NEW YORK (VINnews/BEYNEYNU) — TWO massive missionary organizations are set to converge on New York City this summer.
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Both Chosen People Ministries (CPM) and International Board of Jewish Missions (IBJM) are calling on missionaries across America to join a massive campaign to target Jews in New York this summer. The campaigns are offering subsidized accommodations and evangelism training by professional missionaries.
The International Board of Jewish Missions published a 2 page pamphlet advertising the event which will begin with the Israel Day Parade in NYC, an event where thousands of Jewish people will march through the streets of New York in celebration of the reestablishment of the state of Israel, and end on the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, known as “the day of Pentecost” to Christianity.
Chosen People Ministries has come under fire recently after their efforts to target vulnerable refugees from the Ukraine were publicized in Israel. Chosen People Ministries’ “goal is to get people to believe in Jesus” and will target Ukrainian Jewish refugees who arrive in the State of Israel, the head of the Messianic Jewish nonprofit group told The Jerusalem Post last week.
An article in Arutz 7 revealed a post on the ministry’s website that the organization was planning a mass baptism of refugees. They are seeking “baptism” as a public profession of their faith in Jesus and an initiation into the Christian community.
Glaser has been very vocal in media interviews about the goals of their organization and claims that they are not deceptive. He states that the post about the planned baptism is old, but admits this is indeed the goal of the ministry.
Beyneynu agrees that the GOAL of these organizations to bring the Jewish people to Christ is not hidden, but argues that it is their METHODS that are extremely deceptive.
Glaser claims that when a Jewish person gives their life to Jesus Christ, they are not converting to Christianity but becoming a “completed Jew” (a Jew who accepts Jesus as the Jewish messiah).
In an interview with The Jewish Chronicle, Glaser was asked what the significance was in the mass baptism they were conducting with Ukrainian refugees who came to faith in Jesus? His response was “we still believe baptism is similar to mikveh and not outside the pale of Jewish life”.
Beyneynu wishes to alert the Jewish community that these organizations and their methods are indeed deceptive. Their goal this summer in New York City is to trigger their belief in the second coming of Jesus. In order to do this the Jewish people, en masse, must convert to Christianity.
A promotional video for the trip shows footage of Orthodox Jews in New York and an evangelist saying the trip is “an opportunity to reach the Jewish people”, explaining: “In the whole United States, the majority of Jewish people are in Brooklyn. So what better place to come and reach them with the gospel, the good news, of Yeshua Messiah.”
According to Shannon Nuszen, director of Beyneynu a nonprofit organization that monitors missionary activity, the messianic movement emerged in the mid-70’s.
“The idea of the movement was to blur the distinction between Judaism and Christianity in order to lure Jews who would reject the straight forward message of the church. It’s nothing more than a change in PR.”
“To claim that a Jew can reject the very basic tenets of the Jewish faith while remaining Jewish is akin to stating you’re a vegetarian while maintaining an all meat diet. There is absolutely no difference between what Mitch Glaser believes and the teachings of the Southern Baptist denomination. Chosen People Ministries has simply repackaged Christianity in a Jewish wrapping. They will be employing these deceptive tactics in New York City this summer, and we simply want Jews to be aware.” she says.
Anyone that needs, checkout Tovia Singer, he’s awesome!
(Outreach Judaism is an international organization that responds directly to the issues raised by missionaries and cults, by exploring Judaism in contradistinction to fundamentalist Christianity.)
They’re likely to be barking up the wrong tree at the Israel day parade . The Jews that attend there are well connected and identify as Jews . I wouldn’t be surprised if the missionaries get shooed away , physically .
It’s about time that we were more proactive towards these parasites.
When I was approached once by one of these senseless deluded individuals who outright asked me why Jews do not accept Christianity I answered that is because Jews have a hereditary abhorrence of idolatry and Christianity IS idolatry.
He seemed surprised at my answer; he had never heard this before.
He should have.
I then had to be specific and explain to him that Christians and Jews do NOT worship the same God.
We Jews worship the eternal incorporeal God of Abraham.
Christians worship the image of a dead and tortured Jew hanging on a piece of wood.
Protestants have a mental image. (He actually had to agree that a mental image is an image!)
No similarity between the two.
Christians and Jews have nothing in common. Yes, we have a long historical relationship. But that has always been between [Christian] murderers and [Jewish] victims.
When we meet professing Christians it is our duty to point out to them that they are Idol worshipers; constantly breaking the first two commandments.
We should also explain to them that the covenant of Noah is still binding and that they are obligated to keep the seven Noahide commandments.
I also sometimes explain to them that the TANACH is ours and could they please keep their impure hands and distorted minds away from it. Their supercilious arrogance and unbounded conceit in pretending to know our Bible better than we ourselves do is simply revolting.
We should take the initiative and missionize them; not wait for them to come to us!
All you closed minded individuals that say that no Jews will be attracted to Christianity, I say this to you. You are closed-minded, because you live in a mostly frum area/ghetto/shtetle, Which is hustling and bustling with Jewish people and life, and you were brought up religious and that is your way of life and chances are that you won’t be swayed at all. But the word Jew doesn’t just mean religious Jew. These missionaries are primarily targeting non-religious Jews. Those Jews that are ignorant, don’t know better (such as older, Russian jews) or even those hateful of the Jewish religion; including but not limited to FFBs that went off the D because of bad experiences. There is no shortage of those people arounds R”L. So think before you yap about no Jews will be attracted to Christianity. They are good at what they do. You should fight this with every bone in your body and don’t laugh it off.
So this is different from last year how exactly? Just some details.
No Jew will get attracted to a religion founded by some mamzer ben zoino.
A helpful resource is Jews for Judaism which has an informative website and a YouTube channel with more than 480 videos.
No educated Frum Jew has ever converted to christianity except under duress. Christianity is pretty much the same as the paganism it replaced just with less gods.
They’re failing among gentiles with no belief in Hashem, so they instead want to change their focus to Jews. A nuisance to us.
When I’ve been approached, I’ve just explained that they’re saying “May his name and his memory be cursed forever.” For some reason, they don’t like hearing this…
I’ve always told them that when the crucified guy comes back they should have him call me as my number is listed.
All talk.
No Orthodox Jews can be fooled by their nonsense as their own Christian youth are drifting away from Christianity like never before. As far them recruiting secular Jews is highly unlikely because their youth are not interested in religion of any kind. The rise of atheism among American youth has risen to thirty per cent.
They have already begun distributing their missionary packages to Jewish homes.
Why should we be worrying about Christian missionaries, if the orthodox world is doing its job (kiruv)? If missionaries succeed, it just means that the orthodox world is not doing nearly enough outreach to unaffiliated Jews.
burn their pamphlets in the chometz,
“The International Board of Jewish Missions published a 2 page pamphlet advertising the event which will begin with the Israel Day Parade in NYC,”
Hallalu ovdei A”Z vaHallalu ovdei A”Z.