Committee Of Israeli Rabbis Asks Shura Islamic Council To ‘Prevent Government From Harming Religion’


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Tens of rabbis contacted the head of the Shura Council, who is the religious leader of the Ra’am political party headed by Mansour Abbas. The rabbis requested that the leader, Sheikh Hamed Abu Dabbas, intervene to prevent the Israeli government from harming religious life.

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The rabbis, who are members of the Committee Of Israeli Rabbis representing tens of communal and city rabbis, sent a letter signed by the director of the Vaad, Rabbi David Ohayon of Alfei Menashe.

The rabbis wrote that “for many years, our wise men knew how to respect the Islamic religion. When our fathers lived under Islamic rule, they were given respect by the Islamic sages who did not interfere with the functioning of Jewish religion. Our sages teach in the Talmud: ‘be with Yishmael and not with heathens.’

“Our political representatives always stood firm and prevented any harm for the Islamic religion,” the rabbis continued. “Now there are political emissaries who have violated the covenant and instead of loving and respecting faith, they are helping the haters of faith and those who violate religion. Moreover they are cooperating with them to uproot the Jewish rabbinical leaders and the Jewish laws.

“We believe that they did not do this at your behest or at the behest of your religion. This is not the way of Islam to join with non-believers in order to violate the Jewish religion and harm those who believe in it.

“We request that you order your agents in the name of the religion of G-d, not to join those persecutors who are opposed to the laws of the Jewish religion.”

The rabbis conclude by saying that “we have drafted a joint declaration to accept upon all of us to maintain the laws of every religion with mutual respect and not to let anyone harm our beliefs and faith. We hope to meet soon and sign the declaration with the attendance of both Jewish sages and those of the Shura council. We will be happy to cooperate and, in the name of G-d may we be successful.


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Move to Afghanistan if you like
Move to Afghanistan if you like
3 years ago

What are the names of these “ten rabbis”? There are none, because they don’t exist, and this David Ohayon is not a rabbi either. If this guy likes living “under Islamic rule”, let him move to Afghanistan, Iran or another islamic county of his choice, but on a condition that the Jewish community is not going to waste efforts to rescue him when he had enough of the islamic rule. Yes, the Israeli chiloni judenrat stalinists are evil and should be fought with, but you don’t save yourself from one shark by jumping into another shark’s mouth.

3 years ago

Keep licking up to them. Hey, maybe move to their countries so Israel can be free of traitors

Noble Member
3 years ago

Like the Neturei Karta who support the PLO or even Chas V’shalom Hamas and Iran.

3 years ago


3 years ago

They could have also pointed out to these Muslims that the Zionist State is an imposter State, not Jewish, and that the Zionist State is a greater enemy of Jews and Judaism than of the Muslim Arabs.

That would have been a tremendous Kiddush Hashem.

Last edited 3 years ago by