(Yaakov M / VINnews) — As religious Jews, it is becoming increasingly clear which political groups support our values, and which do not.
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The Democrat party’s ‘woke’ platform espouses values that are immoral. Party leaders have succumbed to the far-left, who seem to be trying to turn our society into a morally bankrupt culture, where anyone can do anything, and if you dare to call out immoral behavior, you are labeled a bigot who has no “tolerance” for people you don’t agree with.
Democrats believe that you can decide your own gender. Even Biden’s Supreme Court nominee refused to define the word “woman”. The state of Florida recently banned teachers from discussing immorality with children third grade and under. Yet the Democrats vehemently opposed this bill, claiming it is bigoted against people with an “alternative lifestyle.”
Democrats were not always this extreme, but they have been hijacked by a loud minority. For perspective, President Obama initially opposed same-gender marriage (he later reversed policy under immense pressure).
If our children are exposed to “Biden values”, they will be influenced in a very bad way.
President Biden has restored funding to the Palestinians. This has placed hundreds of millions of dollars into the hands of terrorists. Terror attacks in Israel have increased sharply, which is not coincidence.
By supporting Biden, you may be responsible for killing innocent Charedim and other frum and secular Jews.
Biden has removed sanctions from Iran, and is working hard to sign a nucelar deal which will likely allow, and even pay, Iranian terror groups to murder Jews. Even many Democrats oppose the deal, which will remove the “terror” label from terror groups, and give Iran billions of dollars to fund terror.
Biden’s economic policies have been disastrous for the frum community. Inflation is out of control, making it impossible for families to afford groceries and gas. Many frum families live month to month and barely scrape by. Their income is too high to qualify for government programs, but they cannot afford basic expenses.
Now these families are struggling like crazy.
Biden’s party supports BLM and no-cash-bail laws, which have created a massive surge in crime. This crime disproportionately impacts the frum community.
According to new statistics, there were 2,717 antisemitic incidents in 2021 in the US. That’s a 34% rise from the year before, and clearly a result of the Democrats’ pro-criminal policies.
In Brooklyn and Lakewood, there have been a string of violent attacks which have terrorized frum Jews. It is terrifying, and there are no signs of decrease in the near future.
I have several frum friends who insisted for years that Trump was pure evil, and anyone would be better, even Joe Biden.
Now that the country is in shambles, they seem to have one of two responses:
- Biden’s economy is better than you think. Other than inflation and the tanking GDP, the other “metrics” are pretty solid. And yes crime is bad, but the trend began under Trump
2. Yes, the country is in really bad shape, but Biden is somehow still not as bad as Trump, who tweeted crazy stuff, claimed the election was stolen, and did an “insurrection”
I cannot fathom how any frum Jew who cares about Torah values, and worries about the safety and prosperity of Jewish children, could possibly support the Democrat party in 2022.
Yaakov M is a senior columnist for VIN News and former Op-Ed columnist for Newsmax. He has hosted a conservative podcast for 15 years. He studied in Kollel for 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi for over a decade, and obtained semicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva.
You actually don’t have to support any politicians. You can recognize that they’re all trash and vote for what you consider the least bad.
It is obvious that you support the Republicans.
I vote by secret ballot.
I read your polemic on the Democratic party. I was not convinced of your arguments as they do not apply to my local political situation.
You left out all the despicable behaviors of your Republicans.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
We don’t live in a democracy, we live in a republic. We vote for the best person who represents our values, needs and goals and then we pray to HKBH to guide him or her so that we can accomplish our goals.
I do not like your mouth foaming rhetoric. It makes me want to not listen to you, even if you have a point.
Oh please.
Keep your politics out of the Torah.
While it is true that the Democratic Party’s values are antithetical to Torah values, is Donald Trump any better. The man is totally immoral. Yet, many frum Jews who tell us, and correctly so, that we should not vote for Democrats, support Trump, who is totally immoral. Unfortunately, much of the Republican Party follows Trump. They have lost their true values. What does all this mean? It means that we cannot rely on Democrats or Republicans to support our Torah values,
This is not an “analysis” as much as a opinion piece heavily influenced by political bias and aimed less at informing than agitating your target audience.
It is poorly argued and filled with logical fallacies.
It is filled with red-herrings and mischaracterizations of policies simply meant to inflame your audience.
Shamefully intellectually dishonest.
Wow! It’s easy to cherry pick facts and claim they are the cause. How do all the Rebbe’s support the most immoral politicians all for a few extra Sheqels? Here we have some Rabbis that support Biden and that’s fine (even though I don’t like him). Don’t bring politics into the Torah world. All it does is divide us and that’s the last thing we need.
What absolute nonsense! How do you dare to speak for Torah values? Are you Hashem’s arbitrator of politics? Are all Democrats immoral, as you say, and all Republicans upholders of Torah values? Does Donald Trump represent Torah values?
Keep this kind of self-serving satire out of this newsletter unless you want to offend and drive away a large portion of your readers.
Continue to enjoy your religious freedom, keep your head in the sand, and stay out of politics. Trump is in politics for Trump’s sake, no one else’s.
My Ruv implemented starting this Shabbos everyone needs to bring their voter registration card to Shul. (He gave a heter for something so important). Only registered Republicans will be allowed in. Registered Democrats will be given directions to the Reform Temple down the road. We all know a Shul where everybody looks alike, thinks alike, believes alike, dresses alike, votes alike and lives the exact same lifestyle gives Hashem the greatest Nachas.
