Former Head Of Israel Biological Institute: ‘I Made Three Mistakes- Pfizer Vaccines Are Dangerous’


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In a bombshell tweet issued by one of Israel’s most prominent biologists and the former head of the Israel Institute For Biological Research, Prof. Shmuel Shapira, the professor says that “I made three mistakes – with the first vaccine, the second vaccine and the third vaccine,” in reference to the COVID-19 vaccines of Pfizer. The professor added “Who says that those who were vaccinated can’t admit they were wrong?”

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Prof Shapira, who was one of the originators of an Israeli COVID-19 vaccine which was later shelved, was interviewed afterwards on Israeli television and asked to explain his position. He said that even though the Pfizer vaccines were not “fake” and had saved lives, they also “have very limited effectiveness, maybe for three months and have numerous side effects many of which are severe and have caused loss of life, and they are trying to cover this up.”

“There are publications from various places worldwide about heart infections associated with this vaccine, heart infections are sometimes lethal, it affects young people, there are significant neurological diseases associated and even a rise in susceptibility to cancer.”

Dr. Sharon Elroi-Price, Head of the Ministry of Health’s Public Health section, was quick to rebut Shapira’s claims. Speaking on Israeli radio, Price said that there is no possibility yet of knowing whether the vaccines could cause cancer, which develops over a long period of time, and might even be caused by COVID itself. Dr. Price said that Professor Shapiro is “not in touch with reality” regarding the vaccines, which do have side effects but none as serious as developing a serious case of COVID-19 itself.



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The ugly truth
The ugly truth
1 year ago

Here we go. Things are about to get a lot more interesting because more and more info are coming out regarding the vaccines being unhealthy or worse…

1 year ago

Yet authorities like him didn’t just make decisions for their own bodies
They made decisions for the entire country and for the entire population
Even for people who were at very low risk from covid. And then they forced it down their throats.
And now…. Oops I screwed up
My bad

The Hague
The Hague
1 year ago

When will Fauci and Walensky be brought up on crimes against humanity charges?

Vaccine safety
Vaccine safety
1 year ago

Has anyone put the 2+2 about the many young people suddenly dieing?

1 year ago

These individuals did an enormous disservice to society.

No chiddush
No chiddush
1 year ago

I don’t know why they’re calling this revelation a “bombshell.” My shvigger has been telling me this all along!

A concerned citizen
A concerned citizen
1 year ago

Im.glad he’s finally coming out with the truth. But he should be held accountable for all the deaths rachmanalitzlan!

1 year ago

The chickens are coming home to roost

1 year ago

BH the truth comes out.

And still those that were conned can’t face it.

1 year ago

The perpetrators of this deception should be executed!!! They blatantly violated the Nuremberg code that originally served to execute our most aggregious Nazi oppressors. We can’t let this happen again and the perpetrators must pay the ultimate price. Bibi was rumored to have aligned with Pfizer. Any and all agents of the State that ruled with an iron fist must pay!!!

1 year ago

This guy must be a conspiracy theorist or something. Obviously Dr. Sharon Elroi-Price has nothing to hide.

1 year ago

Quack, quack!

Tony Gottlieb
Tony Gottlieb
1 year ago

For the first time in my life I have a little glimpse of understanding into what it must have felt like to have been a Jew beginning in 1939 Germany. With your friends and relatives boarding trains without resistance headed to the gas chamber camps

1 year ago

4 mistake- it wasn’t a vaccine shot. 5th mistake- It was never effective, long or short term unless it created a fatality, then you could consider it effective.

1 year ago

Does this mean Trump shouldn’t take credit for warp speed anymore.

“The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind,” Trump told conservative commentator Candace Owens in an interview on Wednesday.

“I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines all are very, very good,” he said in the interview, referring to the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots.

1 year ago

rich roberts made a lot of money of these vaccines

1 year ago

This is exactly why I have never taken a single Pfizer vaccination in my entire life:- But I have taken 5 Moderna vaccinations in my life, and ב”ה am doing great, so highly recommend Moderna to every health conscious member of the Human Race.

1 year ago

Smoking is still the number one cause of cancer and now if you can smoke all you want and blame it on the vaccine and Covid isn’t that helpful

Baal Habos
Baal Habos
1 year ago

Show me the evidence.

1 year ago

He’s looking to make more money on a book and interviews.

Charles B Hall
Charles B Hall
1 year ago

Data prove him to be wrong.

1 year ago

He’s jealous they accepted the Pfizer Vaccine instead of the one he developed.

How can one take seriously his claim that good health is his interest?

One look at this morbidly obese individual tells you health is not one of his priorities.

His declining health might have nothing to do with the Pfizer vaccine, but with his being morbidly obese and over 65.

1 year ago

There is absolutely NO data supporting this looney tune’s claims

Yoel from williamsberg
Yoel from williamsberg
1 year ago

Even if the vaccines’ were in reality no good the Charedi community were bad people by not keeping distances and by making blowout weddings. Those definitely helped and we are smarter then everyone. .