(VINnews / Yaakov M) — When Elon Musk acquires Twitter, his free-speech policies could be very beneficial for Jews.
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Twitter claims to ban “hate speech”…unless the hatred is directed against Jews, in which case it’s perfectly okay.
The platform protects blacks, Muslims, and even China from hate speech and racism. But they have no problem with antisemites who target Jews.
Twitter allows the Ayatollah to spew antisemitic propaganda, and threaten to commit genocide and wipe Israel off the map.
Antisemites like Ilhan Omar, Linda Sarsour and Louis Farrakhan (who called Jews termites on Twitter) use social media to spread rampant hatred. BDS supporters label Israel an apartheid state, racists, occupiers, even terrorists.
But Twitter does not censor or ban their hate speech.
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Whom does Twitter ban?
Conservatives like President Trump, who did more for Israel than every other president combined. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, defunded the Palestianian terrorist regime, and brokered peace between Israel and its Arab enemies.
Twitter does not restrict antisemitism
According to NPR, five major social media companies, including Facebook and Twitter, took no action to remove 84% of antisemitic posts during a 2 month period in 2021:
Despite promising to crack down on antisemitic hate, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and TikTok did not act on these posts even as they were flagged through the existing tools used for reporting malignant content. Non-Jewish researchers examined 714 anti-Jewish posts on the five platforms published between May and June 2021. Collectively, they had been viewed 7.3 million times.
“The study of antisemitism has taught us a lot of things … if you allow it space to grow, it will metastasize. It is a phenomenally resilient cancer in our society,” Imran Ahmed, the CEO of CCDH (Center to Counter Digital Hate) told NPR. He said social media spaces have been “unable or unwilling” to take action against antisemitic posts effectively.
For posts that included antisemitic conspiracy theories about 9/11, the pandemic and Jewish people controlling world affairs, social media companies didn’t take action on 89% of them. These platforms also didn’t act on 80% of posts denying the Holocaust, as well as 70% of posts with neo-Nazi and white supremacist images.
Despite all this, liberal Jews are warning that Elon Musk’s takeover could be bad for Jews.
Former ADL head Abraham Foxman made the absurd comparison of Musk to someone who yells fire in a crowded theater.
Musk and Twitter:Unfetteredspeech is almost as dangerous as yelling fire in a crowded theatre! Jewish tradition teaches us that life and death is in the power of the tongue. We must find balance between civility and freedom of speech.
— Abraham Foxman (@FoxmanAbraham) April 26, 2022
Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the ADL, tweeted:
“Twitter has made some strides in tackling this hate in recent years. So while we want to be cautiously optimistic about how @ElonMusk will run the platform, he hasn’t demonstrated any focus on these issues to date. We worry he could take things in a very different direction.”
.@Twitter has made some strides in tackling this hate in recent years. So while we want to be cautiously optimistic about how @ElonMusk will run the platform, he hasn't demonstrated any focus on these issues to date. We worry he could take things in a very different direction.
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) April 25, 2022
Another Jewish leader said, “I, as are many other people of more marginalized backgrounds than I, very — realistically, I think — am concerned that Musk will remove what few protections currently exist and make Twitter a place where harassment, abuse and possibly even doxxing is rampant and tolerated.”
Leftist Jews seem to be missing the obvious –- Twitter and the rest of the media use censorship as a tool to advance their agenda, which includes allowing hatred of Jews. Elon Musk is going to level the playing field, by giving those who support Jews an equal forum to spread a positive message and defend Jews against the haters.
Yaakov M is a senior columnist for VIN News and former Op-Ed columnist for Newsmax. He has hosted a conservative podcast for 15 years. He studied in Kollel for 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi for over a decade, and obtained semicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva.
Good for Jews, bad for JINOs.
Right as usual. In fact so obvious that it pains me that this is at all controversial or newsworthy. The shrill attack against Musk’s purchase of Twitter from All the Media proves the necessity of Musk’s actions. Boruch HaShem!
Trump was banned because he was using his bully pulpit to convince people that COVID was nothing to worry about, that he really won and election that he had clearly lost, and his fomenting violence against those who disagree with him. Probably not such a bad thing in hindsight. I agree with free speech but I draw the line if it results in the destruction of civil society.
Did you form your conclusion before you thought about the issue? Sounds like you did. Probably motivated by your righteous indignation at Trump having been banned from the platform. Your conclusion about those who support Jews being given a voice, begs the question, are those who support Jews being suppressed currently on Twitter? Maybe give examples other than Trump. Or is everything just Trump to you?
Crazed Musk isn’t good for Jews or other living things.
what makes you think it’s good for the jews?
if he opens up the gates, and allows ‘free speech’ , as he says, what’s to stop neonazis and their ilks to post?
it can only be bad for the jews. period.