JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Leading Chasidic singer Mordechai Ben David Wergyger made a number of controversial statements regarding coronavirus in an interview with popular chareidi Israeli radio anchor Menachem Toker. Speaking on Radio Kol Chai on Toker’s Motzash Chai program, Werdyger called coronavirus a “pandemic of lies”. Toker did not air the statements but a number of them were published by the Israeli press, including Kikar Hashabat and Yisrael Hayom.
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Werdyger said at the beginning of the interview: “May Hashem help that we all escape from this madness called corona and the lies they try to throw at us and all the restrictions and nonsense. May Hashem save us from the restrictions. This is a pandemic of pressures, not a real one. It’s like the flu but they create panic. I believe it is all money, a ton of money which Pfizer and all the rest are throwing on us. This is why there are so many rumors, this one says yes, this one says no but the media are trying to frighten us into vaccinating. They even want to vaccinate children, Heaven forfend.”
האמירה המקוממת של הזמר מרדכי בן דוד: ״קורונה זה שפעת. לדעתי זה רק כסף, מטחנת כסף של פייזר. במדיה מטילים עלינו פחד ובגלל הפחד שכולם יתחסנו״.
הדגיש, מי שרבותיו אמרו לו להתחסן – שיתחסן.
טוקר בחר לגנוז את הקטע ולא לשדר. היה מצופה מטוקר לעצור בזמן אמת את מ.ב.ד ולהעמיד אותו במקומו.— ישי כהן (@ishaycoen) December 18, 2021
Werdyger himself was one of the first to contract coronavirus in March 2020 and now claims that in the US there is widespread opposition to vaccinations. “In Lakewood all the rabbis prohibited vaccinating children. They say that there are proofs that it kills people. Whoever is told by his rabbi to vaccinate should do so and whoever is told not- should not.” he added.
Toker said that he had not aired these comments because “I was asked to focus on music alone and not on other thing. When he said what he said I realized it could cause damage if I published it and therefore I preferred to focus on his musical career and leave the matter of vaccinations out.”
Toker added that “I wish to stress that everyone should follow his rabbis. It is worth noting that in the US many chareidim do not vaccinate.”
He’s 100% right about this so called variant in the last.
There is no reason they Israel closed its boards, other then stupidity.
Without getting in to the vaccines whether they are safe or not, I got one question, we all know that MBD is a music Genie, we all grew up with him and he still does it beautifully, May hashem give him many more years to lighten up jewish homes and spread the word of Hashem
With regard to vaccines however, who cares what he says? Is he a doctor, is he learned in Virology? Does he possess a degree in immunology? If the answer is no, then who cares what he says?
Just asking
He’s right. There is big money being made by these companies. They probably will create more such type viruses to keep producing more types of vaccines.
Finally someone not scared to speak up
Yes covid was dangerous but much of that was from neglectful treatment. In spite of excellent results using a variety of vitamins and common drugs, top authorities refused to recommend any of them. They instead recommended leaving patients home until they became critical and then once in the hospital, many died from maltreatment and sheer neglect. Whether it was the deadly remdesivir or the inappropriate use of ventilators, hospitals were a bad place to be. Furthermore many reported being starved and ignored, with no family there to observe. Hatzala saved many many lives by keeping people home. Till today no recommendation is being made for treatment except antibodies which is not available everywhere, this in spite of the fact that even common vitamins like C ,D zinc have been shown to improve outcomes tremendously. That doesn’t even count regular drugs like IVER and HCQ which are seeing amazing results in countries around the world. They’re cheap and relatively safe. If patients would have received the bare minimum of care, we could have saved 90% of those who died
Mordche, I’ve known you for some 45 years now, but I never realized you were so spot-on! Thanks for trying (and ultimately succeeding) to put this out there, and hopefully more and more people will realize and reject the madness so that we can get a semblance of normalcy back into our lives.
Sad that Toker did not air the statements at issue. Just confirms that free speech is dead on arrival when it comes to discussion of Covid-19.
Nice of him to speak out.
When I need medical advice, I trust the physicians not the musicians.
Toker should stick with EY stuff and not claim to know vustitzich in the USA.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The fact that MBD says something doesn’t make it halocha l’moshe m’sinai any more than if Herr Fauxchi says anything. Stop making a groysa gedilla over who said what.
Good for him. Finally, a bit of sanity…
100% right
Very good that MBD is making a public statement. Too bad Israeli radio, like US media, silences any voice in opposition to the corrupt political and media machine.
It’s amazing how freedom of speech and voicing an opinion is such a cherished and essentially component of democracy. Unless, of course, your speech does not conform to the liberal agenda.
