OP-ED: Secular Groups Like AIPAC and ADL Do Not Represent Klal Yisrael

Supporters of the BDS movement against Israel (Photo by Alex Christy/Flickr)

Over the past several weeks, some notable secular Jews have taken extreme positions that are antithetical to Orthodox Jewish values and are objectionable to those of us who adhere to Torah principles. 

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This past weekend, AIPAC caved into pressure from the left and endorsed Liz Cheney. Last week, the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt expressed concern over Elon Musk buying Twitter, suggesting it could be harmful to Jews. And this week a Jewish senior editor of the Harvard Crimson proudly announced her involvement in the left-wing paper’s egregious decision to support the antisemitic BDS movement. 

Orlee Marini-Rapoport tweeted: “I am an Editorial Chair of @thecrimson. I am also Jewish. Yesterday, the Board overturned a decades-old precedent; for the first time, we announced our support of BDS. I encourage you to read our editorial. I’m so proud to be part of this thoughtful group.”


This is a sad reminder that just because someone has Jewish lineage, does not mean that they represent our values or consider themselves part of Klal Yisrael. And whatever their motives, we cannot and should not view them as one of us. 

Here are some excerpts from the Crimson’s editorial. 

“Amid escalating tensions between Israel and Palestine, PSC (Harvard College Palestine Solidarity Committee) has hosted informational programming, organized weekly demonstrations of support through “Keffiyeh Thursdays,” and even installed a colorful, multi-panel “Wall of Resistance” in favor of Palestinian freedom and sovereignty….It has forced our campus — and our editorial board — to once again wrestle with what both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called Israel’s “crimes against humanity” in the region. We first and foremost wish to extend our sincere support to those who have been and continue to be subject to violence in occupied Palestine, as well as to any and all civilians affected by the region’s bellicosity.

In the wake of accusations suggesting otherwise, we feel the need to assert that support for Palestinian liberation is not antisemitic. We unambiguously oppose and condemn antisemitism in every and all forms, including those times when it shows up on the fringes of otherwise worthwhile movements. Jewish people — like every people, including Palestinians — deserve nothing but life, peace, and security.”

As mentioned above, AIPAC, under pressure from left-wing groups, endorsed Liz Cheney. Although Ms. Cheney has been supportive of Israel, she has done immense damage to Republicans and specifically President Trump. She has torn apart the Republican party and voted to impeach one of the greatest friends of Israel in US history.

It is very upsetting that AIPAC made this questionable decision. This is a sad reminder that although we have some common ground, AIPAC is led by secular Jews. Their agenda is not yiddishkeit, it is political, and they do not represent Klal Yisrael. 

Jonathan Greenblatt put out  a warning that when Elon Musk takes over Twitter, the platform could be worse for Jews, not better. Did he not see the vicious tweets from Ilhan Omar, Louis Farrakhan, and the Ayatollah of Iran?

Does he really believe that restoring the account of Marjorie Taylor Greene is so damaging to Jews, it could be worse than the constant use of Twitter to promote antisemitism and genocide?

Mr. Greenblatt is not one of us. Neither is AIPAC, nor the Jews in the media who pander to radical Muslims, and throw their fellow Jews under the bus.

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2 years ago

This is a narrow minded, partisan article that totally misses the point.
AIPAC is a non-partisan group that focuses on the Israel-USA relationship, and seeks to improve Israel’s standing in political corridors. Lynn Cheney has been a supporter of Israel from her first day in congress, and deserves AIPAC’s support.
her opinion of Trump is irrelevant to AIPAC, and her “damage” to the republicans is meaningless. AIPAC is non-partisan, and focuses on helping pro-Israel candidates.
To tie support for Israel to Trump is a major mistake people have been making for the past few years.

2 years ago

“This is a sad reminder that just because someone has Jewish lineage, does not mean that they represent our values or consider themselves part of Klal Yisrael. And whatever their motives, we cannot and should not view them as one of us”. This statement and the headline to this article is exactly what Yaakov M. was correctly referring to, with his recent op-ed about frum jews supporting Joe Biden. Agreed!! They are one and the same.

Democrats support evil.
Democrats support evil.
2 years ago

I dont know about AIPAC but the ADL is now ever since Greenblatt the obama sycophant took over become a propaganda outfit for the democratic party, covering for their terrorist support and their Jew hatred and attacking Republicans instead if they make a stupid comment while never saying a word when Democrats say worse.

2 years ago

AIPAC is nothing more than an extension of the Democratic party they only hires Dems like Jason Koppel and have Dem boosters like Chaskel Bennett speak for “the Orthodox”, even Sheldon Adelson didnt give them money as he too recognized they waste money and only help Dems and he founded IAC for this reason.

2 years ago

Right on !

2 years ago

So if they support zionist nationalism, then they do “represent” Klal Yisrael? Is that what “our values” boil down to?

2 years ago

AIPAC and ADL and the Democrete party, of which they are manifestly a part, may indeed represent the very large part of secularconservativereform “Jews.” But they are NOT Klal Yisroel.

Chosid From Birth
Chosid From Birth
2 years ago

Rep. Lynn Cheney deserves EVERYBODY’s support. She is honest, decent, ethical, fair, capable, competent, AND a strong supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. Just because she voted her conscience regarding Trump she is antithetical to Orthodox Jewish values? Absurd!!!
Quite the contrary, it is actually Trump’s abominable behavior, ridiculing people and calling them names, his bullying, his blatant lies, his values, his abhorrent ethics and morals, that are antithetical to Orthodox Jewish values. Just because he had a pro-Israel policy (AS DOES LIZ CHENEY) doesn’t excuse his conduct. He engaged in every behavior we teach our children NOT to do.
This narrow-minded, blind support for Trump is what is damaging not just the Republican party, but American democracy and yes, Orthodox Jewish Values. Orthodox Jews who ignore Trump’s behavior and support him blindly are making a mockery of Torah values.

2 years ago

Liz Cheney is awesome. She deserves the support of AIPAC for her stellar record on Israel and for her courage sticking up to Trump and his cronies.

AIPAC and ADL may not represent Torah values but neither do the countless right wing frum media mouthpieces.

2 years ago

Kol Yisroel arevim… All JEWS ARE ONE. As much we disagree with AIPAC, ADL etc the Orthodox is a very very small minority of Jews. Maybe if we would start behaving differently the rest of the 95% YIDEN (Jews) will look up to us and start following our examples. Unfortunately in the past few years COVID etc. we did the exact opposite, so for now ADL, AIPAC, Bnei Brith etc represent KLAL YISROEL “THOSE OF US WHO ADHERE TO TORAH PRINCIPLES” should leave Politics and science out of our lives and stick to Torah Principles instead.

Time to be adult
Time to be adult
2 years ago

The level of immaturity in Frum journalism is frightening. You don’t have to agree with them and you can even oppose them. But don’t say they don’t represent Klal Yisrael. How many political connections and how much political sway do Frum groups have compared to AIPAC or the ADL? How many meetings could groups that do according to you represent Klal Yisrael quickly set up with Senators and Congressmen compared to AIPAC and the ADL?
The author sounds like Neturei Karta claiming since they’re right they are the true representatives of Jews.