NEW YPRK (VINnews) — Last week, Professor Aaron Twerski sent a harshly written to the New York State Dept. of Education, decrying their attempts to attack the Yeshiva system.
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In his letter, Twerski says that he has over 100 descendants that went through the Yeshiva system. He questions why the State feels they have a right to make the decision how to educate them, when it is clearly the right of the parent.
Furthermore, Twerski points to the tremendous success products of the Yeshiva system have been shown to have, whether in business or life in general.
Lastly, he bashes the State’s notion that a Yeshiva education isn’t “equivalent” to a public school education, when in fact he says the “intellectual rigor” of Talmudic studies far exceeds what students typically experience in public school.
The full letter is below.
sorry to say Professor Twerski is 1000% CORRECT. I attended Bobover Yeshiva High School, took NYState Regents in Algebra and Geometry as required, got a 98 & 97 respectively. I graduated High School thru a correspondence course ‘because I wanted to do it in one year. I am now RETIRED but worked on Wall Street as Director of “major” firms, all with a YESHIVA education and I wasn’t alone in this field. There were and are many more like me.
This letter is very defensive of the Talmudic system, I would go on the offensive as well.
Pick up any college book on almost any topic and the left has so highjacked the education system, that CRT is justa dot on the map compared to the garbage they teach.
I am not lying when I say that more than 70% of the curriculum is to change the social norms, rather then improve it.
The education system, especially higher education, is all about the fringe, about the woman of color, the LGBT, the mentally challenged, it’s all about the exception rather then the rule.
It’s very same reason why every building needs a ramp by law, a invalid parking spot x 3, high-ways and roads turned into bike lines. Criminals have more rights then ordinary property owners. The left is turning this country upside down.
Very well written. I just hope it isn’t falling on deaf ears.
I went through the public school system and it was garbage! I went to a typical City School and then I ended up switching districts and going to one of the 8th best public schools in America. This is at both schools city and suburb of course the city was much worse but so many can’t read or read properly, write properly do math or speak properly when it comes to literacy, so whoever is jealous of the public school system you’re not missing much
I’m gonna say the obvious. Part of letting the government into all aspects of youre life such as all social programs allows them control. CONTROL!!
We have seen how Klal Yisrael can get together to fight lies with the truth and to fight hate with love. Rabbi DR. Twerski is one man whose very life and essence is the biggest rejection of the lying haters. We all signed the petition to fight the forces of dark and hate and show the world that we love our yeshivos. I propose a new, similar letter writing campaign. We must all write letters to ag james demanding the immediate prosecution of hate-based orgs that falsely register as charities. I am referring to an org that shnorred MILLIONS (!) of $ from naive, well-meaning charities, including hefty, humongous salaries for some of its propagandists. These ppl spread LIES about us and our heilger yeshivos and used those lies to shnorr millions. Millions upon millions of $! $ that could have gone to those who really need charity help, like penniless Holocaust survivors, Russian refuges, or starving children. How low can one stop to utilize deceptive means to take money from such needy and helpless ppl. But that is exactly what this fake charity did. They MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR MISDEEDS! The only way to deter others from following in their criminal ways is that tough, strong punitive legal measures be imposed against these malevolent ppl- the sooner the better.
This whole problem would not have existed if yeshivas 20-30 years ago and longer ( I don’t know how it is now) would have helped students better who weren’t learning well, would have had more variety of Torah courses for bocherim – not just gemara, would have reviewed teachers and student’s performance, and for those yeshivas that don’t teach secular subjects, would have included some Jewish math in the Torah learning and maybe even English in Torah subjects.
According to the left education means educating (indoctrinating) them into hating themselves for being white and to be gay, lesbian, or trans.
There will always be those individuals that have some natural incredible talent which allows them to thrive despite the absence of even a rudimentary education and, for that matter, even without a basic family support system. Look at those Holocaust survivors that became so successful. However, for the “hamon am” the significant majority of hard working people, those of us mortals that may be lacking this genetic material, at the very least, an education in the fundamentals of math, science and English, are critical.
He’s wrong we aren’t equivalent to public schools we are way more advanced. Better education better intellectual stimulation and yes the ability to reason an issue on our own
It’s a wonderfully written letter, but Rabbi Professor Twerski does not need my approbation. I do wonder, however, about the choice of stationary. As the letter has nothing to do with Brooklyn Law School, and is an entirely a personal matter, query whether a legal ethical question exists as to the letter having been written on Brooklyn Law School stationary. Disclaimer: legal ethics not being my bailiwick, I would appreciate learning more about this issue.
if you don’t see the obvious contradiction of college educated “professor” advocating denying others the very education he enjoyed and claiming it to be a danger to Yiddishkeit while he seems to be an Elricher Yid it might be your lack of education that prevents you from thinking critically and recognizing the blatant hypocrisy
can the English be improved? Yes
should we let the department of education force all the nonsense on our kids NO WAY!
Did Prof. Aaron Twerski himself go to Hasidic schools? No.
why does Aguda oppose his efforts?
Professor Aaron Twerski: Do as I say, not as I did. He didn’t attend such schools, but rather went to the Litvish NIRC school, and Torah Vodaath affiliated Beth Medrash Elyon.
Is this the same Twerski that said “Lipa Margulies is an honorable man”?
Yeshivas started getting into this mess when they stopped accepting unvaccinated students. Maybe because they showed they don’t care about giving talmidim a proper Jewish education, they weren’t zocheh.
This is so disingenuous! Professor Twerski, walk into Bobov, Belz, Satmar, Pupa… and you’ll be horrified how little the boys know. My 14-year-old nephew can’t read basic English!!
“Twerski points to the tremendous success products of the Yeshiva system have been shown to have, whether in business or life in general”
Ah yes look at the exception not the rule
While it is true a disproportionate amount of us come out successful in spite of the lack of education, so many of us suffer because of it
“when in fact he says the “intellectual rigor” of Talmudic studies far exceeds what students typically experience in public school”
Sorry to say but intellectual rigor of Talmudic studies while great it may be will not help you read and write English nor will it allow you to do math above basic addition and subtraction
I went through the yeshiva system and it was a horrible experience. Teachers and Rebbeim were very abusive and I didn’t learn much.