VIDEO: Shots Fired In Far Rockaway, Search For Suspect Underway


FAR ROCKAWAY (VINnews) — Authorities are currently searching for a suspect after shots were fired in ajewish area inFar Rockaway.

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According to reports, 2 shots were fired on Thursday in the vicinity of Mott Ave and Cornega Ave. The NYPD 101 precinct is located at the same intersection.

A vehicle was stopped immediately, and 2 occupants were arrested. However, the suspect with the gun was not present.

The NYPD reports that the suspect fled his vehicle, and his currently being sought on the streets, as well as in private backyards in the area.

Footage of the scene shows a heavy NYPD presence, as well as SWAT teams and helicopter patrols.


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Doing a survey
Doing a survey
4 years ago

What’s the story in Far Rockaway? Are Shuls allowed to be open yet? Are people snitching on each other?

rudolf kastner kluj
rudolf kastner kluj
4 years ago

Noe and the erev rav slime are still banking on Shaarei Yosher being a morgue. Yimach Shemam.

4 years ago

i guess all the police were busy writing tickets , or busy close down our shuls / schools so no

one was available to watch the streets or to protect their own