Orthodox Gun Club Founder on Mission to Help Protect Jewish Homes and Businesses


ROCKLAND (Yaakov M / VINnews) One Orthodox Jewish gun-rights advocate is helping businesses protect themselves, while advocating for (safe) gun ownership in the frum community.

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Tzvi Waldman, founder of the New York State Jewish Gun Club, is on a mission to resist Governor Hochul’s new concealed carry law, which bans guns from being brought inside businesses.

The legislation, designed to hurt law-abiding gun owners, forces people to not bring guns without special permission posted on signs.

In response, Mr. Waldman has printed “Concealed Carry is Welcome Here” signs for local businesses in his hometown of Rockland County.

Mr. Waldman was quoted in Breitbart: “The reason I decided to do this is because, me personally — I help a lot of people get into firearms. And the reason why they get into firearms, especially in my community, is for them to have the ability to protect themselves and protect others.”

Although he encourages gun ownership, Mr. Waldman feels strongly that it should be used for protection, and that families should be properly educated to avoid risk.

“I see that many frum people have participated in the movement to own guns in recent years,” he told VIN News, “however I think it’s important to do it for the right reasons. It’s a valuable tool that should be used in self-defense situations.”

Tzvi also believes that frum gun owners should be open, and not try to hide it. “When it’s a stigma and people try to keep their guns private, they don’t discuss it with their children, and that could lead to dangerous situations. At this point, society accepts gun ownership, and I believe that parents should educate themselves about safety precautions when a firearm is in the home.”

Another big concern about the new NY state law is that it forbids concealed carry in shuls and houses of worship, which are high-risk targets.

Mr Waldman told Breitbart, “The fact that they’re putting our safety at risk is disgusting.”

“When it comes to the Second Amendment, I really felt it’s important for me to take a stand and to speak out, even though it means that I might get some people telling me, ‘Oh, Jews with guns,’ paint[ing us] in a bad way. I think it’s important for me to take a stand and do what we have to do to defend our right to protect ourselves.”

Mr. Waldman began his gun club when he discovered that many gun clubs conduct trainings on Shabbos, and don’t really have a Jewish atmosphere.

“I wanted to build an environment that’s more aligned with Jewish values, and it’s not to be out there with camo clothing and ‘ra, ra, ra.’ It’s more out of necessity to protect and it comes from a good place.”

“…It’s more out of willingness to protect your fellow neighbor. Let’s say I’m at synagogue and something happens — everybody around there are my friends, children, and family members. … We are a very, very tight community,” he continued.

He told Breitbart News that although “guns are quite taboo in the Jewish world for various reasons,” they are becoming more mainstream.

“One of [the reasons] is, our grandparents were forced into the gas chambers with [guns]. And whenever they see it, it brings up these horrible memories … they don’t want to relive those images,” he said.

“But…the next generation had the opportunity to grow up in a culture where guns are part of our society, meaning it’s part of American culture.”

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Give me a brake
Give me a brake
2 years ago

I personally know many frum yidden I. Brooklyn Long Island and yes in
Lakewood that are armed and trained in there usage. Don’t remember Moisher ,Dovid or he’s sons not protecting Jews with armed force

2 years ago

Totally approve Hashem helps those who helps themselves

Protect Klal Yisroel
Protect Klal Yisroel
2 years ago

This is amazing! It’s about time that we stand up to protect ourselves.
Every responsible yid should get the proper training and carry a gun at all times.

2 years ago

The supposed rabbis that are against firearms. I’d be interesting to ask them , where the rabbis against Jews owning swords and knives at a time that was the weapon of Defense. I believe this is there things mentioned in a Torah. Regarding Jew protecting themselves against someone who’s trying to kill them or their family… I don’t see why a rabbi would discourage a person who sound minded and not an ex-felon from obtaining a legal firearm and getting training So thus he’d be able to protect himself and family and maybe community members. Seems like sound minded common sense. But as I’ve gotten older I see common sense is not so common…

2 years ago

I am not clear on the rules for carrying a gun on the Sabbath. Can any of you elaborate for me?

Archy's Brother
Archy's Brother
2 years ago

His hometown of Rockland County? That’s a county not a hometown

Golus Yid
Golus Yid
2 years ago

Studies prove that gun owners aren’t any safer than non-gun owners. A Yid davens gives tzedakah, & increases his zechusim to merit Hashem’s protection.
There’s nothing “orthodox” about owning a gun. I’m not saying it’s inherently wrong for any Frum Yid but it has no place for most of us. Don’t get caught in the current gun craze affecting conservative non-Jews. We are a nation in golus that seeks divine protection & that’s enough hishtadlus for most of us.

2 years ago

Do the benefits really outweigh the risks? Unfortunately, I knew too many people who died from their own guns.
I’ve also seen too many otherwise healthy people who had sudden manic episodes in Shul.
It may depend on the place and crime rate.

2 years ago

What a load of balony. He promotes gun ownership because that’s how he makes money

my real name
my real name
2 years ago

Yedei Eisav. Without the Kol Yaakov.

2 years ago

I’m sure he means well, and I wish him and all the families safety and wellness.

But has any Rav been consulted on this? There are obviously dangers involved, and these are also the almost-literal tools of Esav, not Yaakov.