By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for
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It began on Thursday evening, but it reflected, on a tiny level, something that happened way back in 1160. In a virtual panel discussion on the Shidduch Crisis, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva in South Fallsburg, adamantly stated that the current system of Shidduchim must be restructured. The Yeshiva Bochurim must begin dating at a younger age.
The Rosh Yeshiva further remarked that “this could be the biggest tragedy facing Klal Yisroel today.” He explained that the girls undergoing these struggles are facing, “Gehenom.”
The moderator of the session was Reb Gershon Barnett, a real estate developer and the son of a Rosh Yeshiva in Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim. His father had written numerous b’iyun seforim on Shas.
The panelists were Rav Wachtfogel shlita, Lakewood Shadchan Rabbi Shlomo Lewenstein, and Dr. Yossi Shafer, the founder of Empower Health Center in Lakewood.
The panelists presented some very shocking statistics. Almost 1 out of 7 young ladies age 29 and up are not married and 1 out of 4 young ladies age 24 are not married. There are a number of 21 year old girls that have not even had a date.
The solution that Reb Gershon discussed with Rav Wachtfogel is to lower the age gap and have young men start dating a full year earlier. Reb Gershon stated that he went with Reb Malkiel to Rav Chaim Kanievsky who fully backed the idea.
Historically, we also had a shidduch crisis during the time of Rabbeinu Tam. The young women were not getting married and a solution needed to happen. The greatest Rabbis of the generation got together and worked out a solution. They made enactments, and people took it seriously. The solution worked. Girls were able to get shidduchim once again, and a major social obstacle was overcome.
It was one of the enactments in a gathering called the Takanas Shum. The confluence of illness, danger and the crusades had contributed to the fact that there was a higher than normal mortality rate in the Jewish community. If a young woman’s new groom were to pass away, Chas v’shalom, the entire dowry that the bride came with – went to the husband’s family. The bride’s family did not get any of it back.
As a repercussion of this reality, many parents no longer provided their daughters with a large dowry. They did not wish to risk the significant sums of money that it entailed. As a consequence, the young girls sat single, with no prospects of shidduchim.
Something had to be done.
The great Gedolim of Medieval Europe, of the communities of Speyer Vermes and Mainz (forming the acronym Shum), gathered and made a number of takanos. Who were these great leaders? They were Rabbeinu Tam and the Rashbam, Rashi’s grandsons. The Raavan, one of the early Baalei haTosfos. Over 250 Rabbis, Rishonim were in attendance.
The takanah that they made at the gathering was to decree that if a husband chas v’shalom passed away in the first year of marriage, the dowry would not be inherited by the husband’s family, but it would revert back to the bride’s parents. If he passed away within two years of marriage, then half of the dowry would go back to the bride’s family (although this is a yesh omrim). The decree was passed and observed. The halacha is incorporated in the Shulchan Aruch and is mentioned in Even haEzer 53:3.
The gathering was held in the city of Troyes. It happened 857 years ago – in the year 1160.
But the result was that the Takanah worked. The parents of the brides began to once again give dowries and the young girls began to wed once again.
It solved the Shidduch crisis then.
We need another Takanas Shum of sorts and now is the time. Our Gedolim have spoken. We have girls that have not received shidduch calls in months – if not ever. It needs to be resolved.
Some have brought up the issue of “younger chasanim will bring about more divorces.” To address this issue, it may be worthwhile to reinvigorate the Mussar Sedorim and to include within it Rav Avrohom Genekovsky’s shiruim on Shalom Bayis entitled “v’amudeha shiva.” Before anyone comments negatively on this thought – please read the sefer. It is a game-changer.
There are individual people and organizations that are attempting to address it. Reb Shlomo Yehudah Rechnitz tried to address it and even authored a number of articles and backed some initiatives too. But we need to make a macro-effort here.
This is something that should be on our spiritual agenda. If that Shidduch crisis of nearly 900 years ago so captured the attention of the Gedolei haRishonim, it is certainly be something that we should consider. The solution given then made it into the pages of our Shulchan Aruch. We need to address this issue on a grander scale.
** There is a Yesoma who boruch Hashem just got engaged. If anyone would like to assist in making her chasuna please donate here or contact the author.**
The author can be reached at [email protected]
** There is a Yesoma who boruch Hashem just got engaged. If anyone would like to assist in making her chasuna please donate here or contact the author.**
Rambam: “The way of sensible men is that first, one should establish an occupation by which he can support himself. Then, he should purchase a house to live in and then, marry a wife…in contrast, a fool begins by marrying a wife. Then, if he can find the means, he purchases a house. Finally, towards the end of his life, he will search about for a trade or support himself from charity” (Hilchot De’os 5:11).
Would marrying earlier in life not mean that the yeshiva educational system and curriculum would have to be completely overhauled as well, in accord with the Rambam?
Who’s gonna support these people?
Has anyone gone to BMG and counted how many single guys there are 28 and up? It’s not considered a crisis when a guy is 27 or 30 and single. Nobody looks at them or talks about them but there are older single guys out there. Even the girls if you talk to them don’t say there are no guys, they say there are no normal guys. Are the guys really not normal? Are the girls turning down good guys because their expectations and reality aren’t in the same place? Does anyone know? Maybe that’s part of the problem, a part no one is willing to discuss.
The boys need to be mature enough for it. Not sure many are.
I have a friend with a wonderful daughter who is not getting calls because, according to him, people know he doesn’t have a lot of money. She’s competing against girls whose fathers are either rabbonim or whose fathers are wealthy. Extremely hurtful.
Another way: guys all work (learn as much as you want), cannot ask for or receive support, and must court the girls.
Let’s not forget that some of these “bochrim” are having non-heterosexual attractions and marriage to a young girl would ruin her for life. They are quietly suffering as single men in order to stay loyal to the Torah. Current estimates are these men number 0.5-1% of the yeshivah boys. I know…. I was one of them!
Yes this is called achrayos. The rosh hayesiva knows this is the truth and he is saying it the way it is even though others will laugh. It is no laughing matter and in fact is the issue facing the largest percentage of frum people of any issue. The math doesn’t work the way it is now and it is not a joke. Please listen to the rosh hayesiva and start your boys dating at 21.
Why should this convention be different than previous conventions?
This was already discussed in 2009 agudah convention – no major results then
How about the school crisis here in lakewood, hundreds of kids roaming the streets out of schools becuase there are not enough schools for the children or becuase we decided to neglect them ?
1.what are the psrents and rabonim doing to teach kids the skills for marrige?
2. What are Rabonim and mashpiim doing to counter jap syndrome, spoiled attitude and pull to gashmius that puts goyish values above the Torah?
3. The auther may want to review the halachos and edit his article so that it would accurately reflect the Torah where the obligation to marry falls on MEN and stop incorperating a femanist goyish approach to a Jewish pubication.
We should certaintly be sympathetic to our daughters. However, the poor single girl is not and has never been obligated to marry and is not the starting place for a Torah based outlook unless they are keeping the men from marrying. It is a man’s mitzvav to marry.
So the Aguda found a solution for the youngsters who don’t really need it, but what about the older singles?!
Let’s see the Aguda find a sensible solution for the 30/40 year olds.