JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Sweden was never one of Israel’s overt supporters but a shocking event due to take place in Stockholm will place the relations between the two countries in serious jeopardy. Swedish anti-Israel supporters plan to demonstrate opposite the Israeli embassy in the country in protest over Israeli policies. As part of their protest, the demonstrators have issued an official request to burn a Sefer Torah during the course of the demonstration, according to a report by Israel’s Reshet Bet.
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Swedish police are considering acceding to the horrific request, claiming that it is protected under freedom of speech. The same police force allowed a similar demonstration to take place opposite the Turkish embassy last week in which the Quran was burnt after an official request was made.
Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said in response that “I think this is a shocking thing. There is a difference between freedom of speech and freedom to desecrate and burn. We don’t need a reminder to the famous quote that “where they burn books they will burn people.” I expect the Swedish government to intervene and prevent this horrendous event. I will contact the Swedish ambassador to the UN and express my condemnation of this event.”
The event could lead to a crisis in relations between the two countries and the tensions could reach the highest diplomatic levels.
This shows that anti-Israel actions are also anti-Jewish and all Jews are threatened. So all the Yidden that hate the State are also directly threatened. When will they figure this out? When its too late?
at times the sonei hashem burning a torah evokes hashems wrath on them and turns things around
Where would they even obtain one? And how much would even the cheapest legitimate one cost? Aside from that, the big difference between the two burnings is that Wikipedia shows 2.3% of the population are formally affiliated to Muslim while 61.3% are formally affiliated to Christian (36% are not formally affiliated, but obviously the vast majority of even them have Christian upbringing) so what kind of public relations advantage are they expecting to gain by burning what is essentially their Bible in Hebrew?
We need to do Teshuva. Stop with the foolish faux outrage – a Sefer Torah is to be burned! Gevald! We need to storm the Heavens that this doesn’t happen.
They should find a sefer Torah written by a min (apikores) then it would be a mitzvah to burn it. Then all would be happy
Sweden has been seeking admission to NATO.
Sweden already burned a book holy to Islam. Perhaps the USA should let Sweden know its feelings about hate crimes directed at religion.
I wonder what would happen if we decide to burn a Koran in response to this….
I understand they also burned a Quran. (This has upset Turkey and has delayed their entry into NATO.)
they are losers who will never obtain a kosher Sefer torah. the winner here is the guy that sold it to them knowing that its just a fake imitation with no kedusha. these goyim are just stupid people wasting their time. lets get some popcorn
It is actually not so shockking. What it does prove is the far right and the far left are essentially the same thinge
the last time a Sefer Torah was burnt purposely was by the NAZIS – is Sweden now the new Third Reich?????????????????????
Will yaffed representatives be at this protest? [Yaffed funder is unemployed, so he has time t come and rejoice at the burning]