Regardless of your opinion on the actual matter, the fact that there is no allowance for dissent should be very disturbing to all of us…
I always knew he is a superstar a cut above the rest.
The more mankind will speak out, the less control the govt will have. If the people acknowledge the stupidity of govt, maybe that is when things will come to an end. Maybe.
The whole country is being turned over because of a variant that has cold-like symptoms… seriously????
And this newsworthy because it’s expert, trustworthy medical advice based on his many years and extensive experience as….. a Jewish Pop Star !
I think I just wet my pants laughing!!
Refresh my memory again please?, exactly which medical school did he graduate from?!?
The sad part here is that there are gullible and naïve people that will actually take his advise,
MBD is spot on! I wonder if Menachem Toker would have done the same if he just repeated the usual Covid ‘pandemic’ narrative. BH MBD can think for himself.
He’s right
80 COVID patients currently in my hospital in NY. 74 are unvaccinated of which 20 are in ICU. The 6 who were fully vaxed are transplant patients on immunosuppression. The numbers are rising daily and almost ALL are unvaccinated. Do yourself a favor and get vaccinated and/or boosted. Otherwise, make sure your will is updated and that your family knows where you want to be buried. The rest of this discussion is Nahrishkeit… and frankly quite dangerous misinformation. …. and yes.. I am a physician and head of my department!
YAS KING!!!!!!!
MBD should stick to what he is very qualified MUSIC! And leave medicine to those of us who are trained and who for many years have devoted our lives to saving lives with the help & direction of HaKodesh B”H. I & my colleagues have spent from 12 to 16 plus years in university learning medicine. My suggestion to those of you who hold the views of MBD is next time you are sick and need of medical care PLEASE call MBD or your local musician and not your local physician. In the USA there have been over 800,000 deaths & worldwide over 5 million and many preventable by vaccination. No one says that vaccination is perfect, however it does prevent death & hospitalization. Let us all daven to HaShem to end this magaefah, and in the meantime get Vaccinated! Just for information I am an MD with an MBA & have worked in a caardiovascular surgery dept of a major university for 30 years.And FYI prior to seeing every patient I quietly ask HaShem to guide me in making the correct & proper decisions.
Because 50 years of singing entitles him to his own ignorant opinion.
Avrohom der Malach:
Think !
I was terribly injured by the vaxxine and almost died. Mordche is not talking nonsense. This is a serious issue.
If I want to hear a good voice, I go to MBD. Common sense, I go elsewhere.
Over $5billion just to Pfizer every time they put out a “booster”. Remember that
Another hashgacha pratis story for me… I heard basically the same exact speech 2 weeks ago from my plumber when he was fixing my toilet. And the same from the bag boy last week who was bagging my groceries. If a washed up singer and a plumber and a bag boy all say k’mat word for word the same thing then it’s got to be true.
1. Everyone who wants to be vaccinated had, & continues to have, the opportunity to do so. The 1st & the 2nd, the booster, the 2nd booster, etc. (In the United States & in Eretz Yisroel.)
2. The Spanish Flu ended the same way as is unfolded in S Africa (only 20% vaccinated). A variant that is extremely contagious (yes, even if you’re vaccinated), and extremely non-fatal.
3. Fauci is obviously disingenuous, and has an agenda.
4. Anyone who has had Covid 19; or any variant, is as protected as any vaccined person. Anyone who is relatively healthy, and under the age of 30, was never really at risk of Covid-19.
5. Giving the vaccine to children is probably not a great idea.
6. Anyone who supports Mandating vaccines for Covid by Government fiat, is not interested in your health. It is being done for either Political reasons, or financial reasons, or a combination thereof.
7. Suppressing information is not like preventing “yelling ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater”.
8. MBD’s comments on Covid 19 vaccines have not caused ANYONE who was planning on getting vaccinated, to forego getting vaccinated.
I have no idea if he is or isn’t right , but did Dr MBD reach this conclusion after researching all the relevant scientific data using his extensive knowledge of medicine ? Or did he host a summit of many of his peers that are experts in virology and pulmonology and together came to this conclusion
I don’t like the politics one bit of how I feel covid is misused but MBD is just as big of a expert as the janitor in my shul and should just continue with his singing career ,
YAS KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only subjects that his opinion may be relevant to the general public is in regard to music and the Gerrer rebbe vs R’ Shaul Alter. The rest should be left for his family.
I’m just here cuz I’m trying to be the first to comment from the plethora of others that are sure to come. 🙂
MBD’s secret pre performance bottle of shnapps might work here as well – L’Chaim!
It’s amazing how many people are all tied up in knots over what MVD said. Big deal. Biiiiiig deal. He has an opinion the same way the other 112 people on here have. It’s an opinion.
