DISGRACEFUL: Friends of Murdered Terror Victim Forced to Leave Israel, Desecrate Shabbos


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Five members of the South African Jewish community who flew to Israel to offer consolation to the family of Eli Kay HyD, who was murdered in the terror attack last Sunday, were detained at Ben Gurion airport. A new directive prevents foreigners from “red” countries including South Africa from entering Israel.

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The five were detained at passport control, transferred to a side room and forced to travel on to Dubai even though they are religious and the flight entailed desecration of the Shabbos.

Ilana Smith, who had specially made the long journey from South Africa to console her close friend Devorah, the mother of Eli, landed last night in South Africa. After Shabbat Smith said that “they treated us like criminals. They asked questions and told us to be quiet. I told them that I cannot desecrate the Sabbath and they replied that they would arrest me if I did not get on the plane. I didn’t eat for more than 24 hours and for the first time in my life I desecrated the Shabbos. In Dubai they were nicer, at least they explained to us what was happening and why it happened.

Israel is to trying to stem the spread of the new South African “Omicron” variant, and has reestablished the coronavirus protocol used during previous outbreaks of the virus. The government announced after Shabbos that Ben Gurion airport will be closed to foreigners for two weeks, the Shin Bet will be permitted to track the movements of people who are COVID-19 positive and Israelis returning to the country will require quarantine. Additionally all events in closed places with more than 50 people will require a “green pass” issued to those fully vaccinated or recovering from coronavirus.


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3 years ago

Next time let them arrest you

3 years ago

The treatment of those South African Jews, by the authorities at Ben Gurion, was a disgrace. They should have allowed them to remain at Ben Gurion, in isolation over Shabbos; they should have brought them food, and could have ensured their departure after Shabbos.

3 years ago

Israel, shame on you.

Does anyone need any more proof that Zionism is not Judaism?

3 years ago

Bennett the hellenist PM

Don't submit to the misyavnim
Don't submit to the misyavnim
3 years ago

Should have gotten arrested and made a big publicity disaster for the judenrat stalinists. Always use civil disobedience and always make a big show. Don’t make it easier for the chiloni elites by submitting quietly.

3 years ago

The Zionist paradise…the “Jewish” State…the Zionists are the ultimate misyavnim…baYamim haHeim baZman haZeh.

Last edited 3 years ago by
Educated Archy
Educated Archy
3 years ago

In the WSJ today
Ev­i­dence is build­ing that im­mu­nity from Covid-19 in­fec­tion is at least as strong as that from vac­ci­na­tion. Sci­en­tists are di­vided on the im­pli­ca­tions for vac­cine pol­icy.

3 years ago

Disgusting not only did the family lost a hero this is how their treated? Shame on the so called Israeli government

Abba Cohen
Abba Cohen
3 years ago

Unnecessary and disgraceful!

3 years ago

I told them that I can’t be mechallel Shabbos and they told me that they’ll arrest me if I don’t board the plane. But these same wicked evil miscreants {Bennett employees} have already made it exceedingly clear, that they are going to welcome all competitors to “Miss Universe Pageant” in Eilat with open arms, and that there is no question of canceling this event despite this Omicron variant.
ותקיא הארץ את יושביה I hope Israel succumbs & has to vomit out all these פריצות participants

3 years ago

Turning israel into an anti Torah country will only cause more COVID variances to be sent from Shemayim.

3 years ago

Ah, the zionist paradise. Nothing Jewish about it, nothing human about it.

3 years ago

Not everyone who dislikes Israeli’s is an antisemite. Can’t they try to be polite.

Active Member
3 years ago

I guess when Chazal said not to travel on/after Wednesday, they foresaw the situation described in this article. Traveling close to Shabbos comes with risks.

Marc cohn
Marc cohn
3 years ago

And insanity is back!

3 years ago

Something is wrong with this report. The covid entry rules changed after shabbos so these visitors must have been refused under the old rules which have been in place for some time. It cannot be that they were somehow caught out by the change of regulation

Sol leb
Sol leb
3 years ago

I’m not shocked at all from this so called ארץ ישראל.

3 years ago

חשש פקוח נפש?

3 years ago

The story is quite unbelievable. Did you first clarify the events before posting? Its difficult to believe that they wouldn’t have been able to reach a representative of their airline or the Rabbi at the airport.

3 years ago

Somethings not right with their story/
1) Never travel so close to Shabbos, I dont trust people who do that. this wasnt an emergency situation. They missed the levaya and had up to a month to visit the family.
2) Israeli prison would, at least, have allowed them to have kept Shabbos. While I am sure they werent thinking straight and were bewildered, this is another reason to never travel so close to Shabbos.
3) Shaming Israel and claiming Dubai is nicer- makes me wonder what their motives are. They didnt like the way they were treated? Welcome to travel in 2021.
4) why were they fasting 24 hours? Most people bring food with them for the plane. What if their flight was delayed, had to make emergency landing somewhere etc.
5) traveling during this pandemic means being prepared for anything. We are all warned in advance that conditions and permissions can change at any moment.
6) did they have a travel agent. I highly recommend people today who must travel, only go through a travel agent. Always travel with cellphone that can be turned on at your destination and of course, keep your Rav on speed dial.

z h
z h
3 years ago

How were they ‘forced’? If they walked on their own two feet, without a gun to their backs, they weren’t forced.
How is the fear of arrest sufficient to justify desecrating the Shabbos?

Just Sayin’Everybody on the planet knows that Isra
Just Sayin’Everybody on the planet knows that Isra
3 years ago

While it is indeed deplorable, that they were forced to be ‏מחלל שבת, Everybody on the planet knows that Israel is shut down, especially to people coming from South Africa. They have only themselves to blame, they should never have gotten on that plane in the first place, if they are looking for somebody to blame for this outrage, they should look in the mirror

Sholi Katz
Sholi Katz
3 years ago

The whole thing does not make sense. They did not tell them why they are not letting them in but, in Dubai they did tell them and now they finally knew why. Pull the other leg.
They must have been vocal why they cant come in, and tried pushing, as it is our country, were Jews etc. However it is not desecrating the shabbos if it will save lives of Israelis. We desecrate the Shabbos every time a sick person is transported him to the hospital and no one seems to cry and screams desecration. The gov’t said anyone that shows up from a RED country turn him right back do not let him even hang around and maybe affect people or workers in the airport