BNEI BRAK (VINnews) At his Motzei Shabbos tisch, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe spoke harshly against the Gerrer Chassidim who have been attacking the followers of Rav Shaul Alter.
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The Rebbe said that this sort of disgracing of Talmidei Chachamim led to the destruction of Yerushalayim, and he said that “the disputes that are taking place can mamash lead to murder.”
As reported on the Charedi news website Kikar Shabbos, the Rebbe said, “I want to focus on a topic that has been hurting me a lot for a long time. Unfortunately, there are disputes among many different members of Klal Yisrael, which can sometimes lead to real bloodshed.”
He continued,” I said this to my Chassidm several weeks ago, and now I want to address all of Klal Yisrael. As an example, I will use Reuvain and Shimon. Reuvain belongs to one Chassidus and Shimon belongs to another. Reuvain sends out all sorts of letters and materials, denigrating the Chassidus of Shimon, to build himself and build up his own greatness. Regarding this, the Gemara says in the name of Rav Yehuda, ‘Yerushalayim was only destroyed because of the disgracing of Talmidei Chachamim.’ Also ‘Anyone who disgraces a Talmid Chacham there is no medicine for his wounds.’”
“The fact that you follow a certain sect of Chassidus and you hold of your own Rebbe, does not give you permission to speak against a different Rebbe.”
The Rebbe said many more strong and even harsh words, describing the current situation.
At the end of his speech, the Rebbe emphasized that he is speaking to both Chassidm and Litvaks, and he urged his followers to spread this message. In addition, he requested that it be published in the Israeli Hamodia in the coming days.
Nice and all the rabbi’s should come out and say like this
i am speechless, my jaw still has not recovered. after weeks of silence we finally have a loud and clean, non -beat around the bush condemnation from one of the Grand Rebbes against this viscous violence against Erlicher Yidden
(the Stolener Rebbe and a couple of Litvishe Gedolim already spoke out weeks ago)
great to know some of our Grand Rebbes will (eventually) still stand up for what’s right (and not only for their kovod). my emunas tzadikim somwhat restored.
He should hire full time body guards, these ppl don’t have any Mercy on no one
With all due respect – the headline is false. The Vizhnitzer Rebbe spoke against belittling and disparaging the Gerrer Rebbe. The headline must have been intended for the speech the Vizhnitzer Rebbe gave a few weeks ago against the violence the Gerrers perpetrated.
Until recently I turned to VIN for the news but it’s seems agendas have blurred the journalistic lines…
too bad the Gerer Rebbi doesn’t speak out. Guess he is enjoying the violence and nastiness.
We need shalom.
Humm not sure whose side he is taking or is part of the speech missing. It sounds like he is imploring Reb Sauls followers to stop attempting to put down Ger Rebbe, or at least that what Ger is claiming they are doing.
Not so much talk about violence, more about respecting each other leaders.
He is the true heir to his uncle R’ Motele, speaks his mind (or his heart)
Plus you add in the added bonus of tremendous sums of money at stake and you have a recipe for street fighting. Disgusting.
perhaps I am mistaken. A while ago I read that Visznitz Yeshiva Bochrim ransacked the building of a Sephardic YESHIVA next door. I believe Vizhnitz paid for the damages, with money people like I donated.
All these groups are sick.
…says the Rabbi who was thrown out of the house by his mother
Yeah the article is unclear.
What we all know is, that the RY of Gur still say that R’ Yankela is reba. So its really one sided and one chasidus vs another reba. He may at times say that the reba takana or mahlach needs not be followed bec its not or everyone or it not the derech of prior gera reba. That’s not speaking against the “reba” as a a persin rather its against hashkafa. In reality such a thing shouldn’t even be a reason to split. We should be able to say, the reba has a broad takana or hashkafa but those that wish to follow the RY thats fine too. Not everyone fits in the same box as loing as the broader gur mehlach is upheld.
Side note, I hope this includes his own brother R Mendel as well.
He was talking to my Shul as well. On Yom Haatzmaut there were 2 Minyanim. One said Hallel with a Bracha the other didn’t say Hallel at all. After both sides met to decide what to do 5 Lawyers from Minyan A and 7 Lawyers from Minyan B sued each other. It’s not quite as exciting as these Charedi animals brawls but it’s better than nothing.
Better late than never….
But Git Morgen!
I guess it took a month to process….
Besides for the half baked goods..
So in other words one unelected leader who ascended to his position of power based on his familial connections is stating that criticism of such leaders is forbidden and causes bloodshed rather than focusing on those actually committing the violence.
Ger now has a new punching bag…
If seems like the just the opposite of the headline anyone on the know understood that he meant reb shsul guys spreading hate against the get rebbe
It took him weeks to process a simple thought, I’m not impressed at this pareve half-baked word chulent.
Is everything fine and dandy in Viznitz?
It’s always the other guy that has to repair his behavior, never me.