JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In an interview with the Yisrael Hayom newspaper, Rabbi Yaakov Jan, the rabbi of Uman in the Ukraine warned of utter chaos being caused by the prohibition against arriving in Uman for Rosh Hashana.
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Rabbi Jan cited the dilemma of Breslav chasidim, since on the one hand Rabbi Nachman entreated his followers to come to Uman for Rosh Hashana and on the other hand they cannot ignore the world situation. For this reason it was decided that “each person should take the decision on his own and we will try and help as much as possible that the regulations will be maintained. We placed some of our own people to enforce the regulations.”
Rabbi Jan revealed that 2000 chasidim are already in Uman and hundreds of others are stranded in various airports worldwide after they were prevented from entering the Ukraine. Rabbi Jan stressed that the regulations are being strictly upheld. “Everyone is trying, wearing masks and maintaining distance. Breslav is made up of different groups without one leader and it is difficult to control all of them, but the chasidim are very disciplined and obey the rules.”
Rabbi Jan says that prior to Professor Gamzu’s letter there was a different approach from the Ukrainian government: “I sat a month ago with the deputy interior minister in a private setting and we saw that the president favored the entry of the chasidim. Until the Israelis messed around, there was nothing wrong.
“Stopping the chasidim is like burying one’s head in sand,” Rabbi Jan says of the Israeli decision. “The decisions were taken impetuously, without anticipating events. One shouldn’t make tough decisions impetuously, see what chaos this caused. It would be wiser to build guidelines and let the chasidim use their common sense. Insteaed they acted impetuously and prohibited everything. It is so painful, I am heartbroken by this.”
Rabbi Jan warned that the decision would have a boomerang effect, with those succeeding in arriving in Uman deciding to ignore the regulations since “if it’s war, then it’s war to the end.” At present, there is chaos with entire families arriving three weeks before Rosh Hashana and others stranded on the borders without food and drink. “People are asking for help. People ran away from Israel with nothing. These are poor people.”
Rabbi Jan also warns of dangerous anti-semitism. “Professor Gamzu’s letter was distributed in the streets of Uman and has already caused some problematic events.” During the weekend some local residents clashed with chasidim and told them to move away. In another instance ” A person knocked two motorcyclists onto the road and threatened them with a pistol. It is a ridiculous situation.” Rabbi Jan added that the mayor of Uman has also portrayed the chasidim as “spreading diseases” in order to promote his electoral bid.
Rabbi Jan himself fell sick with coronavirus and was hospitalized a few months ago in serious condition. “I went through it myself. I was on death’s door and today I am recovering. If even one person gets sick from the Rosh Hashana gathering there will be a big uproar in the world, but I can’t stop everyone even if I wanted to. You have to be realistic,” he concludes, adding that “within two days a framework must be issued in order to stop this chaos.”
It wasn’t only Reb Nachman who said to come to the rebbi for Rosh Hashana. Many Chasidim go to their Rebbe or mashpia for Rosh Hashana. However those that have leaders guiding them are mostly staying home this year, I ‘m wondering if those in Breslov who are connected to a rov in Breslov are staying home too. I don’t think Reb nachman would approve of a chillul Hashem to come out of coming for Rosh Hashana.
True גדולי ישראל, such as Rav Ovadia Yosef, strongly condemned this Uman pilgrimage.
This is not mainstream Judaism.
It is very simple. The Ukrainian Government has decided that, in a clear attempt to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, entry will be prohibited into the Ukraine of non-Ukrainian citizens until September 28, subject to clearly defined exceptions. The Israeli Government has been denying entry into Israel to non-Israeli citizens for months. Many other countries worldwide have similar non-citizen restrictions. What can those non-Ukrainians who want to go to Uman not understand? If they are stranded at the border it is entirely their own fault. They deserve no sympathy. This year is not like in previous years. You cannot enter Ukraine unless you are a Ukraine citizen. Period. Ukraine has no obligation to them and they have no right to enter Ukraine just because Rabbi Nachman is buried there. Lets cut the chase and deal with reality here!
the Breslovers don’t listen; to them doing what they believe in is more important than anything else, laws and regulations are nullified…..