EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Columbia Professor Blasts YAFFED and NYSED for Using Fake Data to Attack Yeshivas – ‘Grossly Deceptive’


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NEW YORK (VINnews Podcast) — Dr. Avi Federgruen is a Professor at the Columbia University School of Business who has had an illustrious academic career for nearly 5 decades.

Last week he submitted an affidavit to the court, proving that the “research data” compiled by YAFFED and used by the NY State Education Dept to justify its restrictions against yeshivas was phony. He said it does not even qualify as “research” by any criteria.

He said, “To classify it as research would be a gross misstatement…it does not qualify as a research study.”


Dr. Federgruen explained that the number of respondents was extremely minimal, two people or fewer per yeshiva. In addition, the survey was disseminated on social media which many Chassidim tend to avoid, unless they are out of the mainstream. Also, YAFFED never revealed what the questions were and whether they were subjective or open-ended.

In addition, he debunked the claim that high poverty levels demonstrate that education is sub-par, and he showed that Chassidim do not suffer from higher than average poverty levels.

He also slammed the NY Times and YAFFED’s claims that yeshivas suck up tax dollars, and proved that yeshivas actually save the state between $5B and $6B a year. He said, “Of all the claims being made, this is probably the most offensive and grossly deceptive that anybody has made.”


Yaakov M is a senior columnist for VIN and former Op-Ed columnist for Newsmax. He’s hosted a conservative podcast for 15 years, studied in Kollel 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi over a decade, and obtained smicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva. (However his opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect Daas Torah.)

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2 years ago

the fact is….without an education one is basically relegated to a life of poverty. Look at all the unfortunate souls who have to beg daily….even at weddings. How sad. I cannot imagine that this is what HaShem wants.

Avrohom Elya
Avrohom Elya
2 years ago

In his report he makes this claim ” 24% of Haredi population earn more than $165,000 in 2016 which is today $195,000″.
If you believe that 24% of Williamsburg and Boro Park earn over 195,000 a year I have a bridge to sell you and it is located in the boro of Brooklyn.
Something just doesn’t add up to this guy theory. Also it seems they could not get an independent ‘Expert” to counter claim, so they used one of our own. Not too convincing.

Paul Near Philadelphia
Paul Near Philadelphia
2 years ago

This is great news. Now we know that if these schools allow in state inspectors the data will clearly show they are doing nothing wrong.

2 years ago

Kiryas yoel has the HIGHEST rate of welfare in the ENTIRE US

hard at work yeshiva grad
hard at work yeshiva grad
2 years ago

Yasher Kochacha! It is about time we went on the offensive against the misyafedim!