If Yaakov M is a senior columnist for VIN News and former Op-Ed columnist for Newsmax. He has hosted a conservative podcast for 15 years. He studied in Kollel for 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi for over a decade, and obtained semicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva, why is he ashamed to use his last name?
In which yeshiva did you learn to consider some of the facts while ignoring the others when rendering a decision? In which yeshiva did you learn to hide your name? In which yeshiva did you learn to treat facts and opinions as equally valid?
It’s not about Biden vs. Trump. It is about the U.S. acknowledging the sheva mitzvos bnai Noach and supporting Eretz Yisroel’s right to defend itself as the homeland of the Jewish people.
The question is what can we do to make the U.S. stronger in these values, even with the current president.
You obviously forgot to learn Avos & Mishlei and Baba Metziah.
There it leaves no question about gaivah and olam habbah.
Your Orangness has corrupted even those who have learned Torah!
Every week Yaakov M writes the same thing under a different heading..GOP is good. Trump is good. Dems are bad and Biden is bad.
We get the point Yaakov M likes Trump and the GOP but please do not corrupt or conflate Torah and Jewish values with your misguided opinions
Everything you said hits the nail right on the head. It’s mind-blowing that any Orthodox Jews or Gd-fearing Jews would support this president after everything he has done and continues to do.
everything that he’s doing is 1000% immoral and Evil. We had a Chabad guy in our shule he despised Trump he blamed them from everything I was shocked by this because Trump freed a fellow chabadnick from prison who was going to do 27 years in prison. Trump derangement syndrome is strong it does not discriminate.
We are clearly in a war between Good and Evil unfortunately some of our own are on the side of evil..
It’s incredibly obvious that Democrats do not care about the safety of our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. Dems don’t care about the average American’s safety for that matter.
According to Yaakov M all Jews must support the party whose embers of Congress and Senatorial candidates:
1) Proudly and unrepentantly share the stage with Hitler admirers like Nick Fuentes
2) Claim Jewish families are responsible for California forest fires
3) Call for one religion in America (not Jewish)
4) Refuse to support common sense background checks on gun sales
5) Seek to overturn an election when they don’t like the outcome
6) Wish to destroy the ACA which benefits thousands of frum families and leave them with no viable alternative.
Most Jews vote Democrat and no analysis is needed. Supporting Dem or Republican does not make a Jew any more or less proper and the support does not make the voter culpable for what any given politician or party does. Trash commentary
As an Orthodox Jew, I can’t fathom anyone can vote Democrat these days. I can understand back in the day of JFK but in the 21st century?? Every value the left has is anathema to Torah. I am not a tzadiakis, but I know what Torah values are, and the left-wing socialist democrat party’s amoral beliefs should not be anywhere a frum Jew is.
The real question is: Is it proper for a frumm Jew to vote at all. Most of the time the frumme voted for the wrong candidate for Yiden. Most frimme voted for Bush I and we got Baker and friend the worst POTUS for Israel ever. 98% of frumme voted for Gore/Liberman (Democrat) against Bush II. reasoning he will be even worse. B”H Bush won and turned out the best for us. Most frumme voted Coumo etc. Trump was the most loved/hated POTUS ever. Lev Malochim….
“Struggling like crazy”
such journalism
Is it proper for a Gd-fearing Jew to support any Democrat, given that the Democratic national platform is contrary to the principles of Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach?
If you voted blue this world is for you!!! Trump 2024
I’ve actually met several and non can give me a straight answer why they voted for him.
Yaakov M just wrote a fantastic article why Frum Jews should not sit in the Knesset or vote in Israeli election.. ooops.
Krimme frimme don’t have to be told who to vote for.
It isnt proper for a frum Jew to even vote for a democrat let alone support one.
It is not proper for a Frum Jew to support Biden
Unfortunately Republicans are also evil many times, this past Tuesday in the jew york Senate every Republican voted for a bill in the senate requiring all home attendants get certified in a entire lgbt curriculum.
We cant vote for anyone Democrat or Republican including “orthodox” jews who doesn’t promise to never vote for future lgbt bill
Yes Trump is a man of true Torah values. Time to go OTD ASAP.
If it’s ok for Frum Jews to support the cheating, lying, womanizing pile of trash that is Donald Trump and his cronies then I don’t see how supporting Biden could be even a remote issue. He’s 10X the man that Trump is.
In every generation there’s an “avoda zara” and its nature is not always so obvious and clear.
Am Yisroel by nature gravitates towards h-shem, however we are susceptible to the disguises that the yetzer hara dresses himself in. Every single Jew at one point or another has done an averah while convinced that’s it’s was a mitzva. This has been happening since literally the etz hadaas and will continue until the bias goel tzedek.
Even during bayis rishon when actual avoda zara was rampant, the Jews at that time considered themselves to be frum and kept all the mitzvos (aside from #2 after anochi).
So while it’s true that the American Democratic Party is essentially on a vendetta against h-shem and everything he has ever communicated to humans, every Jew should imho be given the benefit of the doubt, especially if they are otherwise a shomer Torah u’mitzvos.
I don’t even need to read the article. The answer to that question, as it was then at election time, is NO!! What kind of question is that even?
only Trump can be supported and some right of right center Republicans like Jim Jordan the Dems whom the AGUDA says we should support and register as are all about toieva, trans and illegals the worst of whom and their leader is Chuck SHOMER ISRAEL Schumer.