Video: Montreal Synagogue Dispersed By Police In Middle Of Yom Kippur Prayers


MONTREAL (VINnews) — According to a video released Monday evening, a Montreal synagogue was interrupted and dispersed on Yom Kippur, right around or during the Neilah service.

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In the video, Montreal resident Berel Solomon relates that every member of his synagogue, Beth Chabad Cote St. Luc, was wearing a mask. He says that all the occupants of the synagogue were socially distanced, as well as in compliance with all relevant government guidelines.

Yet, police officers entered the premises without a warrant and forced all the congregants out into the street. Once there, they used police vehicles to disperse them.

Solomon says he knows of 7 other synagogues that were targeted as well.

Solomon finishes the video by pointing out how one can visit bars, join parties, or protest en masse in the streets. But when it comes to synagogues, the same treatment is not provided by the police and the media.

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Like it needs to be said!
Like it needs to be said!
3 years ago

I wonder what happened to Belz. To show the hypocrisy of the government, allowing theaters but not allowing houses of worship, they hung up signs saying that they were a theater.

French Pepsi's
French Pepsi's
3 years ago

Quebec is run by rabid anti semites. They’ve been trying to secede from the the rest of Canada for quite some time. I learnt in Yeshiva Gedolah back in the 80’s and the government caused a lot of tzaros for us American Yeshiva bachurim.

3 years ago

It could have been worse. At least Montreal doesn’t have comrade de Blasio for a Mayor and Don Cuomo as a Governor.

Mark Cohen
Mark Cohen
3 years ago

I wonder why officials are ‘picking’ on frum people and the frum communities are having more cases of COVID then surrounding areas?

Al marr
Al marr
3 years ago

the max is 25 people, we think we are smarter split the rooms into groups of 25, yet there are 100’s in the building. We caused this mess. If Chabad stuck to the rules it would no have happened. Your video simply shows you believe you are entitled to more than the goyim and that’s another problem. Kippour should have been managed better instead of playing Russian roulette.

3 years ago

I don’t know what happens in that country and city , but here , in frum places in NY and Lakewood ,many shuls are not obeying the rules .

3 years ago

Montreal is under the French , and we know how anti semitic and anti Israel France is. So not surprised.

3 years ago

French Canadians have an extreme dislike for 3 kinds of people: Jews, English speakers and Americans.This is common knowledge and has been for many years. Whether these attitudes actually played a role in what happened at Chabad, it would appear possible, if not probable.

3 years ago

Jews in Montreal know the people there do not like us.

3 years ago

Montreal has a history of anti-semitism going back decades.Why doesn’t the Federation in Montreal and the ADL protest this raid?

3 years ago

Because there is no 4th amendment in Canada …

Fill us in please
Fill us in please
3 years ago

The speaker states that his congregation “has been unfairly targeted yet again”.

Can someone please tell us what targeting occurred previously?

3 years ago

Please ask the police to give you their body video to put on the website. That will show just how much the rules were being obeyed.

3 years ago

In Yerushalayim, most of us made small minyanim outdoors with masks. Was that not an option in Montreal?

3 years ago

Baloney. No one else has reported this.

3 years ago

montreal police need a man like Trump to whip them back to normalcy .

3 years ago

If all responsibilities and guidelines were followed, there is absolutely no reason for the action that the police took. You should take action against the police. Is this antisemitism ???

Beryl Schmockler
Beryl Schmockler
3 years ago

a big lie. While they might have been wearing masks, there were too many peple inside. They had partioned the large room with curtsins to create sectionns of under 25 each..not legal. They are lucky they were not heavily fined as the law allows. Ask Rabbi Raskin.

3 years ago

The Booooooooooogolo boys should be called in at this point to teach a thing or two to the montreal police, besides whipping their butts blue .

3 years ago

I don’t live in Canada or the US but the lashon hara, name calling, accusations here on this page against Jews is unnecessary. The man tells us what happened Yom Kippur, with a broken heart and you point fingers at other Jews? Remember, when you point a finger at someone, there are another 3 fingers pointing back at you!

3 years ago

The city officials targeted synagogues on the most holy of days. Despicable. But Montreal has a long history of anti-Semitism along with the rest of Canada. Perhaps the black faced Trudeau will intercede?

Joseph Friedman
Joseph Friedman
3 years ago

Why do frum jews think that during a public health emergency they can behave however they want. The reason the quebec government allowed (past tense) theaters to have a higher capacity is very easy to understand. You sit down dont speak and the threat is low. In a shul you chant you sing you pray… a far easier place to spread the virus. But to some of you its easier to cry anti Semitic government as opposed to abiding by public health orders….

3 years ago

probably they have some non Jewish neighbors who ratted on them…..