JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In response to the uproar following his concert Monday during which inappropriate dancing took place, renowned singer Mordechai Shapiro has released a statement.
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According to Israeli media, Mr. Shapiro’s spokesman put out the following:
“Sadly, dancing took place for a brief time which I was not able to discern from the stage as a result of strong lighting and the vastness of the auditorium . As a Charedi artist and someone who learned in Charedi Yeshivos, I’m obligated to keep halacha and follow the Gedolei Yisrael.
“Since the start of my career, I’ve only performed at venues that adhere to halacha. I’ve asked the event managers and the production company that works with me to hold an urgent meeting, to learn lessons and prevent this from ever happening again.
“B’ezras Hashem, I will continue to entertain B’nei Yeshiva, and I daven that no problems should come about through my work.”
Monday’s concert at the Binyanei Haumah raised an uproar after scenes emerged of chareidi men and women dancing adjacent to one another in areas with mixed seating. The concert had been touted for the chareidi community and advertising in various chareidi journals and communities but the atmosphere was inappropriate.
It’s disgusting how the Jewish world put the blame on the Mr. Shapiro, he’s not the seat planner he just hired to entertain.
There are major problems in our community. Divorce. Kids at risk. Pedophilia. Spousal abuse. To
Name a few Haven’t heard them scream about this But music bothers them Time our leaders picked their battles with more care. Because the more they yell on nothing the less relevant they become
From my learning, mix seating is not a real problem at events like this. For davening, it is forbidden, mixed dancing forbidden, but supposedly just sittting listening to a concert, mix seating is not great, but not forbidden.
Because just sitting next to a unknown lady is not great, but permitted.
I remember 40+ years in Eretz Yisroel, before the advent of mehedrin buses, I asked a rov if a woman sits next to me on a bus do I have to get up. He said, NO, but just do not touch.
Since then things have changed. We have accepted chumras as being halachas, but we should learn the halachas too…..
BH !
Look at that… cancel culture from the community that likes to point fingers at others for their cancel culture. Mordechai, pay no attention to these comments, do ur thing, it’s between you and g-d and those who advise you in these matters, all these grumps will be on to the next “crisis” in 30 seconds.
And mixed seating isn’t a problem?
I would be delighted if Mordechai would stop any female dancing at future concerts. I love his music and the same thing happened at the Orlando concert over Pesach. Some of the bachurim there were very uncomfortable with the women dancing in the isles and politely asked the women to stop. They were completely ignored. There are many of us who want to enjoy his extraordinary concerts without the pritzus….
“As a Charedi artist and someone who learned in Charedi Yeshivos, I’m obligated to keep halacha and follow the Gedolei Yisrael.”
Well, mixed seating is ok according to Halacha? If yes, which Ruv or Rosh Yeshiva of yours gave the ok?
They were dancing near each other??? Oh my G-d, we should declare a fast day immediately. It’s a good thing they weren’t causing a chillul hashem by stealing from the govt.
If we fix this, the shidduch crisis will be resolved.
The attendees were obviously not Chareidi B’nei Torah. It may have been planned as such an event, but those who get up and participate in mixed dancing can only have themselves to blame, not the singer.
At all cost take the joy and happiness out of a concert. DANCING!!!??? Oh my G0d, what next ? smiles and happiness??!!!
If you saw the videos, it is apparent the only way he did not see the mixed dancing was if he is blind… It was pretty much right in front of the stage.
That is some real weak sauce there. Pathetic response. Don’t daven just don’t do it. Anyone who has any illusions as to what is going on with the state of “jewish music” today can go on YouTube and watch their videos. My nephews know way too much about this stuff and for a million dollars in cash I would never let my kids listen to any of this jewish music”. My kids are only allowed to listen to Jewish music that was produced before 1990. Ideally we have none of this at all, turns out if you talk to your kids and spend time with them and interact with them and they do the same with each other, there is no time for “jewish music and videos”