Agudah Protests Antisemitic Cartoon in Monsey Newspaper


MONSEY (VINnews) — An antisemitic ad has been published in one of the largest newspapers in Rockland County, the Journal News (aka Lohud).

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The Agudath Israel has released a statement against the disgraceful ad, and is demanding an apology. The ad cartoon depicts an image of a puppet-master representing a Rabbi, who is manipulating what appear to be children on top of a pile of cash. The headline next to the ad says: Rabbi holds the strings on $76M for East Ramapo School District

Here is the statement in response:

Agudath Israel of America viewed with alarm an incendiary promotional advertisement published today for an upcoming article in Journal News (Lohud), a popular newspaper in Rockland County.

The caption, “Rabbi holds the strings on $76M for East Ramapo School District… Coming Feb. 9,” appears above a puppet master using pencils and string to manipulate what appears to be children atop a pile of cash.

While the article, or even the identity of the “rabbi” (as though his “rabbihood” is somehow germane) are unknown, the caricature evokes the worst antisemitic tropes, and is categorically unacceptable. The concept of the Jew as a conspiratorial puppet master, covertly manipulating the world economy and events, harks back to at least the 1700’s, as further amplified upon in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Its imagery and underlying implications have stoked pogroms for hundreds of years, and was employed as recently as by the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, who killed 11 worshippers in the largest modern mass shooting against Jews in America, at Tree of Life in 2018. We wonder how any article which emerges from an editorial board that approved such a hateful cartoon can pretend to be free from bias.

Agudath Israel calls for a full apology, and actionable commitment by Lohud to avoid bigoted imagery and coverage of the Jewish community in Rockland County in the future.

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2 years ago

…and then if ch”v a hate crime occurs, Ed Day will show up in front of the cameras saying he will combat anti semitism… but now we wont hear from him..

2 years ago

the same Aguda who threw Trump under the bus and who told us de blasio and Cuomo and the ultimate evil Schumer are our friends are suddenly outraged?

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
2 years ago

What are the details?

2 years ago

Methinks that we dost protest too much.

2 years ago

Whoever he is, you can bet that he does call himself Rabbi and you can also bet that they unless he actually does have control over how this money is being spent, they would not be saying it.

Boker Tov.
That’s what happens when politicians and power brokers call themselves Rabbi and do in fact fight for control of millions of dollars in public funds.

I’m not saying that this is a mistake, just that it’s the logical consequence.

2 years ago

Do we see a profile with a beard, stereotypical nose, black hat? Is the word “Rabbi” fundamentally offensive? Might it be irrelevant to the piece?
Hey. Did you seek any comment from Lower Hudson? That’s what journalists are expected to do in situations like this.

2 years ago

So now Aguda is a hero for calling out this blatant antisemitic cartoon? But when the ADA does the same, they are attacked. As the folk song asks, “Which side are you on boys, which side are you on?” Its great that Aguda woke up here, to stand up to Ed Day’s LoHud, but they need to stop kvetching about ADA when they do the same thing, or better. Time to unite, Yidden.

2 years ago

But what if it’s true?

2 years ago

There is nothing wrong with the cartoon. The author seems to be upset with the headline. It is not obvious why.