

BlahBlasio s/b FIRED NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he is the WORST Mayor New York City ever had. he is ANTI-POLICE as he said himself “being proud” of his daughter throwing objects and attacking the NYPD………………..

4 years ago

deBlasio is the pouching bag. Coumo is the to blame,period!

4 years ago

Notice that the slimeball scum AP isn’t carrying this story. None of the fake media are either.

4 years ago

Raymond Kelly is no friend of the Orthodox Jewish community. It was him, who in 2006, authorized the use of the Tactical Patrol Force, and over goons of the NYPD, to come into Borough Park, to physically rough up the residents, because they were protesting police abuses. The NYPD cops under Ray Kelly beat the heck out of Jews, and Inspector Kelly was heart shouting “get these (blank) Jews out of here”. Kelly tried to justify his actions. Every Jewish politician in NYC condemned the cops for their actions. The only exception was that little phony weasel, Michael Bloomberg. Hence, I qvelled, when he looked like an incompetent fool, during the recent Democratic Presidential debates.

Golden Medina
Golden Medina
4 years ago

Ray (Stop Und Frisk) Kelly couldn’t control his own cops from killing NYC citizens for no reason. He should shut up.

4 years ago

Its a conflict of interest for Deblasio to determine how to deal with the riots considering that his own kids are attending so he should step down and allow a neutral party to take over.

A disgrace
A disgrace
4 years ago

Either de blasio shapes up or he should resign he has an obligation to protect the city from riots and looters if he can’t handle the job he should quit and let someone else who knows what hes doing take over

Giddy Gitty
Giddy Gitty
4 years ago

It wasn’t Kelly but Little Mike himself who cursed the Jews.
Remember LiL Mikey?
The jerk who successfully ran the search & frisk common sense tactic, then during his campaign he pleaded regret to kiss black voters.
800,000$$$ later he’s a forgotten neb.

Obama Doing Perp Walk Soon
Obama Doing Perp Walk Soon
4 years ago

Ray Kelly should be FBI Director.
Throw that smirking blob Chris Wray out the window.
That two-timing weasel who’s covering for Obama’s coup attempt.