So @BilldeBlasio is running for Congress & he decided to turn against @AIPAC bc @ninaturner was defeated in her primary! (go figure)
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I’m gonna hit the streets of your desired district to let ppl know how easily you turn against those you proclaim to support!
— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) June 30, 2022
AIPAC is a shell of its former self , more liberal and sliding into WOKE. Nevertheless , I applaud Hikind and hope he campaigns against The Platzio. Anything to stop this communist from entering government again. Eventually , he’ll anyway spit on that askan & crew who’s supporting him now.
Don’t worry our so called community leaders…will give him an other chance…(when he’ll promise money )like they do to the other left wing anti Tora & anti common sense politicians
Dov is a loyal soldier.
DeBlasio is horrible, but he’s not stupid, When DeBlasio targeted our Boro Park community during covid it was no accident, he knew what he was doing. DeBlasio let riots with thousands of people go on in Manhattan during a medical pandemic, while sending the Sheriffs to target us in Boro Park.
If you want more of this, than you can be one of the 5 people along with Yaffed that are voting for DeBlasio.
The rest of us are going with the most moderate pro our values Congressional NY-D10 candidate, which is Brian Robinson.
He got a better monetary offer from the moslem community
The white Hochul is a lot worse than DeBlasio.
LOL the chasidim in BP could care less. Its a shame
Aipac is a jobs mill patronage hack operation similar to UJA though dov is right for cling out bill aguda de blasio
The only Pro Israel candidate running against DeBlasio that has a chance of winning for Boro Park Congress NY10
(and when I say pro Israel, I mean proudly pro Yehuda & Shomron) not just the typical “2 state” etc
Is Brian Robinson.
Brian Robinson is the only real 100% pro Israel candidate, DeBlasio and crew will be disastrous for Israel & Yidden.
Is this too little too late?
Boro Park is going with Law & Order Public Safety Pro Police candidate for Congress NY-D10 Brian Robinson @VoteBrian Twitter
Brian Robinson Supports the NYPD & is Very Pro Yeshivas, Fully Pro Israel & Anti Covid Mandates.
Vote Brian Robinson @VoteBrian to represent Borough Park in Congress.
The only Pro Israel, Public Safety Law & Order candidate for Congress NY-D10 (Borough Park) is Brian Robinson @votebrian on Twitter.
He is running against Bill DeBlasio
Just look at IRS form 990- Schedule J AIPAC
Mama Mia and that is not Italian.
Where do I send my resume
Brian Robinson that is running against 15 people including DeBlasio has a solid chance of winning in a landslide, because all the radicals will take away each other’s votes.
Leaving 1 candidate (Brian Robinson) with all the common sense normal minded people voting for him in this Congressional NY10 election.
All the liberals progressives vote will be split between 14 radicals, Let’s get all law & order people of District 10 to vote for Brian Robinson the police backed candidate so he can represent Boro Park.
It looks like for the first time Boro Park will actually be voting for a pro frum candidate that cares about the community, Everyone should register to Vote for Brian Robinson Congress so he can beat DeBlasio.
Any Borough Park “Askon” that endorces DeBlasio is pretty foolish, There is 2 Months to this election, 15 candidates (7 popular radical candidates, 1 popular moderate candidate Brian Robinson)
its anybodys race, and anyone that is a “front runner” today like DeBlasio can be the last runner tomorrow.
look what happened to Yang…
so while Boro Park waits, maybe they can see all their options to put in the most pro frum, pro Yeshiva, pro Israel, pro police candidate, which in this race is very clearly a fellow Yid that attends Chabad in Manhattan, Brian Robinson.
This amazing exclusive interview of Boro Park Congressional candidate NY/10 Brian Robinson (who is running against DeBlasio) was on VosIzNeias,
Keep up the good work and hope to see more news articles on VINnews about this guy that supports our Yeshivas
It’s a Shanda! In fact, Dov is even appalled!
DeBlasio has no chance in Borough Park, The community is standing behind the candidate that 100% Supports Yeshivas/Israel/Police.
in this case, it’s Congressional Jewish candidate NY-D10 Brian Robinson.
DeBlasio only meets with (certain) “Askunim”
His opponent Brian Robinson for Boro Park Congress which is 100% Pro Israel, Yeshivas & Police, Was in Boro Park today meeting VOTERS.
And the welcoming Congressional candidate Brian Robinson received today was WOW, Boro Park does not want DeBlasio anywhere near us.
Just look at what DeBlasio did to NYC, I don’t think we want him voting on foreign Middle East policy etc.
Boro Park Yidden, Urgent.
Vote for 100% Supporter of Israel, Jewish candidate running against deblasio, Brian Robinson Congress.
Dov Hikind of Woodmere is irrelevant and wasting his breath disparaging DiBlasio has no chance of winning the primary.
He doesn’t owe anything to AIPAC. None of us do.
Can any NY Jew explain to this out of towner what you see in Dov? I see an annoying, whiney, rude, arrogant, obnoxious Jew who constantly plays the Holocaust card to be a perpetual victim. No Dov, a powerless loser on a street corner calling us names is not equal to 1939 with the Nazis in charge of the powerful govt of a powerful country.
How does it even work? At best they give in (mostly they don’t) because they don’t want to fight. But they still hate us and don’t want anything to do with us. At worst they turn against us and make things worse. Great plan.
There we go as i predicted.
Hikind as much of a good advocate he was for the community his extreme right wing Zionist ideology is above all.
The actions of Hikind can make DeBlasio a bigger anti-Semite than he is. I’m saying this only according to the Zionist/Israel loving people.
Although his track record shows that he is a good friend for the Jewish community but to the flaming Zionist he is stamped as a Jew hater.
Nebach Nebach how Frum Yidden are brainwashed by the right wing extremist.