Do you people get upset when anyone else has an opinion? Fauchi and the DNC have had opinions about this thing since January of 2020. Look what it got the country. We’re in the toilet thanks to them.
All you have to do is open your eyes and be honest with what you’re seeing and realize it does not match the narrative. Shutting down countries because of a variant that seems to be BH less than even Delta was. They’ll just keep coming up with different names. The only real name they won’t use is China virus or Fauxchi Virus.
MBD is a great singer, who should stick to singing and not offer medical advice that is based on medieval superstition and flat-out ignorance. Corona is a very different virus than the flu virus and its impact is more deadly. Over 800,000 Americans have succumbed to the virus in two years. Like the vaccines for polio, mumps and measles, and chicken pox, the COVID vaccine is designed to be provide protection from the virus and the disease it causes. Getting a COVID vaccine is not a halachic decision to be made by one’s Rov, who more than likely maybe as ignorant about COVID as MBD. It’s a mandate from Hashem of Shamartem es Nafshosaychem. So many frum people in Israel and the US have forgotten this command and have left their families bereft of their presence because they believed nonsense like MBD’s. Get the vaccine and protect yourself and your family and your community. You will be glad you did, and Hashem will be pleased that you heeded His command.
I can’t sing so I don’t make records maybe you should keep quite vanity what you don’t know how many of our rabbis rebbes and frum yidden perished from this from this dreaded disease or Friday you get an MD we don’t know about
This virus has certainly brought all sorts of people we never knew were pandemic scientists out of the woodwork.
Agree or disagree with MBD, he’s entitled to his opinion just as everyone else is, PERIOD !!!!
“In Lakewood all the rabbis prohibited vaccinating children. They say that there are proofs that it kills people.”
what an outright lie. i dont care how long his beard is. liar !
It is well documented (in foreign studies and in anecdotal comparisons between schools in Red States like FL vs Schools in Blue States, like CA &), that the mask mandates for children & teachers is ineffective & causes substantial harm. 1. The only masks that are effective are N 95 masks, not the paper or cloth ones. 2. Children, especially young ones, do not wear masks correctly. 3. Children need to see faces of other children and of teachers in order to understand them. They need to see the other person’s mouth & expressions. 4. The masks are hotbeds of germs from falling, being handled, etc. 5. NYC Public Schools are requiring the children to eat outside, and often on the floor to “protect” them from Covid. 6. Children do not die from Covid! The likelihood that a child will die from Covid is less than from the Flu, or accidents, or practically from ANYTHING ELSE. 7. If the Government is not admitting this, why would anyone trust them with Vaccines, that CAN cause harm to children & boosters that are more likely to give teenagers heart issues, than protecting them.
NO ONE ASKED YOU, to take R. MBD words to heart. He has the right to say his own opinion, whether right or wrong.
By the way who needs these stupid, BIG headlines- as news?! Enough already! These are yidden! What are you doing? Whats the heter to just make news out of nothing. Its a shayla of Lashon Hara! (Lets not forget to live our lives somewhat properly, there’s another world…). Lets help spread positive news. Besuros Tovos!!
P.S. try to think before you comment, bec. its probably impossible to ask for forgiveness…
All lies. The SARS-CoV2 virus is unrelated to flu viruses. Tens of thousands of people in the US died from flu every year until we started wearing masks, so his minimization of its impact is itself a chilul HaShem — and the SARS-CoV2 virus has killed more Americans more quickly than any viral disease in the past century. We vaccinate children routinely for about 17 other diseases (the exact number depends on the country) and those vaccinations dramatically reduce or even eliminate (smallpox) death and disability.
A doctor and a singer. Very impressive.
Just rang up Supreme Court Justice Noach Dear
He ruled from the bench:
It ain’t no flu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very few understand that Hashem seems to be angry and thus the plague. Self introspection is required and asking what sin have I committed that caused G-d’s wrath.
great singer, entitled to his opinion, but so are we….
First of all, follow your mediczl professional’s advice. Secondly, the biggest rabbis in Israel have encouraged being vaccinated. Lastly, MBD is a wonderful entertainer, but that’s it. His opinion means nothing and he talks out of ignorance.
Wow, another “celebrity” abusing his Hashem-given gifts to tell the public what to do. What Achrayus he takes on himself. No Yiras Shamayim, utter hubris. Easy for him to talk as he supposedly cant be sued. It isnt true that all the doctors in Lakewood probhibit vaccines. He forgets the Eibeshter runs the world. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
As one who is tone deaf and knows nothing about music, I don’t comment on music. Those who have no understanding of infectious diseases should refrain from commenting on diseases.
Stay in your lane.