On Thursday, Michael Savage (aka Michael Weiner) went on a Twitter rampage, blasting religious Jews and defending his earlier comments in which he defended Lufthansa. He then deleted the tweets, as well as a video he posted reflecting the same views.
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In the tweets, Savage defended his earlier claim that Lufthansa made an “error” by banning a large group of Jews from flying. He asked “real Christians” to defend him from attacks by “fanatical ignorant religious Jews”.
He also wrote, “Because one poor flight attendant who made a mistake while being filmed secretly by a hidden camera, an entire airline company should be sued? NO! Gonif lawyers are a curse on the world.”
Savage got intense backlash in response to his initial comments disparaging Haredim and defending Lufthansa. In response he posted a video (now deleted), defending himself, and saying that he has never been attacked to this degree on social media.
Nice to see the term Pharisee make a comeback pic.twitter.com/brJ8q9cqX4
— David/Dovid Bashevkin (@DBashIdeas) May 12, 2022
Savage appears to be taking this issue very personally. As a controversial and even divisive figure, he has faced intense criticism many times before. One wonders, why is he suddenly becoming so defensive?
It is plausible that Savage feels a deep connection to his fellow Jews. Despite his secular upbringing, he recognizes the truth, and as Jew, this is hitting him in a deep and personal way.
When you’re attacked by family, it can be more painful than being attacked by strangers.
Savage defended himself by saying that for decades he has “glorified the piety” of Chassidim. While that does not condone his comments, it certainly adds a great deal of context to Savage’s comments and perspective.
I love ya Man
Remember when Jesus said
Those without Sin Cast the First Stone
It's like the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees are After you— Michael Savage (@ASavageNation) May 12, 2022
It’s possible that Savage has never gotten attacked this much because as Jews, we and Michael Savage share an unbreakable bond.
As a Jew who is politically conservative, many look up to Savage and identify with him. With that said, they are disappointed at his response to Lufthansa’s disgraceful antisemitic behavior.
The question remains, can this contentious episode be transformed into an opportunity for Savage to grow and repair his bond with the Haredi community?
By deleting his tweets, he indicated that he admits that he was out of line. However it is highly disappointing that he has not expressed remorse or issued an apology.
One hopes that Savage will reach out to his fellow Jews, his extended family, and try to make amends. This has been a painful episode, and it would be commendable for Savage to put his ego aside, and do what he knows is right.
Sorry as much as I supported savage this time he acted as a TRUE SAVAGE towards his tribe and turning to the Christians to SAVE him he can go to HELL
He’s a sensationalist, talentless , self promoting, blowhard. Always was , and always will be.
One of the many downsides of the World Wide Web, anybody with a keyboard can do or say whatever they want. Even the dopiest of commentators can rally a cadre of ignoramuses to their cheering section.
Michael savage is exhibit A
I followed Savage (Weiner) for many years, but over time, he has been unable to prevent his true self from revealing itself, which is that of a bitter, garbage human being, who had no successful human relationships, and unfortunately for him, his dog recently died, making him even more bitter. He lost a lot of followers when he made fun of the recently deceased Rush Limbaugh in such a nasty, ugly manner. Although Weiner was personally quite successful, he was so insanely and openly jealous of Limbaugh and his other competitors that he could not help control his nasty self from disparaging Limbaugh even after his death. In addition to this, being an otherwise highly intelligent person, his conscience gives him no rest for having avoided G-d and Torah Judaism for all his life, and his only defense mechanism is to irrationally disparage religious Jews at every opportunity. I am thankful that he has finally fully revealed his true nasty self, as I will now make sure to never follow him again unless he does complete Teshuva, which I see as being highly unlikely, but then again, you never know.
Is he trying to imply that Jews aren’t real Christians? Because we’re not, and that’s kind of the point of not being Christian.
Can’t believe I used to respect his opinion
He is so disingenuous you can cut it with a knife. He is only concerned with ratings and therefore often pits jews against others to create a big back lash which he loves for his ratings. I stopped listening to him long ago when he compared yirmiyahu hanavi to the Bowery bums who predict “the world is coming to an end”, such chutzpa. Jews, certainly should not listen to his show.
His name Weiner was changed to Savage. A Savage he is; Sewage he spews!
Your attitude towards your fellow Jew is disgusting. You’re not religious, your choice, but don’t spread your vitriol based on wild over-generalizations. Is there not enough true depravity and sickness on the Left for you to comment on that you’ve stooped to this level to find fault among a few chasidic Jews who refuse the face diaper? Seriously?
So sad when your kind of primitive hate-monger (whose primitive hate-mongering you’ve cheered until now) extends his primitive hate-mongering to you as well.
Who would have known?
He stepped way over the line this time, seems like he forgot what religion he really was.
When the Ribonio shel oilom said “you are a stubborn people”, it wasn’t supposed to be taken as a compliment.